
Earth or big change? The "fifth ocean" may be in the making! Scientists: 56 km of cracks have appeared

author:Imagine sports


The Earth is made up of land and oceans, which alone occupy 70% of the Earth's surface.

The Earth has five oceans, which are the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the Antarctic Ocean, which occupy 36%, 20%, 15%, 8% and 7% of the Earth's surface area, respectively.

Earth or big change? The "fifth ocean" may be in the making! Scientists: 56 km of cracks have appeared

Since its discovery in 1951, the Ross Sea has grown in size to 4.3 million square kilometers, more than double its size 50 years ago.

In this regard, the National Science Foundation and American geologists said: "There has been a new movement in the Ross Sea recently, and a 56-kilometer-long crack has appeared, does this mean that the Ross Sea will eventually become the fifth ocean?"

Will the Ross Sea become the fifth ocean?

The National Science Foundation and American geologist Newman said: "The area of the Ross Sea is constantly expanding, but the Ross Sea is not unlimited, its maximum area is 5 million square kilometers, and now the area of the Ross Sea is 4.3 million square kilometers, so if the area of the Ross Sea increases a little more, then it will have the possibility of moving from sea to land."

Earth or big change? The "fifth ocean" may be in the making! Scientists: 56 km of cracks have appeared

So will the Ross Sea really cover an area of more than 5 million square kilometers?"

American geologist Newsman analyzed: "There is a reason why the Ross Sea has increased in size, and it is because of the melting of the Greenland ice sheet in Antarctica.

Earth or big change? The "fifth ocean" may be in the making! Scientists: 56 km of cracks have appeared

When the ice melts, it causes sea levels to rise, and the Ross Sea grows in size, and now that the snow and ice are melting, many species are becoming extinct, indicating that the two are becoming more and more connected. ”

After studying the Ross Sea, the American geologist Newman found that the Ross Sea was not much later than the other four oceans, and many geologists believe that the Ross Sea was formed 7 million years ago.

Newman believes: "The Ross Sea was formed as early as 13 million years ago, that is, in the early Tertiary period, and the early Tertiary period was the time when the dinosaurs were extinct, which means that the Ross Sea was born after the extinction of the dinosaurs."

Earth or big change? The "fifth ocean" may be in the making! Scientists: 56 km of cracks have appeared

Newman further stated: "So in what exactly period was the Ross Sea formed?"

In one of his studies, Newman found that "an ancient ice was found in the Ross Sea ice sheet, which spanned a period of 100 million years, and experts believed: "The age of the Ross Sea should be older than this ancient ice."

Earth or big change? The "fifth ocean" may be in the making! Scientists: 56 km of cracks have appeared

And with the development of science, more and more evidence shows that "the Ross Sea should have been formed earlier, and it was formed during the ancient ice age 13 million years ago, so it is possible that the Ross Sea was born 140 million years ago."

Newman argues: "The Ross Sea most likely formed 140 million years ago, and why did the Ross Sea end up being the fifth ocean?"

This has to be analyzed geologically, Newman said: "The Ross Sea is the oldest, and the Ross Sea has not been connected to the other four oceans, and the Ross Sea exists independently of the other four oceans, so it can be said that the Ross Sea has always been an independent ocean."

Earth or big change? The "fifth ocean" may be in the making! Scientists: 56 km of cracks have appeared

The Ross Sea is also the deepest, more than three times as deep as its four oceans. ”

"And from the perspective of the earth's structure, the depth of the Ross Sea should be the deepest in the ocean, so eventually the Ross Sea may become the fifth ocean."

What are the changes in the rifts in the Ross Sea?

American geologists have also made other explorations of the Ross Sea, and have found that the depth of the Ross Sea is far greater than one might think.

Experts have also found that the Ross Sea is becoming more and deeper in fissures, and that the depth of the fissures may also allow lava to erupt from the fissures, causing the Ross Sea to rise in temperature and melt more glaciers, so that the area of the Ross Sea will continue to increase.

