
Xinglin Information | Add color to the party flag and help health

author:The official account of Dandong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Add color to the party flag and help health

Dandong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine carried out free clinic activities to welcome "July 1st" party members

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and promote the deep integration of party building work and health work, on June 27, Dandong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine organized party members and volunteers to go to Huaneng Dandong Power Plant in Donggang City to carry out free clinic activities for party members to welcome "July 1st", practice the party's purpose with practical actions, and send health and care to the employees of the power plant.

Xinglin Information | Add color to the party flag and help health

At the event site, medical and nursing experts from the Department of Preventive Treatment, Traditional Chinese Medicine Internal Medicine, Orthopedics, Gynecology and other departments patiently conducted detailed health consultation for the employees who came to consult, and provided professional health guidance and medication suggestions.

They gave full play to their professional expertise and focused on how to prevent occupational diseases and improve sub-health conditions according to the work characteristics of power plant employees. At the same time, the TCM nursing team also makes use of the unique advantages of TCM to provide employees with TCM characteristic medical services such as TCM constitution identification, auricular acupoint pressure beans, and scraping.

Xinglin Information | Add color to the party flag and help health
Xinglin Information | Add color to the party flag and help health

Wang Libo, director of the Preventive Disease Treatment Center, gave a health lecture on the theme of "TCM Constitution Identification" for the employees of the power plant, and she elaborated on the theoretical basis and practical application of TCM constitution identification. Through the identification of TCM constitution, everyone can better understand their physical condition, so as to take targeted health management and preventive measures to achieve the purpose of preventing diseases and protecting health. The whole lecture was simple and won unanimous praise from the audience.

Xinglin Information | Add color to the party flag and help health

The event received a warm response and high praise from the employees of Huaneng Power Plant. Everyone said that this free clinic activity made them feel the warmth and care of Dandong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and also gave them a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese medicine and preventive treatment.

In the future, Dandong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine will continue to adhere to the guidance of party building, actively organize party members and volunteers to go deep into the grassroots and serve the masses, escort the health of the people, and provide high-quality and efficient medical services for the masses with more enthusiasm and more professional skills.

Xinglin Information | Add color to the party flag and help health