
She retired with a salary of 3,000 and helped her two daughters take care of the baby for 6 years, and her two in-laws did this

author:Elegant beanie storytelling

Story Protagonist: Yu Zhihong Recorder: Elegant Doudou

(The story comes from life, please don't over-interpret it, the original debut, has applied for automatic rights protection on the whole network, plagiarism must be investigated)

Yu Zhihong, 65 years old this year, has two daughters, the eldest daughter is named Sifen, and the younger daughter is named 10,000. Anyone who has heard the nicknames of their two daughters will unconsciously ask a question: why did they give their children this name?

She retired with a salary of 3,000 and helped her two daughters take care of the baby for 6 years, and her two in-laws did this

That has to start with the birth of two children, Yu Zhihong's eldest daughter was born at 11:56 a.m. in the Chinese New Year's Eve, 4 minutes short of the New Year, in order to commemorate this time, she gave her eldest daughter a nickname, called Four Points.

The arrival of the second daughter was an accident, Yu Zhihong was working in a state-owned enterprise at the time, and when she was pregnant with her second child, her family became nervous.

"What to do? Or not, now that the unit is investigating strictly, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my job after giving birth to a child. Yu Zhihong said.

"I won't look for a job later, since the child is here, we want it, how can we raise it and be a companion for the eldest granddaughter." Yu Zhihong's mother-in-law said.

"I'll think of a way to find someone to ask." Yu Zhihong's husband said with a melancholy face.

A few years later, Yu Zhihong's husband brought good news and bad news. The good news is that you can find someone to transfer the household registration of a family of three from the county seat to a rural relative's village, and you can have a second child. The bad news is that if you want to keep your job, you need to pay 10,000 yuan. ”

"Children want it, you want a job, you want to borrow money." Yu Zhihong said firmly. In this way, Yu Zhihong left her second daughter, and she named her second daughter 10,000.

Although Yu Zhihong and her husband have stable jobs, they are both ordinary workers with average income, but they are never stingy with their two daughters.

Yu Zhihong's neighbor is in business, and there are two daughters at home, and the four children often play together. Whenever she saw her neighbor's two daughters wearing new clothes, she hurried to buy them for herself.

Once the neighbor's second daughter came to play with Yu Zhihong's second daughter, and the 10-year-old girl said: "My mother gave me two yuan and asked me to buy ice cream, let's go together?" ”

Yu Zhihong hurriedly gave the second daughter 2 yuan and said: "If people want to eat well, let's eat well." ”

In the evening, the second daughter asked Yu Zhihong: "Usually you give us pocket money and only give 1 cent, why do you give me 2 yuan today." ”

Yu Zhihong said: "Mom doesn't want you to go out with your children, you can only watch others eat delicious food." Poor families are rich, and they can usually save money at home, but girls must not save money when they go out. "My 10-year-old daughter doesn't seem to understand, but she is extremely happy.

She retired with a salary of 3,000 and helped her two daughters take care of the baby for 6 years, and her two in-laws did this

Under Yu Zhihong's careful care, the two daughters are sunny and confident, cheerful, kind and sensible.

It is said that the daughter is an intimate little padded jacket, and whoever raises it is blessed. Yu Zhihong worked hard to earn money for her two daughters for more than 20 years, supporting them to go to school and become talents, the eldest daughter stayed in the city, and the second daughter returned to her hometown to become a teacher.

After retirement, she was originally at the age of happiness, but the marriage of her two daughters broke her heart. The two daughters were brought back from the countryside.

Yu Zhihong said: "Although we are not too rich, you have lived in the county since you were a child, and I am afraid that you will suffer in the future when you find a rural object." ”

The eldest daughter said: "We will develop in the city in the future, and we will not go back to the countryside. ”

The second daughter said: "Although their family is in the countryside, they run a factory and earn no less money than people in the city. ”

Seeing the two future sons-in-law, Yu Zhihong said: "The two children are not bad, but the eldest daughter's family conditions are not very good, and the second daughter's mother-in-law is a bit strong." ”

"The daughter raised by our family is well-read, and it will definitely be no problem to live a good life in the future." Yu Zhihong's mother-in-law said.

