
The fisherman sold big yellow eels on the street, and the widow who passed by exclaimed: "It's so hard to find you."

author:Liberty beach el

[Title]: The Northeast fisherman sells big yellow eel in front of the stall, and the widow who passes by exclaims: It's really hard to find you!

【Beginning of the text】

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, today we have to talk about a new thing that happened in Gada in our northeast, this happened in our water town, where the river network is dense, the fish and shrimp are full of ponds, and we are famous for the land of fish and rice. The protagonist of our story is a fisherman named Li Laoqi, this guy is over half a hundred years old, with a face of vicissitudes, but the fishing ability in his hand is a must, known as "white stripes in the waves".

The fisherman sold big yellow eels on the street, and the widow who passed by exclaimed: "It's so hard to find you."

On this day, Li Laoqi got up early in the morning, and before the sky was clear, he rowed out in a small boat, thinking that he had to get some fresh goods today. Hey, don't say it, this old Li is so lucky that he went down the net and caught a golden big yellow eel, the yellow eel is more than a foot long, and the scales are shining in the sun, and it is not ordinary at first glance.

Li Laoqi was happy in his heart, thinking that this yellow eel would definitely be sold for a good price, so he stopped fishing and went home directly. When he arrived in the town, he found a crowded street, swung the big yellow eel to the ground, and shouted: "Come on, come on, take a look, authentic wild big yellow eel, there is no such shop in this village!" ”

Just as he was shouting and shouting, suddenly a woman squeezed into the crowd, plainly dressed, with a haggard face, but with a resolute look in her eyes. She stared at the big yellow eel on the ground at a glance, was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly exclaimed: "It's so hard to find you!" As soon as these words came out, the people around him were stunned, and Li Laoqi was also stunned, thinking: "Why has this yellow eel become someone's baby?" ”

The fisherman sold big yellow eels on the street, and the widow who passed by exclaimed: "It's so hard to find you."

The woman hurriedly explained: "Fellow villagers, this yellow eel is actually a spirit animal that has been lost in my family for many years, named 'Golden Scale', it is not ordinary, it is the guardian spirit left by my ancestor Taoist master, it can understand human nature, and can also drive away evil spirits. Many years ago, because of an accident, the golden scale was lost, I have been looking for it all these years, but I didn't expect to meet here again today. ”

When everyone heard this, they were all stunned, this yellow eel turned out to be a spirit beast? Li Laoqi was even more surprised, thinking that he had taken some shit luck to catch such a treasure. The woman's name was Widow Liu, and she was a miserable person, who lost her husband at an early age, supported the family business alone, and had to take care of her elderly in-laws.

She continued: "Brother Li, this golden scale means a lot to me, I am willing to pay a lot of money to redeem it, please fulfill it." When Li Laoqi heard that there was money to be made, he was naturally happy, but after thinking about it, if this yellow eel is really spiritual, is it a bit immoral to sell it like this? So, he hesitated and said: "Sister Liu, if this yellow eel is really your spirit animal, I should naturally return it, but you have to tell me, what is the story behind this yellow eel?" ”

The fisherman sold big yellow eels on the street, and the widow who passed by exclaimed: "It's so hard to find you."

When Li Laoqi heard this, he also had mixed feelings in his heart, it turned out that behind this yellow eel, there was such a tortuous story. He pondered for a while, and said to me: "Sister Liu, let's do it, I'll give you this yellow eel, let's not mention the money, but I have one condition, you have to let me follow you, see how this yellow eel can help you overturn the case, and I can open my eyes." As soon as I heard it, it was called a grateful tear, and I immediately agreed.

So, the two of us added the yellow eel, and then embarked on the road to find the truth. At the first stop, we went to my grave. I gently touched the tombstone, and my tears couldn't stop flowing: "Husband, I must clear this grievance for you." "The golden scales seemed to be able to feel my mood, and swam slowly around the tombstone, when suddenly it plunged into the earth and disappeared. We were stunned, and a crack opened in the grave, and a puff of green smoke rose from it, and in the green smoke, a vague figure slowly became clear, and it turned out to be the soul of my mouth! "Lady, how did you find the golden scales? After I died, my soul was trapped by evil magic, and thanks to the golden scales, I was able to come out to see you. The soul said weakly.

It turned out that I was not a cultist back then, but I accidentally discovered the secret of the cult and was framed. The cult people used evil magic to imprison the soul and wanted to control the whole town. After knowing the truth, Li Laoqi and I decided to join forces with Golden Scales to reveal the true face of the cult and save the people in our town. We followed the guidance of the husband's soul, found the hiding place of the cult, and after a battle of wits and courage, we finally gave the cult a pot and rescued the people who were controlled by the evil arts. Because of the spiritual power of the golden scales, my soul was able to rest in peace, and my soul ascended to heaven.

The fisherman sold big yellow eels on the street, and the widow who passed by exclaimed: "It's so hard to find you."

