
The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

author:Jack-of-all-trades in the entertainment industry

The entertainment industry is a huge vanity fair, and those who enter it are basically swallowed up by interests, if they are not blinded by desire, maybe there will not be so many unspoken rules in the entertainment industry.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Actor is originally a very lucrative profession, especially those popular traffic stars, let alone acting, they can take an endorsement casually, at least hundreds of thousands, and the more outstanding the strength, the more money there is.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

This may be the reason why there are so many people who want to become popular in the entertainment industry even if they don't hesitate to unspoken rules.

It is with them that people in the entertainment industry will be so turbid, but in addition to them, even in the mud, there is still a lotus flower that is "clear and rippling, but not demonic".

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

There will naturally be people in the entertainment industry who are different from them, indifferent to fame and fortune, who do not accept advertisements and do not go to variety shows.

just wants to do what they should do well, in fact, there are not a few such people in the entertainment industry, such as these actresses, their spirit is really admirable.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Liu Lin

Liu Lin has been very fond of acting since she was a child, and her dream since she was a child was to become an actor.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

After graduating from junior high school, she joined the acting training institution, and after graduating from high school, she was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy with excellent results.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Compared with others, Liu Lin's starting point in the entertainment industry is still very high, and after graduation, she went to Hong Kong with Huang Lei and filmed the movie "Singing in the Middle of the Night" with Leslie Cheung, Wu Qianlian and other celebrities.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

With the blessing of many big names, it is really difficult for this film not to be popular, and after the movie was broadcast, Liu Lin naturally became famous, and then took over a lot of excellent works, one of which even Li Bingbing had to match her.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

In 2000, she starred in the drama "Coming Home for the New Year", which also won her the "Best Actress at the Singapore International Film Festival" in one fell swoop.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

But at this time, she met her own love, most girls are a little blind to love, even Liu Lin, who was on fire at the time, and Liu Lin met director Zhang Li when her career was booming.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Although Zhang Li is a well-known excellent director in the circle, he is also a well-known scum emotionally, but the authorities are fascinated, and after being with her, Liu Lin gave up her legitimate career and chose to take care of Zhang Li's life.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

At that time, Liu Lin was also young and believed in love very much, thinking that the two would have a perfect ending, but he didn't expect Zhang Li to be impatient for a long time, and chose to break up with Liu Lin after cheating.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

The front foot just broke up with Liu Lin, and the back foot entered the palace of marriage with Liu Bei, who was married for the second time, and the good news of the marriage between the two also made the headlines of the newspaper, paying so much for him, but the person who came to him in the end was not himself.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Only people who have experienced the same thing can understand how painful Liu Lin was at that time, this relationship naturally brought Liu Lin a lot of blows, but fortunately, she did not sink all the time.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

After adjusting her condition, she began to continue filming, although she lost a relationship, but fortunately, she found a sincere friendship again, and met Mei Ting because of the filming of "Camphor Tree".

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

The two don't know each other, maybe they haven't forgotten the last relationship, when filming a dispute with Mei Ting, even though the director has already shouted the card, Liu Lin's emotions have always been online.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Mei Ting also followed this trend and quarreled with her, thinking that the relationship between the two would become very bad this time, but she didn't expect to achieve the excellence of the two of them.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Later, the two also co-produced "Parents Love" together, and after filming and getting married, they were pregnant at the same time, and after having a child, they were not only good girlfriends, but also friends with babies.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses
The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Although Liu Lin has loved and hurt, but fortunately, she finally found her own happiness in the end, and now her career in the entertainment industry is also booming, whether it is in "Do You Know If You Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin".

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

is still the role of the simple and kind forest farm woman in "The Glory of the Fathers", and her acting skills in the play are even more feasting for the eyes.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Liu Lin has been filming diligently for many years, and it is rare to see her accept advertisements and appear in variety shows, and for these, she just wants to play well.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Yan Bingyan

Maybe this name will be a little unfamiliar to many people, but I have definitely seen the works she starred in, don't look at her name is not very well-known, but her achievements in acting are undoubted.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Yan Bingyan was not born in a professional class, before entering the performance industry, she was a dance worker, and later participated in the work "Gan Nineteen Sisters" by chance, which allowed her to enter the entertainment industry.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Not only when dancing and acting, Yan Bingyan has always adhered to: since you have chosen one thing, you must do it well.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Even in the face of the entertainment industry full of fame and fortune, she did not change her mind.

Even though she later became very famous in the entertainment industry, many people persuaded her to hype up some to enhance her fame, but Yan Bingyan did not, but reprimanded this behavior.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Seriously, if she is really hyped, then maybe her reputation will really be hotter than now, and her second work "Red Cross Party" won her the "Golden Eagle Award for Best Supporting Actress".

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Not long after starring in "The Teeth of Love" in this drama, she won the "Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress" again.

