
In 2020, the 84-year-old man took the college entrance examination and scored 630 after the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he checked the score!

author:Xi Yan said
This article is fictitious, the pictures are all network maps, and the names of people and places are all fabricated.

In the 2020 college entrance examination, a gray-haired figure is particularly conspicuous in the crowd. The 84-year-old Wang Guigui stepped on the battlefield of the college entrance examination for the third time, this time he was full of confidence, and as soon as he got out of the examination room, he said: The estimated score is 630, which is proper.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately exploded on the Internet, and netizens were waiting to see the inspirational story of the old man who counterattacked and went to college and lived to learn from the old man. As a result, as soon as the results of the college entrance examination came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

So how many points did Wang Guigui score? Why did he take the college entrance examination again at this age?

The octogenarian fights the college entrance examination three times, what's the picture?

Some people say that the old man is a model of "living to old age and being admitted to old age", and some people question that he still joins in the excitement of the college entrance examination when he is old, which is not a waste of public resources!

However, in the face of such doubts, the old man didn't say anything, but those who know him know that he took the college entrance examination not on a whim, but to satisfy his regrets for many years.

In Changsha in the thirties of the 20th century, the pace of life was slow, and Wang Guigui was born in this era, a very ordinary family.

When he was a child, Wang Guigui ran crazy in the streets and alleys of Changsha all day long, digging birds' nests in trees, and going down to the river to touch fish and shrimp, and he was as energetic as a foal.

The school classroom is simply the most boring place in the world for him. Rather than boring textbooks, he prefers to play with his friends, free and carefree.

At that time, the family conditions were average, and it was not easy for his parents to provide him with education. But Wang Guigui is really not interested in learning, and his grades have always been at the bottom. Within a few years, he dropped out of school and entered a factory to become an assembly line worker.

Life in the factory is monotonous and repetitive, and Wang Precious repeats the same movements and looks at the same parts every day.

And those young people who entered the factory with him, because of their high education, were quickly transferred to the technical department, and some even became workshop managers, with a salary much higher than him.

In 2020, the 84-year-old man took the college entrance examination and scored 630 after the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he checked the score!

Watching his former companions rise one by one, Wang Guigui had mixed feelings in his heart, and he couldn't tell the taste as if he had knocked over a cruet.

Only then did he realize that the consequence of not studying well back then was that now he could only watch others climb up, while he was left far behind.

This sense of disparity brought about by academic qualifications deeply pierced Wang's precious heart. He was secretly determined that he would never let his children repeat the mistakes of the past.

Later, Wang Guigui became a family and had children of his own. He turned all the regrets about learning back then into expectations for the children.

He urged the children to study every day, taught them the importance of studying hard, and encouraged them to go to university and change their fate. Under his strict requirements, the children were very competitive, and eventually they were all admitted to university and found their dream jobs.

Watching the children succeed in learning, Wang Guigui felt a relief in his heart, but at the same time, he also felt that he didn't like to learn back then, and he was simply "rotten wood that cannot be carved".

The more I think about it, the more I regret it, and sometimes I think about what I would be like now if I had studied hard back then?

Retirement dreams come true, and the college entrance examination will be fought again in old age

After retirement, Wang is precious, and his life is leisurely. He planted flowers and raised birds every day, occasionally played chess with old friends, drank tea, and lived a comfortable life.

But the peaceful retirement life did not soothe the regret in Wang Guigui's heart. Looking at the bookshelves at home, full of textbooks and materials that the children studied back then, an impulse surged into my heart: Why don't I go to take the college entrance examination?

As soon as this idea was announced, the house suddenly exploded. The wife was the first to object, she felt sorry for her husband and had to toss when she was old, and she just wanted him to enjoy his old age at home.

Although the children didn't say anything, they were also worried that their father's body would not be able to bear it.

But Wang Guigui is iron-hearted this time, and it is useless for anyone to persuade him. He found the children's previous textbooks and materials and began to review them carefully. He got up early every day, sat at his desk, and nibbled on the knowledge points that seemed like a book to him word by word.

In 2012, 76-year-old Wang Guigui, wearing clean clothes, appeared energetically outside the college entrance examination room, becoming the most special existence in the crowd.

The surrounding candidates and parents all cast curious glances at him, and some people secretly talked about this "grandfather-level" candidate.

The results of the college entrance examination were announced, and Wang Guigui scored more than 100 points, although there is still a big gap from the undergraduate line, but this does not prevent him from boasting about his "achievements" whenever he meets people.

He was like a general who had won a battle, excitedly announcing to everyone that he would continue to fight and strive for better results in the next exam.

