
31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

author:Little Brother 2i2N

Mach 31's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Our mother is strong, and the lost cultural relics will go home by themselves [look] [look] [look]


Hahahaha, and then the reloaded synthetic brigade went [tears run]

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

More than 10 kilometers in a second [look] emmm means that Ultraman has to die when he comes [呲tooth][ok]

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

The original Ultraman flew at a speed of Mach 5, and the king of Ultraman flew at a speed of Mach 20 [Look]

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

The father of Ultraman has to be beaten when he comes [flash of inspiration]

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

Look at you, why do you use fake, where does it come from, it's all true. Fake ones aren't enough to send them once. I'm a 90's conservative and I think radicals are too conservative. [Look] [Look] [Look]

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

Up to Mach 31, if you return home, you will keep slowing down, and if you don't return, you will go straight to it [Look]

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

You come back first and then let our mother fight

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

It turns out that this is the legendary palm technique that fell from the sky

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

It's so shocking, it's Mach 31 to return safely, but there are some things that it doesn't need to return, and it doesn't have to be so safe [look]

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

Based on Einstein's theory of relativity, I suspect we're working on a space-time shuttle.

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

No, no, no, 31 is to land safely [ok] [ok], slowed down, so what if you don't land safely [stunned] [stunned] [stunned]

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

Let's just say that a satellite was launched from the moon and landed exactly in Inner Mongolia [look]

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

Of course, it's more than Mach 31, because this is a probe, and it has lunar soil in it, so you have to make sure that the probe lands safely.

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

Have you ever heard of a palm technique that falls from the sky?

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

The poor monk has a set of palm techniques that fall from the sky, and I would like to show you that science and technology are not only productivity, but also the backbone and confidence, donor, you stepped on my ground.

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

It's no different from moving forward, it's incredible to be able to go to the city in a second

31 Mach's palm technique has taught many countries to be civilized and polite! Lost artifacts will go home on their own

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