It can be said that the scenery is infinite for a while, and she became famous in the first battle, and naturally received a lot of advertisements and variety show invitations at that time, but she always regarded these as dung.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

It can be seen from her later practices that Yan Bingyan doesn't care about these fame and fortunes in the entertainment industry at all, and after winning the award, most people will definitely strike while the iron is hot and choose to appear in a few more dramas.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Yan Bingyan did not have the peak of her career and chose to disappear in the entertainment industry, and later became a dark horse after entering the entertainment industry.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses
starred in "Ten Thousand Arrows Piercing the Heart", which won her many awards such as Hundred Flowers, Temple of Heaven, and Huabiao.

Even so, she still doesn't accept any advertisements and variety shows, and others may have been full of advertisements and commercial activities early in the morning, but Yan Bingyan still insists on coming up with new ones, because she has always insisted on acting well from beginning to end.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

She also said on the show

"She won't participate in anything that has nothing to do with movies and TV series."

If the entertainment industry is like a good actor like Yan Bingyan, I believe that there will be fewer and fewer people watching TV.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Wu Yue

Although Wu Yue is well-known for her role in the hateful role of "Little San Ling Ling" in "The First Half of My Life", she is hated so much that she grits her teeth, but this does not affect her popularity outside the play at all.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

It can only be said that most netizens still know how to distinguish between right and wrong, and the reason why the audience hates the characters in the play so much also reflects that her acting skills are online.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

What did Wu Yue say, he already knew everything from the first time he saw her, and he has been working hard in the entertainment industry for many years, and like her appearance, he is also a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

does not hype, does not accept advertisements, does not go to variety shows, and only focuses on acting, she is one of the few good actors in the entertainment industry who wants to bring good roles to the audience, and for her, the failure of her life may be the failed relationship between her and Chen Jianbin .

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

When they were together, they relied on their connections to introduce Chen Jianbin to the role, and took care of his life, even if the house where the two lived was Wu Yue's, the reason why Chen Jianbin became popular in the entertainment industry was definitely due to Wu Yue's contributions.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

But what people didn't expect was that after the resources introduced to him by Wu Yue became popular, he turned around and left Wu Yue without saying a word, which is a big blow to any girl, and Wu Yue still looked at him very seriously at that time.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

The two have been together for many years, Chen Jianbin has never mentioned that he wants to give Wu Yue a home, but he turned his head and married Jiang Qinqin into the family, he is happy, but he has never considered Wu Yue's feelings.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Fortunately, Wu Yue can be regarded as getting rid of the scumbag as soon as possible, frustrated in love and proud in the workplace, after leaving Chen Jianbin Wu Yue's career has become more prosperous, and his performance in "County Party Committee Compound" has amazed many audiences.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

watched her performance, no one did not say that her acting skills were good, and after leaving Chen Jianbin , she had not heard of Wu Yue's new relationship.

Although netizens are very curious, Wu Yue has never hyped up her love life, and she just wants to play a good role in the circle.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses


Yongmei is very poetic just by looking at this name, and this name is her father's hope that she can be as strong, noble, modest, and loyal as plum blossoms.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Later, Yongmei was really as noble, strong and loyal as her name implies, as an actor Yongmei also debuted in a non-professional class, and she was a small staff member in the company before becoming an actor.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

When she was in college, she starred in the MV of a song by the Black Panther because of her good looks, which also laid the foundation for her to become an actress in the future.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

So she quit her stable job, came to the big city of Beijing to develop, and entered Xu Gehui's studio to work, because she looked better, she became a host in front of the stage.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

After appearing on the screen, her unique temperament attracted the attention of the director, so she later had her first work "Muyun's Man".

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Although it was the first time she was filming, she performed very well, and her wonderful performance in this drama was recognized by the director, who felt that she was a material to be made, and later introduced her to other directors.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

Since then, Yongmei has completely given up her original job and focused on acting, after entering the entertainment industry.

Yongmei has always adhered to the character of not fighting or grabbing, filming seriously, even if it is an insignificant small supporting role, she is also very attentive, and she has to study and ponder carefully before filming.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

It is said that she would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, but Yongmei doesn't think so, she is very indifferent to fame and fortune, even if she later won the "Berlin Queen" with the film "Forever and Forever".

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

After winning the award because of her unassuming, her life soon returned to normal, and she has always been very low-key in the entertainment industry.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

In addition to seeing her in the play, she is really rarely seen in advertisements, commercial activities and variety shows.

Because of her love of reading, she once participated in Dong Qing's "Reader", and even if she stands with Dong Qing, who is full of poetry and books, she is not inferior to the brilliance.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

As she grows older, she prefers an elegant life for Yongmei, living in the suburbs of Beijing, drinking tea and chatting with three or two friends, this is the life she yearns for.

The 4 actresses who are indifferent to fame and fortune do not shoot commercials or variety shows, and they are all at the level of actresses

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