
Look at the innovation map of 1,416 party members of GCL Technology

Look at the innovation map of 1,416 party members of GCL Technology

On June 30, at the construction site of the granular silicon project of Jiangsu Zhongneng Silicon Industry Technology Development Co., Ltd., the "party building + project" model achieved remarkable results - the party organization "one needle" strung together "multiple lines" such as construction, safety, quality, and technical tackling, so that the party building work and the project construction resonated at the same frequency, and the project construction ran out of "acceleration".

At the same time, in the single crystal area of the square ingot inspection workshop of Jiangsu GCL Silicon Material Technology Development Co., Ltd., 6 inspectors successfully passed the assessment of three different processes: square rod inspection, round bar inspection and hair rod inspection, and became a veritable multi-skilled worker.

Of these six employees, five are members of the Communist Party.

Look at the innovation map of 1,416 party members of GCL Technology

It can be seen in ordinary times, stand up at critical moments, and be bold in times of crisis. With 51 party organizations and 1,416 Communist Party members, GCL Technology tempers the "black technology" of the enterprise with the "hard core force" of party members.

You can see, you can stand, and you can see it

"We can't stop at 'what is broken, what is repaired', we have to learn 'what is needed and what is built'." This is what Qiao He, director of Jiangsu GCL silicon material maintenance workshop and member of the Communist Party, often says.

In 2022, polysilicon prices continued to rise, and in order to save costs, the grinding and sorting workshop tried to process various miscellaneous materials. Qiao He rushed to make suggestions as soon as possible and formulated a plan for installing a dust removal system. The transformation task was completed a week ahead of schedule, and they only spent 200,000 yuan on the 600,000 dust collector.

Look at the innovation map of 1,416 party members of GCL Technology

Dare to fight tough battles and be good at winning battles, in GCL Technology, Communist Party members like Qiao He took the lead in fighting on the front line and repeatedly completed important tasks.

Xu Peidong, equipment management and member of the Communist Party of Jiangsu Zhongneng Silane Gas Section, has been working with GCL for 15 years, devoting himself to the work of silane gas devices, successively participating in the construction projects of 54,000 tons and 46,000 tons of granular silicon in Jiangsu Zhongneng, actively promoting digital transformation, ensuring the commissioning and operation of key equipment through technological transformation, and consolidating the cornerstone of GCL with the spirit of hard work.

Look at the innovation map of 1,416 party members of GCL Technology

Fan Guoyang, an expert in the industrial silicon industry and executive deputy general manager of Inner Mongolia Xinyuan (nano-silicon), adheres to the concept of GCL's speed, and realizes the simultaneous production of 10 furnaces on March 23, 2023, and achieves the goal of reaching production in one week. The yield of silicon blocks increased rapidly from 42.23 tons in April to 53.35 tons in May, becoming the leader in the industry.

Not only that, the yield of that year repeatedly broke the record, reaching 58 tons! The quality ratio of polycrystalline and above has also gone hand in hand, from 62% to 95%, and has now stabilized at more than 97.5%, setting a feat in the industry!

"We are members of the Communist Party, and at the critical moment, we must 'see, stand, and be open-minded.'" Fan Guoyang said that strong hard work, emphasizing practice, grasping implementation, and seeing results are the background colors of GCL Communist Party members.

Shen Tingting, assistant general manager of Funing GCL PV and member of the Communist Party, she exchanged the "hardship index" for the "happiness index" of the employees, led a series of high-quality projects to empower the growth of employees, provided front-line workers with multi-faceted promotion channels, and effectively guaranteed the construction of the company's talent echelon.

Where the project is built, the party building work is implemented

No. 1001, Longxiang Road, Wutongqiao District, Leshan City, Leshan GCL New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. site.

The 14 3.5-meter-high blue characters of "Building an Industry Benchmark Project and Creating a Global Benchmark Product" have become the two most eye-catching symbols of GCL Leshan together with the party flag standing in front of the project command department.

June 23, 2021 is a day worth remembering for GCL Leshan. On this day, Leshan GCL held a party member meeting to elect the first party committee of the company. This is the youngest and youngest party committee of GCL Group.

Look at the innovation map of 1,416 party members of GCL Technology

On July 28 of that year, the relevant leaders of the Organization Department of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee made a special trip to the project headquarters to investigate the construction of the "two new" organizations, and highly appreciated the company's party building concept of "where the project is built, where the party building work is implemented".