Earth or big change? The "fifth ocean" may be in the making! Scientists: 56 km of cracks have appeared

Scientists have also discovered that there is a type of blue ice in the Ross Sea, which only surfaces in the summer, and experts have calculated that this blue ice is tens of thousands of years old.

What shocked many scientists even more is that the longest crack is 56 kilometers long, so what kind of impact will this have on the Ross Sea?

Early warning signs of 56 km of cracks appeared.

The climate is changing all over the world, and the glaciers are beginning to melt, which is also causing the area of the Ross Sea to expand, and the American geologist Newman said: "The ice sheet in the Ross Sea is melting, and its area is constantly changing, and these changes are very subtle, and we can't observe these things."

Earth or big change? The "fifth ocean" may be in the making! Scientists: 56 km of cracks have appeared

But we can see anomalous changes in the rifts in the Ross Sea, which are natural warning signs. ”

1. Lava erupts from cracks.

Once the cracks in the seabed expand, it is possible for the lava to erupt from the cracks, which will lead to an increase in temperature, and the structure of the earth will also have some subtle changes, which will make the ice and snow in Antarctica melt faster, so the discovery of the cracks in the Ross Sea is a kind of early warning.

And Newman found during an expedition: "Cracks in the Ross Sea don't happen all the time, and it's not easy to form, and in this crack there is a fish called the Spinback Fish, which is a very amazing fish, and it has a sensor called the Ice Sensor, which can detect the location of the cracks in the ice."

Earth or big change? The "fifth ocean" may be in the making! Scientists: 56 km of cracks have appeared

It's also a way to protect itself, as soon as it senses a change in the nearby ice, it can run away as soon as it notices a change, so that it can keep itself safe.

Scientists have also found that "the fish itself has very good blood, and the fish only lives on the dark bottom of the sea, so the ice will maintain its original temperature."

The experts also found that "the life of the spineback fish is in the last flourishing period of life on Earth, and it also bears many human characteristics on it, and even has sounds similar to fish music."

Earth or big change? The "fifth ocean" may be in the making! Scientists: 56 km of cracks have appeared

Experts believe that "the appearance of the backbonefish also indicates the change of the earth, which may be the extinction of human beings on the earth, and scientists can prevent future changes on the earth through the backbonefish."

2. The impact of seafloor lava on humans.

Submarine volcanoes are a threat to the Ross Sea, once there is a volcano in the Ross Sea, then New York, Washington and Washington may all be swallowed by the volcano, and what is more terrifying is that it may have a great impact on human life and cause global extreme climate.

The appearance of such a huge ocean crack, the impact on humanity.

Scientist Newman analyzed: "The emergence of ocean cracks is a kind of builder for the earth, connecting the continents more closely, making the tide more surging, and ocean cracks can also make the earth revitalize."

Earth or big change? The "fifth ocean" may be in the making! Scientists: 56 km of cracks have appeared

But for human beings, the emergence of natural fissures is also a kind of extinction crisis, and after hundreds of millions of years of evolution in ocean fissures, it may also trigger the emergence of large-scale tsunamis.

This is a catastrophe for mankind, so the emergence of such a huge ocean crack must arouse the great attention of mankind. ”

Earth or big change? The "fifth ocean" may be in the making! Scientists: 56 km of cracks have appeared

Scientists will also closely monitor the dynamics of the Ross Sea, and even if there are any unexpected changes, they must respond as soon as possible to avoid irreparable damage.


Whether the "fifth ocean" will be born still requires scientists to conduct more research on the Ross Sea, and once there are more research results, I believe that scientists will also disclose them to the public in a timely manner.

The earth is the home of human beings, and I don't think anyone wants to see some irreversible changes in its appearance, so we still have to respect the power of nature, look at these things from a scientific perspective, and we will definitely find a solution.

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