
Journey to the West: Why was the ginseng fruit tree pushed down by Sun Wukong, and Zhenyuan Daxian was not in a hurry at all?

author:Coffee History C

In the masterpiece Journey to the West, there is a puzzling detail: Sun Wukong knocked down the precious fruit tree because he stole the ginseng fruit of Zhenyuan Daxian, but Zhenyuan Daxian was not in a hurry at all. Faced with the cry of his disciple Qingfeng Mingyue, he actually smiled and comforted the other party not to cry, and he would "clean up" Sun Wukong.

Journey to the West: Why was the ginseng fruit tree pushed down by Sun Wukong, and Zhenyuan Daxian was not in a hurry at all?

As an immortal family with an extraordinary status, why is Zhenyuan Daxian so calm about the destruction of the family heirloom? This begs the question, is there something else behind it?

Journey to the West: Why was the ginseng fruit tree pushed down by Sun Wukong, and Zhenyuan Daxian was not in a hurry at all?

Phew, this is really a puzzling gossip! It stands to reason that the ginseng fruit tree in Zhenyuan Daxian's house is a priceless treasure, and it was overthrown by that monkey-like Sun Xing in a fit of anger, how to look at it is staggering.

It is said that the elder of the town should be like thunder and cry bitterly, but his face did not change, and he comforted his apprentice with a smile not to cry. You say that the immortals of this year are too chic, right? Even I, a well-fed mortal, would have been impressed by his calmness!

Journey to the West: Why was the ginseng fruit tree pushed down by Sun Wukong, and Zhenyuan Daxian was not in a hurry at all?

Let's take a closer look: Let's talk about Zhenyuan Daxian first, he, the old man of the immortal family, is not an ordinary immortal, it is said that his status is very high, not only in the heavenly court, but also in the heavenly court, even the three clear and four royal streams, you have to give him a few thin noodles. This is not my bragging, you can check the classics!

Qingfeng Mingyue's two little apprentices are not promising. As soon as he heard that his tree had been overthrown, he cried like two dogs, and he didn't show any cultivation. If you want me to say, these two little guys should really learn the teacher's calmness, maybe they can still succeed in cultivation!

Journey to the West: Why was the ginseng fruit tree pushed down by Sun Wukong, and Zhenyuan Daxian was not in a hurry at all?

Having said that, although the ginseng fruit tree is the treasure of the Zhenyuan family, if you want me to see, its origin is not very elegant. It is said that it was produced by the immortals above the Nine Heavens, and when it fell to the mortal world, it turned into this fruit tree. Who would have thought that the strange fruit that appeared out of thin air on this tree was actually the widow of a high-powered immortal? It's cheesy!

But for Zhenyuan Daxian, this is a treasure among treasures. The spirituality of the ginseng fruit is so strong that even the nectar water of Guanyin Bodhisattva works. It seems that this fruit is not covered, it is really a living thing! No wonder even the Taishang Dao Ancestor, known as "Lao Jun", couldn't put down this tree and was reluctant to let it go.

Journey to the West: Why was the ginseng fruit tree pushed down by Sun Wukong, and Zhenyuan Daxian was not in a hurry at all?

Thinking about it carefully, I think that Zhenyuan Daxian has underestimated Sun Xingzhi's unintentional intentions. After all, although Sun Wukong is a naughty troublemaker, he is simple-hearted and has no malice. If Sun Dasheng made up his mind to destroy other people's trees, I'm afraid that even Zhenyuan Daxian would not be able to stop his destructive power, right?

It can be seen that Zhen Yuanzi has a different view of Sun Xingzhi. He was testing Sun Dasheng intentionally or unintentionally to see if he had the courage and ability to make up for his mistakes. Sure enough, in the end, Sun Wukong ran around and asked for help, and finally got a remedy from Guanyin Bodhisattva, which brought the treasure tree back to life.

Journey to the West: Why was the ginseng fruit tree pushed down by Sun Wukong, and Zhenyuan Daxian was not in a hurry at all?

This process really tested Sun Wukong's courage and determination. Especially when he saw that the other gods and Buddhas were powerless to heal the ginseng fruit tree, he still did not give up, and finally had a way out under the guidance of Guanyin Bodhisattva. This kind of indomitable spirit will definitely make Zhenyuan Daxian appreciate it, and even worship as a brother.

Journey to the West: Why was the ginseng fruit tree pushed down by Sun Wukong, and Zhenyuan Daxian was not in a hurry at all?

Through this storyline of peaks and loops, I finally understood why Zhenyuan Daxian was so calm at first: it turned out that he was actually secretly taking the test for Sun Wukong's cultivation and heart! Unexpectedly, Sun Da Bible withstood this test, not only showing courage and resilience, but also letting people see his simple and kind nature.

Journey to the West: Why was the ginseng fruit tree pushed down by Sun Wukong, and Zhenyuan Daxian was not in a hurry at all?

is the so-called shameful and courageous, wise and foolish, Sun Wukong's performance is really admirable. And Zhenyuan Daxian can see through the essence of things and use wisdom to consider people's hearts, which really shows his old man's profound cultivation. It seems that if you want to achieve positive results, you need not only painstaking study in kung fu, but also a wise wisdom that penetrates people's hearts#头条首发大赛! #

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