Yu Zhihong's family is in the countryside, when she was looking for a partner, she first asked not to find a rural person, because her parents' preference for her brother and brother made her want to stay away from such backward ideas since she was a child.

So, when she had two daughters, she tried to make a bowl of water even. Now that the children's choices are different from her ideals, she can't help but be a little worried.

The two daughters got married one after the other, and the two sons-in-law were motivated and stable. The neighbors all said, "Zhihong, look at how good the two sons-in-law these two daughters have brought you, and you will wait for happiness in the future." Yu Zhihong smiled and said: "What kind of blessing do you want, the families that the two daughters are looking for are not particularly ideal, I will see that I can't be idle in the future." ”

Sure enough, it really made her right, Yu Zhihong just got a retirement salary of about 3,000 a few years, and within a few days of the chic and chic days of visiting the park every day, the two daughters had children one after another.

She retired with a salary of 3,000 and helped her two daughters take care of the baby for 6 years, and her two in-laws did this

The youngest daughter who lives in her hometown is pregnant first, and Yu Zhihong takes care of her throughout the pregnancy and accompanies her daughter to the prenatal checkup.

The second daughter's mother-in-law often came to the county seat to see her, and by the way, she brought some vegetables grown in the village. The second daughter's mother-in-law smiled and said: "When I got married and bought a house, it was really convenient to buy near my mother's house, thanks to the help of my mother." ”

Yu Zhihong said: "They are all their own children, how can there be mothers who don't hurt." ”

The second daughter's mother-in-law said: "We have a business at home, and the children don't want to go back to the village to live, so we can't trouble you too much, but when I need money, I will definitely not back down." ”

After the second daughter gave birth, except for the confinement period, her mother-in-law took care of her, and then Yu Zhihong took care of the child. When the second daughter's mother-in-law came to the city to do errands, she would carry things for Yu Zhihong, and the two would meet and chat for a long time.

The second daughter's mother-in-law said: "Everyone in the village envies me for having a good family. ”

Yu Zhihong said: "You are busy with business, I have nothing to do at home after retirement, just to exert my spare heat." You earn a lot of money, and the children rely on you when they need money, and my 3,000 yuan retirement salary is just enough for the family's expenses. You contribute, I contribute, and the children's good life is our blessing. ”

When the second daughter's child got sick from an early age, her mother-in-law took the money, and when she went to kindergarten at the age of three, the second daughter's mother-in-law said: "I will pay for the child's tuition in the future, and your mother-in-law has worked hard to take care of the child in recent years, and you two will respect her more in the future." ”

The second daughter's child went to school, so Yu Zhihong went to the city to help the eldest daughter take care of the child. The eldest daughter's in-laws still have grandparents in their 80s, and the in-laws can't go to the city to take care of the children.

The eldest daughter's mother-in-law said: "Your mother-in-law is going to take care of the child, I will pay for it, it stands to reason that we should take care of it, we can't go to invite someone to spend money, and now let my mother-in-law work hard." ”

Yu Zhihong's eldest daughter's in-laws are authentic farmers, and it is not easy to make money, Yu Zhihong did not let her daughter ask for her mother-in-law's money, and returned it several times, but her mother-in-law insisted on giving it.

Yu Zhihong's eldest son-in-law said: "You can accept it, so that my parents can feel at ease." ”

Yu Zhihong said to her eldest daughter: "Although your in-laws don't have any great skills, they are honest people, and they will treat the second elder well in the future." ”

Yu Zhihong proudly said to her husband: "My retirement salary is about 3,000, and my in-laws give me 3,000, and I am also a person with a high salary of 6,000." ”

Yu Zhihong has also brought children to her eldest daughter for three years, and she can finally go back to her hometown to live a quiet life. Nowadays, when the children are on summer vacation, they still like to come to Yu Zhihong's grandmother's house to live for a while.

In the past few years, every time before the Chinese New Year, Yu Zhihong's two in-laws will come to deliver New Year's goods, and the neighbors are very envious.

A smart, generous and empathetic mother is not only the confidence of the two daughters, but also the small fortune of the two families.

She retired with a salary of 3,000 and helped her two daughters take care of the baby for 6 years, and her two in-laws did this