Promote the extension of the construction of the party organization to the team, and train the team leader and production backbone into party members; Train party members into team leaders and production backbones, and gradually build the team into a commando and sharp knife squad that plays the role of the party branch as a fighting fortress. This is the highlight of the Inner Mongolia Xinyuan Party Committee to further promote the "double training" project.

Look at the innovation map of 1,416 party members of GCL Technology

During the exchange, the person in charge of the company's party affairs said that the company's party committee adheres to the concept of "party building helps the development of enterprises", unswervingly promotes the work of party building, and provides indispensable guarantee and support for the healthy development of the company.

A branch is a fighting fortress.

In 2023, the Party Branch of Jiangsu Zhongneng Granular Silicon Branch will face the challenges of both production and project construction, and how to ensure that the project and production go hand in hand - a 46,000-ton project assault team with Xu Yue as the team leader and 18 party members as the team members, and a 54,000-ton granular silicon high-quality and high-yield overcoming team with Zhu Yanzhi as the team leader and 28 party members as the team members, both of which were established at the same time. United, courageously moving forward, the two projects completed their tasks ahead of schedule and with good quality.

Since its establishment, the party organization of Ningxia GCL Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd., far away in the Tengger Desert, has always taken the party building concept of "green GCL party flag red", organically combined the party building work with the development of the enterprise, and practiced the political core role of the party organization around the production and operation work center, which has played a positive role in promoting the company's production and operation.

The strongest voice of "GCL Technology" was issued

There is a place for promising.

Lan Tianshi, Co-CEO of GCL Technology. In recent years, he has been elected as a member of the presidium of the High-end Equipment Manufacturing and Instrumentation Committee of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, a representative of the 14th Party Congress of Jiangsu Province, and a representative of the Xuzhou Municipal People's Congress.

Look at the innovation map of 1,416 party members of GCL Technology

It is worth mentioning that Jiangsu Zhongneng has become the first batch of Xuzhou Municipal People's Congress deputies to the economic operation observation point, and the analysis report of the economic operation observation point reported by Lan Tianshi has received great attention from the Provincial People's Congress, and the relevant suggestions are being solved by the provincial and municipal people's congresses.

Look at the innovation map of 1,416 party members of GCL Technology

Yang Mengli, deputy secretary of the party branch of Henan GCL PV and representative of the 11th Party Congress of Henan Province, established the "Mengli Helping Enterprise Studio" in 2022. Zhang Chunfeng, dean of the Party Building College of Non-public Enterprises in Luohe City, Henan Province, commented that the studio has built a bridge for enterprise contact, promoted communication and mutual help between enterprises, and promoted mutual learning, which is of great significance for realizing the demands of party members and the masses "everything has been implemented and everything has an echo".

Look at the innovation map of 1,416 party members of GCL Technology

On the morning of January 13, 2023, the first session of the 13th People's Congress of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was grandly opened in Yinchuan. Ding Wei, deputy general manager of Ningxia GCL Crystal Technology Development Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of GCL Technology, as a newly elected deputy to the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region, stepped into the Ningxia People's Hall to make suggestions and suggestions for local development.

Coincidentally. On the morning of January 15, Liu Fafa, assistant engineer of Jiangsu GCL Silicon Material Slicing Branch, as a representative of the Provincial People's Congress, happily attended the first meeting of the 14th Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress.

Look at the innovation map of 1,416 party members of GCL Technology

According to incomplete statistics, GCL Technology currently has more than 10 deputies to the people's congresses and CPPCC members at all levels, in addition to 2 provincial people's congress deputies, there are also many people's congress deputies and CPPCC members at the city and county (district) levels.

In recent years, GCL Technology and its subsidiaries have won more than 100 honors from the Party and Labor League at or above the county level. Among them, Yangzhou GCL Photovoltaic Slicing Workshop and Suzhou GCL Photovoltaic Manufacturing Slicing Class C won the "National Worker Pioneer"; GCL Solar Funing won the title of "National Model Workers' Home"; Jiangsu Zhongneng Party Committee has been awarded the title of "Advanced Grassroots Party Organization" by the Organization Department of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee.

Look at the innovation map of 1,416 party members of GCL Technology

The foundation of party building is solid, and the enterprise industry is prosperous. GCL Technology adheres to the deep integration of the party's organizational construction with the production and operation of the enterprise, takes the red gene to lead the green development as the general program, strengthens and optimizes the party building of the enterprise, continuously improves the combat effectiveness, cohesion and competitiveness of the enterprise, and continues to promote the high-quality development of the enterprise.

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