
Guanyun Rural Commercial Bank actively participated in the centralized publicity and safety production consultation activities on the prevention of illegal fundraising


In order to improve the vigilance of the general public against illegal fundraising, enhance the awareness of safe production, and create a safe and harmonious social environment, on June 15, the Guanyun Supervision Branch organized and carried out the "6.15" prevention of illegal fundraising concentrated publicity and safety production consultation activities in front of Liqun Square in Guanyun County, and Guanyun Rural Commercial Bank actively participated in the publicity activities, during which more than 380 copies of publicity leaflets were distributed and more than 120 questions were answered.

Guanyun Rural Commercial Bank actively participated in the centralized publicity and safety production consultation activities on the prevention of illegal fundraising

The event site was orderly, and the publicity display boards were lined up, showing typical cases of illegal fundraising, harmful consequences and prevention points with pictures and texts. The crowd stopped to watch, and the staff enthusiastically distributed promotional materials and answered consultations.

Guanyun Rural Commercial Bank actively participated in the centralized publicity and safety production consultation activities on the prevention of illegal fundraising
Guanyun Rural Commercial Bank actively participated in the centralized publicity and safety production consultation activities on the prevention of illegal fundraising

"In the past, I always thought that a good project with high returns and high returns was a good project, but now after listening to your explanation, I know that those traps are likely to be illegal fundraising, and you have to be careful in the future." "The electric car must not be pushed upstairs, but it is too dangerous!" In addition to the publicity of preventing illegal fundraising, a safety production consultation area was also set up at the event site, and professional safety propagandists shared safety life cases with the masses around the theme of this year's safety production month, "Everyone Talks about Safety, Everyone Will Respond to Emergencies - Smooth Life Channel", and answered the safety problems encountered by the masses in their daily life and work, so that they can feel the importance of safety more intuitively.

A staff member of Guanyun Rural Commercial Bank said, "Through today's event, we hope to let more people understand the dangers of illegal fundraising and raise awareness of safety precautions." "In the future, our bank will continue to increase publicity efforts and innovate publicity methods, so that the knowledge of preventing illegal fundraising and safe production will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and contribute to the joint construction of harmonious Guanyun.

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