
Laughing! 31 Mach speed is not as fast as the speed of the nations, and it turns out that the lunar soil is a messenger of peace

author:Universality does not exist

In the vast sea of science and technology, Chang'e-6 is like a meteor, passing through the atmosphere at a staggering speed of Mach 31, you know, Mach 1 is 1 times the speed of sound, and Mach 31, that is, the speed of sound is thrown out of the distance of several streets, about 10540 m/s, where is the flight, it is simply a teleportation live broadcast! At such a speed, even jets can only be seen in the dust, watching Chang'e-6 cut through the sky, leaving a string of exclamation points.

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Laughing! 31 Mach speed is not as fast as the speed of the nations, and it turns out that the lunar soil is a messenger of peace

But this high-speed journey brings back not only lunar soil, but also a story of history, culture and dignity. I remember a report that a Chinese tourist in a British museum, facing those Chinese cultural relics that have been sealed by the dust of time, is heard by the cynicism of onlookers: "If you have the ability, you can take it back." These words are full of contempt and provocation, but they also raise a heavy question - when will those treasures that have been exiled in a foreign land be returned to Zhao?

Laughing! 31 Mach speed is not as fast as the speed of the nations, and it turns out that the lunar soil is a messenger of peace

Just as the world is focused on the mystery of lunar soil, Germany has answered with action. They took the initiative to return the long-cherished Chinese cultural relics, a gesture that not only demonstrated reflection on the past, but also conveyed a desire for future cooperation. As if to say, "We are willing to face up to history, and we look forward to moving forward hand in hand." ”

Laughing! 31 Mach speed is not as fast as the speed of the nations, and it turns out that the lunar soil is a messenger of peace

Then, Japan joined this "ceremonial revolution" and courageously uncovered the scars of history and sought understanding and cooperation. This series of actions moved the global audience and sighed: "Is this still the Japan we are familiar with?" "Japan's openness has not only earned respect, but also injected a breath of fresh air into international relations.

Laughing! 31 Mach speed is not as fast as the speed of the nations, and it turns out that the lunar soil is a messenger of peace

This diplomatic storm triggered by lunar soil is not only a material exchange, but also a spiritual communication. It allows us to see the power of science and technology, but also witnesses the charm of culture. In the future interstellar journey, we have reason to believe that lunar soil diplomacy will continue to play an important role as a bridge connecting countries and promoting the development of the international community in a more harmonious direction.

Laughing! 31 Mach speed is not as fast as the speed of the nations, and it turns out that the lunar soil is a messenger of peace

And it all started with the magnificent return of Chang'e-6. It not only brought back lunar soil, but also brought back hopes and dreams, proving that the integration of technology and culture can transcend the boundaries of time and space and connect every soul who longs for peace and development. In the days to come, let us hope that this "ceremonial revolution" started by lunar soil can lead mankind to a brighter future, make "lunar soil diplomacy" a shining business card in international relations, and witness the exchange and integration of civilizations.

Laughing! 31 Mach speed is not as fast as the speed of the nations, and it turns out that the lunar soil is a messenger of peace

Finally, let us remember the voice we heard in the museum, which reminds us that behind every artifact, there is a piece of history, an emotion. Now, with the advancement of lunar diplomacy, perhaps one day, those once forgotten treasures will finally embark on their way home, return to their original homeland, and regain their own glory and dignity.

I still remember the story of the Han envoy back then, and I don't know when it will reappear

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