
James Watson, the "father of DNA", believes that according to the structure of DNA, blacks are all low-intelligence species that have not fully evolved. As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused widespread controversy, but

author:Li Law lectured on the law

James Watson, the "father of DNA", believes that according to the structure of DNA, blacks are all low-intelligence species that have not fully evolved. As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused widespread controversy, but even after being deprived of the last title, James refused to give up his original intention.

In today's rapid development of social civilization, people's prejudice against race still exists, and whether these prejudices are true has become one of the topics widely discussed in society.

In 2019, a documentary published by ABC quickly caused heated discussions in society as soon as it was broadcast.

This was supposed to be a documentary about the famous American biologist James Dewey Watson, but his speech in the documentary made many black people feel "offended".

In the documentary, Watson bluntly stated that he believes that after IQ tests, there is a clear gap between blacks and whites.

In fact, this is not the first time Watson has made such a statement, as he lost his position as president of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory for "discriminatory remarks" more than a decade ago.

Watson at the time was unabashedly expressing his "opinion" of blacks on the show.

He stated that he was "naturally pessimistic about the prospects of Africa" and that although he did not want to believe it, he could still feel the "gap" when dealing with black people.

Years later, the prestigious biologist is still stubbornly believing that black people are low IQ and is reluctant to change his opinion, even in the face of controversy and condemnation.

In the face of years of disapproval, Watson said that "it has not changed this perception at all".

He argues that blacks do have IQ gaps with whites, and not only that, but that such a gap will be inherited, which means that blacks are inherently genetically worse than whites.

Watson's statement undoubtedly deeply hurt the black race.

Watson was deeply sorry for their outrage and said that these "differences" were not what he wanted to see, but facts with "scientific evidence."

If he could, Watson hoped that people could do something to change that.

Watson was one of the most influential scientists of the 20th century, and he was also a biologist with high expectations, winning the Nobel Prize with his colleagues at the age of 34.

The young and promising Watson achieved the position of director of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory early and made great contributions to the field of biology.

With this development, Watson could have had a good old age.

However, Watson was criticized and condemned by all walks of life for his "biased speech" more than ten years ago, and under the protests of all walks of life, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory dissolved relations with him.

This has severely affected Watson's career, and he himself does not seem to have changed his mind as a result.

So is there really a scientific basis for Watson's claim that "there is a gap in IQ between blacks and whites"?

In fact, there are a variety of factors that affect IQ.

Innate genetic influence is only one of the factors, the living and educational environment and the acquired efforts are all important influencing factors.

Even innate factors can only determine the development potential of the brain, but whether these potentials can be fully exploited depends on the acquired environmental influence.

The most important point is that IQ has nothing to do with the color of the race, and this is not an excuse or reason to be prejudiced against people of different skin colors.

Therefore, Watson's claim is not absolutely convincing, and there is not enough scientific evidence to verify it.

In today's rapid development of society, prejudice between human beings has been gradually eliminated, and each race has its own strengths and weaknesses, and there is no so-called "noble" and "inferior".

On a populous earth, only by coexisting and developing in harmony can all human beings build a hopeful future.


Source: Watson, the father of DNA, was exiled from the American academic community for racial discrimination: more than ten years of stubbornness - overseas network

James Watson, the "father of DNA", believes that according to the structure of DNA, blacks are all low-intelligence species that have not fully evolved. As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused widespread controversy, but
James Watson, the "father of DNA", believes that according to the structure of DNA, blacks are all low-intelligence species that have not fully evolved. As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused widespread controversy, but
James Watson, the "father of DNA", believes that according to the structure of DNA, blacks are all low-intelligence species that have not fully evolved. As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused widespread controversy, but

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