
It is a warrior of life and a hero of the heart

author:Wei Zhidong Rong

Are you like the men who walk alone in the wind and rain? The story behind it hides a lot of unknown bitterness.

It is a warrior of life and a hero of the heart

In the long river of life, they are like silent warriors, carrying countless heavy pressures with their broad shoulders. When night falls and the stars are shining, they can only lick their wounds silently in a silent corner. They are not born tenacious, but in the baptism of years, they gradually learned the courage to face the wind, frost, rain and snow. Those hardships and hardships that we have never seen are their suffering day and night, and the scars in their hearts.

It is a warrior of life and a hero of the heart

However, they chose to face it with a smile because they knew that only they were their most solid support. They use their actions to tell us that although life is difficult, as long as there is light in the heart, it can light the way forward. Every such man is a true hero. They use their actions to explain what responsibility is and what is responsibility. Let's applaud them and applaud their resilience and bravery.

It is a warrior of life and a hero of the heart

Because in this world, the most powerful power often comes from inner perseverance and perseverance.

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