The town has returned to its former tranquility, the people are grateful to the two of us, and our story has become a good story in the town. But who would have thought that the golden scale was seriously injured in the battle, his spiritual power was greatly reduced, and he could not change back into human form, and became an ordinary yellow eel. I looked at the dying golden scales, and felt uncomfortable in my heart, it was all about protecting our family all its life, and now the mission has been completed, but it has also come to the end of its life. "Jin Scale, although you are not human, but you are affectionate and righteous, our Liu family owes you, and you will definitely pay it back in the next life." With tears in my eyes, I said that I buried the golden scales next to my grave with my own hands, so that it would always guard this land.

Li Laoqi has experienced all this, and he also realized a truth: everything in this world has spirituality, and treating every life well is to treat yourself well. Heck, this has to be said. Mr. Li's buddy was originally a net-caster fisherman, but later, he threw away the nets and turned into a volunteer to protect the ecology of our water town, and continued to guard the unfinished waters of the golden scales in his own way. This story spread in the town, and everyone gave him a thumbs up and praised him for his good eyes.

Don't mention it, there is such a little story behind this. It turned out that when Li Laoqi and Widow Liu were fighting wits and courage with the cult people, they accidentally touched the magic weapon of the cult, which was very evil, which made him have nightmares at night, and there was always a voice in his ears in the dream, "Destiny is hard to disobey, karma is retribution." At the beginning, Li Laoqi didn't take it seriously, thinking that what he did was a good thing, where did he get the retribution? But as time went on, he found that the dream was becoming more and more vivid, and his body was not right, and he was chilled all over his body at night, feeling like he was being targeted by something.

The fisherman sold big yellow eels on the street, and the widow who passed by exclaimed: "It's so hard to find you."

At this moment, Li Laoqi was thinking about finding someone who understood to take a look. He patted his head, didn't Widow Liu's family have a background of Taoist masters? Maybe she's got some tricks. So, he went to Widow Liu and told her about it. When Widow Liu heard this, she frowned and said, "Brother Li, this matter has to be taken seriously, I have to go home and look through the ancestral notes to see if I can find a way to crack it." ”

A few days later, Widow Liu found Li Laoqi with a yellowed notebook, which recorded a ritual to exorcise evil spirits, and to use a rare herb called "Soul Rejuvenation Grass". This herb is said to be found only in the deep mountains and old forests. When Li Laoqi heard this, he didn't say anything, put on his bag and went to the mountain. Along the way, he ate and slept in the open air, and encountered a lot of dangers, but he had a thought in his heart, what he did was a good thing, and he couldn't be retributed like this, he had to prove that good people have good rewards!

Finally, in an inaccessible valley, Li Laoqi found the soul rejuvenation grass. When he was about to pick grass, a sudden gust of wind blew, and a snow-white fox came out of the grass, and the fox's eyes were shining, staring directly at Li Laoyi. Li Laoqi's heart tightened, and he thought: "Why are there foxes in this deep mountain and old forest?" It can't be a cult thing, right? But the fox didn't seem to have any malice, and slowly walked up to Li Laoqi, lowered his head, as if saluting.

The fisherman sold big yellow eels on the street, and the widow who passed by exclaimed: "It's so hard to find you."

Li Laoqi was stunned and thought, "This fox, is it possible that he is here to help me?" He tried to reach out and touch the fox's head, which meekly closed its eyes. At this moment, a thought suddenly flashed in Li Laoqi's mind, he slapped his thigh violently, and exclaimed, "Oh mom, I understand!" Isn't this fox the reincarnation of the golden scales? The golden scale has spirituality, and maybe after it dies, its soul will be attached to this fox! Thinking of this, Li Laoqi was so excited that he said to the fox: "Little Golden Scale, is it you?" Are you here to help me? The fox nodded, as if he understood, and then turned and ran deeper into the valley. Li Laoqi hurriedly chased after him, and after a while, the fox stopped in front of a cave, and there was a faint light in the cave. Li Laoqi took a look, good guy, there is a pool of clear water in the cave, and there is an uncommon lotus flower floating on the water surface, the lotus flower glows with a warm light, and it makes people feel comfortable when they look at it. "Isn't that the way to get out!" Li Laoqi's heart lit up, he followed the method he had memorized, boiled the potion with the soul revival grass, and then jumped into the lotus pond. As soon as the potion was touched, Li Laoqi felt a stream of heat gushing out from the inside out, and the cold and nightmares of those nights were all gone in a swish. He stood up from the water, feeling refreshed, as if he had changed his mind. The fox, at this time, also turned into a golden light, and swooped into Li Laoqi's body. Li Laoqi understood that this was the soul of the golden scale, and at the last moment, he chose to become one with him and protect him.

When Li Laoqi returned to the town and told him about it, everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that Mr. Li was not only good-hearted, but also had such an adventure. Since then, Mr. Li's status in the town has reached a higher level, he is not only a volunteer, but also a hero in the hearts of everyone. And the fox has also become a legend in the town, and people say that it is the embodiment of the golden scales, guarding the land and Li Laoqi. As for the matter of the cult, it was also thoroughly investigated under the joint efforts of Li Laoqi and Widow Liu. It turns out that behind that cult, there is a bigger conspiracy, and they want to use evil magic to control the entire region and even affect the peace of the country. But under the exposure of Li Laoqi and Widow Liu, the cult was served by Lian Pot, and the black hand behind it was also found out.

