
Is this the strong thinking of the ancients? It's so top!

author:See beads
Is this the strong thinking of the ancients? It's so top!

The unique headdress of the Indians - the crown of feathers

The "crown" is a very special decoration. Although it refers to a hat worn on the head, it cannot protect itself from the wind and rain like a hat, and is completely a ceremonial ornament.

The ancients wore crowns on their heads, probably inspired by the horns of birds and beasts. At that time, there were many kinds of birds and beasts, and all kinds of beautiful and strange birds often flew in front of them, and they had beautiful crests; The cows, sheep, and deer in the dense forest and grass also became kings because of their mighty horns; When hunting, hunters wear crested horns and feathers to confuse the animal; Over time, only those who are respected and have the ability to communicate with the gods of heaven and earth can enjoy the right to wear crowns, which represent power and status.

Is this the strong thinking of the ancients? It's so top!

The ancestors' sacrifices to heaven and earth

According to the view of human beings today, human and non-human belong to two completely different ontologies, that is, everything else is everything except human. However, almost all primitive human beings living in different environments have a very similar concept of the universe, that is, all living beings are one.

They believe that human beings, animals and plants have souls, and that in this universe, people are only distinguished from the world by their appearance and language. It is these souls who make animals, plants, rocks, springs, and even the distant heavens and the earth have the ability to deal with "people". These invisible beings of the universe depend on each other, use each other, or even take care of each other to achieve a harmonious oneness. In the visible world, the clan leaders control the relationship between people, and in the invisible world that seems to be erratic, the "gods" and "spirits" control the relationship between visible humans and invisible ghosts.

Is this the strong thinking of the ancients? It's so top!

Feather crest display

However, those cherished, rare, and beautiful objects that have been processed with great skill, such as jewelry, scepters, masks, feather ornaments, etc., which are used for religious ceremonies or have their meanings, have become important mediums for communication between living beings. The person who can wear them is like a carrier of the password, like a spiritual vehicle, "he" narrows the distance between man and all things in heaven and earth, conveys the message of human prayer or blessing, and also widens the distance between "he" and "man", making it a messenger of the spirit. To this day, the ancient tribes, who are still in their primitive state of life, still use these objects as the exclusive property of chiefs and shamans, as real special objects and symbols of power.

Is this the strong thinking of the ancients? It's so top!

Ancient Rituals

The primitive ancestors of China firmly believed that "jade" was one of the important mediums that could enable people to reach the gods of heaven and earth, so some exquisite and bizarre jade crowns have been passed down with their messengers to this day.

Is this the strong thinking of the ancients? It's so top!

Three-pronged jade crown of Yaoshan Tomb No. 7 Liangzhu Culture Collection of Zhejiang Museum

Is this the strong thinking of the ancients? It's so top!

Seven Liang Jade Hair Crown, Tang Dynasty, Capital Museum

Is this the strong thinking of the ancients? It's so top!

Green jade hair crown Song Song Dynasty Jade Museum collection

To learn more about the world's ancient culture and beadwork art, please pay attention to [Yujian Art Museum]

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