Four years later, Wang Guigui signed up for the college entrance examination again. This time he worked harder, spending almost all of his time studying every day except for eating and sleeping.

But it backfired, and when the results of the college entrance examination were announced, he only scored more than 60 points, which was lower than the first time.

This result made Wang Guigui's originally optimistic mood fall to the bottom. Even his old friends, who had always supported him, began to persuade him to give up, saying that he was at this age, so he should stop competing with himself.

In addition to the score, never give up on the road to chasing your dreams

The two failures in the college entrance examination did not extinguish the enthusiasm in Wang Guigui's heart, but made him more determined. He's like a wind-up old machine, running tirelessly.

Every morning, I don't go out for a walk, so I sit at my desk and review my knowledge.

In 2020, 84-year-old Wang Guigui signed up for the college entrance examination for the third time.

In 2020, the 84-year-old man took the college entrance examination and scored 630 after the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he checked the score!

Some people were moved by his spirit of insisting on his dreams, praising him as a model of "living to old age and learning from old age", while others questioned that he was wasting public resources by coming to join in the excitement of the college entrance examination when he was old, and even ridiculed him for being a fool.

In the face of all kinds of doubts and ridicule, Wang Guigui has always maintained a calm mentality. He just said lightly that he just wanted to prove that learning knows no age, and it's never too late to start dreaming.

He also optimistically predicted that he would be able to score 630 points in the college entrance examination this time, which aroused heated discussions among netizens.

On the day the college entrance examination results were announced, the Internet was very lively, and netizens were moving small benches, waiting to witness the "miracle" of Mr. Wang. But reality has given everyone a slap in the face.

Wang Guigui only scored 26 points in the college entrance examination this time, which was far lower than his expectations and lower than the expectations of netizens.

This result surprised those netizens who were expecting a miracle, and also made those who have been paying attention to Wang Guigui feel sorry.

Live to learn and ignite new hope in life

Three college entrance examinations, each time the score is lower than the other, anyone may feel depressed, but Wang Guigui did not show frustration at all, but he was quite open.

Wang Guigui later pondered his three college entrance examinations, each time he got worse than the other, why? In his own words, it is "old man, if you don't study, your brain will rust".

Indeed, at Wang Guigui's age, his memory is definitely not as good as before, and he can forget every word, let alone understand those high school textbooks that are updated year by year and are getting more and more difficult.

In addition, the reform of the college entrance examination in recent years has paid more and more attention to flexible use, but it is not the era when you could get high scores by rote memorization. The knowledge points that the old man learned back then are estimated to be outdated for a long time, and it is really difficult to get good grades in the exam.

However, Wang Guigui also said that he did not study for high scores at all, and it is estimated that in the old man's heart, the college entrance examination is not to compete with young people for college places at all, but more like a self-challenge, competing with himself, and fulfilling a dream of his youth.

Think about it, it's all this age, what else do you want? Isn't it a picture of a thought, a picture of peace of mind so that you can remember it in the future without any regrets.

Mr. Wang Guigui is telling us with practical actions: In the test of life, it is not only the score, but more importantly, the strength not to admit defeat, and the courage to pursue dreams.

Even if the final result is not satisfactory, at least I have worked hard, and when I look back in the future, I can say that I have no regrets.

Although Mr. Wang failed to realize his desire to go to college in the three college entrance examinations, his energy inspired many people. You see, even octogenarians can do their best for their dreams, so why don't we young people work hard?

In 2020, the 84-year-old man took the college entrance examination and scored 630 after the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he checked the score!

Of course, the story of Mr. Wang also tells us from the side that there are some things that are missed if you miss them. If you don't cherish your time when you're young, and you want to make up for it when you're old, you may not be able to do it.

Now, Mr. Wang has faded out of people's sight, and it is difficult to find any news of him on the Internet. Maybe he is still continuing to study and prepare for the next college entrance examination, or maybe he has found a new goal and started another wonderful life.

But in any case, we should remember this old man who chased dreams, remembered his spirit of never giving up, and the touching he brought us.


In fact, life is like a marathon, and no one knows how far they can run until the last minute. Wang's precious story is like a shot in the arm, giving a dose of chicken blood to those who are confused and confused on the road of life.

Don't care what others say, don't care how old you are, as long as there is still a flame of dreams in your heart, chase it bravely, don't wait until you're old to regret not giving it a go.

This story is purely fictional, the names and events in the story are fictional, and the purpose of using place names is only for the purpose of describing the plot and making it easy to read and understand.

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