At this point in the story, do you also think that there is really everything in this world? Good people have good rewards, and evil people will eventually have evil rewards, isn't this the most simple truth of our people? Li Laoqi and Widow Liu proved this with their actions. Li Laoqi became a hero, and this matter was spread in the town, and even the outside knew about it. One day, a big man came to the town, saying that he wanted to select a representative from our town to go to Beijing to participate in an environmental protection conference and talk about the protection experience of our water town. And guess what? This means that Li Laoqi was finally chosen! When Li Laoqi heard this, he was surprised and delighted, thinking that he, an old fisherman, could still go to Beijing to see the world? But then he thought about it, this is an opportunity for more people to know the goodness of our town and the importance of protecting the environment. So, he agreed.

The fisherman sold big yellow eels on the street, and the widow who passed by exclaimed: "It's so hard to find you."

On the way to Beijing, Mr. Li was both nervous and excited, he thought that he had to prepare well, and he had to fight for our town if he said anything. But just as he was rummaging through the cabinets to find information, he suddenly turned out an old wooden box under the cabinet, and the box contained a yellowed cloth embroidered with a strange pattern on it. This cloth looks a little old, and the pattern is strange and mysterious, Li Laoqi thought to himself, won't there be any story here? Li Laoqi was stunned for a moment, and muttered in his heart: "What is this?" He looked at it with wide eyes and saw that it was a map with strange routes and symbols drawn on it. He scratched his head and pondered in his heart: "This thing, can't it be the treasure map left by our ancestors, right?" Li Laoqi didn't tell others about this, so he thought about it in his heart.

When he arrived in Beijing, Mr. Li talked endlessly, telling the environmental protection experience of our town very well, and the people in the audience nodded frequently when they heard it. As soon as the conference ended, Li Laoqi was still thinking about the map, so he decided to stay in Beijing for a few more days to see if he could dig out the secrets on the map.

He followed the clues on the map, inquired all the way, and finally found an antique shop hidden in the depths of the alley. Mr. Li walked into the store, slapped the cloth on the counter, and asked, "Boss, take a look, what is this?" When the boss saw it, his eyes immediately lit up, and after looking at it for a while, he said, "Oh, this is a baby!" This is an ancient map with the location of ancient treasures! When Li Laoqi heard this, he was surprised and delighted, and thought: "How can we, old fishermen, still encounter such a good thing?" He hurriedly asked, "Where is the treasure?" The boss shook his head and said, "I don't know about this, the route on the map is too complicated, and I don't understand it." However, I heard that there is a place called 'Black Dragon Pond' that may be the key to the treasure. When Li Laoqi heard this, he beat the drum in his heart, Black Dragon Pond? He panicked when he heard it, but for the glory of our town, in order to prove his ability, he decided to go back and study the map and find the treasure!

The fisherman sold big yellow eels on the street, and the widow who passed by exclaimed: "It's so hard to find you."

Back in the town, Mr. Li didn't think about tea and food, and thought about the map all day long. In the end, he finally figured out that the Black Dragon Pond was in a deep mountain and old forest near our water town. Li Laoqi slapped his thigh and thought, "I have to talk to Widow Liu about this, let's go explore this treasure together!" So he went to Widow Liu and told her about it. When Widow Liu heard this, her eyes lit up, and she said, "Brother Li, we have to do this!" Maybe there is some treasure in that treasure that can help our town go to the next level! "

In this way, Li Laoqi and Widow Liu took a few sturdy villagers and entered the mountain in a mighty way. After a hard trek, they finally found the Black Dragon Pool. I saw that the black dragon pool was bottomless, and there were bursts of cold air all around, which made people's hearts hairy. But who are Li Laoqi and Widow Liu? That's a lot of wind and waves! As soon as they gritted their teeth, they decided to go down to the pool to explore the treasure. After some tossing, they finally found a hidden cave at the bottom of the pool, which contained countless gold and silver treasures and ancient cultural relics. It turned out that this treasure was hidden by a wealthy man in ancient times to escape the war, and no one has found it. Li Laoqi and Widow Liu stood in front of the pile of treasures, their eyes were as wide as copper bells, and their hearts were surprised and delighted. The two of them hit it off, planning to add this pile of treasures to the town, build schools, build bridges, and engage in environmental protection, so that our town will become a real paradise. In this way, Li Laoqi and Widow Liu became heroes in the town, and their stories spread faster than the wind, spreading everywhere.

People say that these two people are not only good-hearted, but also very courageous and wise, and they are really heroes. Li Laoqi realized the old saying this time: "Destiny is hard to violate, karma is retribution." It turned out that the good deeds he did in exchange for this adventure and reward. He thought to himself, "This world, it's really interesting! If you do a good deed, it will give you sweetness; If you do something bad, it will give you suffering. Therefore, we need to do more good deeds, so that our hearts can be steady! ”

The fisherman sold big yellow eels on the street, and the widow who passed by exclaimed: "It's so hard to find you."

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