
Live up to the time, don't ask anything

author:Grassroots sword training

The information is extracted from the Internet; New Era Literature Jin Brigade丨Lu Kui:

Live up to the time, don't ask anything

▲ "When you are slightly drunk, you have your own thoughts" book shadow

Live up to the time, don't ask anything

Lv Kui, born in 1984, is a native of Yanhu District, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province. He graduated from the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences with a master's degree in international politics. Since 2005, he has published a number of short stories in literary journals such as "People's Literature", "October", "Contemporary", "Chinese Writers", "Yangtze River Literature and Art", "Youth Literature", "Hibiscus", "Mountain Flower", "Feitian" and "Everyone". Many of his works have been reprinted in "Selected Novels", "Novel Monthly" and "Selected Novellas". Published a collection of novels "All the Sunshine Blows on the Snow", "Nine Nights Don't Return", "Mota", and "When You Are Drunk". He has won the "Top 20 Future Writers" of People's Literature, the 2nd Zijin Star of People's Literature Novella Award, and the 2020-2022 Liulin Cup "Shanxi Literature" Novella Award. Some of his works have been translated into English and French.

Live up to the time, don't ask anything

Wu Xiao

I learned to write novels at the age of 20, and as luck would have it, I published some works. Gradually, my friends found out about it. At the party, or in private, some people were mysterious, and some people said to me sadly: "I'll tell you my story, and you can write it, and make sure it's wonderful." "When I was young, when I heard such words, I usually smiled and nodded, drank the wine in the toast, neither agreed nor refused face-to-face, as long as we were not embarrassed by each other, and we would be separated if we could get off the stage.

Things have changed in my middle age. When I was a picky eater, I didn't like to eat winter melon, white radish, zucchini, and I was over 30 years old, for no reason, I fell in love with eating these vegetables almost overnight, and even if I didn't eat them for a day or two, I would be hungry. It was also after the age of 30, when friends gathered, or old friends chatted one-on-one, I began to pay attention to the various life fragments and uneasy youth stories they talked about. Sometimes the narrator's unintentional words are like a fire lighting a fuse, and there are fireworks in my heart at the moment. Sometimes, on a summer evening, after drinking on a snowy night, a certain story or an interesting story told by a friend will suddenly appear in my mind, like a long-lost shipwreck salvaged from the water.

For example, I have a friend who owns a craft beer hall in a small town, and I always go to him for a drink when I pass by his shop at night after work. Once, when he was done, he sat down beside me and said, "Look at my tavern, there are only six tables. The guests at each table are different, some are in groups, some are alone, some look like couples, and some are difficult to guess the relationship between them. Some drank two cups and broke up, while others sat until the early hours of the morning, hugging their heads and crying. I often wonder what do they talk about at every table? What kind of story will happen tonight. After my friend finished speaking, he went on to get busy, leaving me to sit there, thinking about his words, thinking about it, and the synopsis of "Insomnia Convenience Store" appeared in front of me one by one.

The nine novels included in the collection "When I Get Drunk" were all written after I was 30 years old. Among them, "Loose Rice", "Tuscany", "Where is the Train Going", and "Nine Nights of No Return" were written a little earlier, and the remaining 5 articles were created in recent years. These 9 stories are all stories that I have heard from others on different occasions and have been inspired to record them one by one. In a way, I'm more like a painter, and the protagonists in the story, and their heartbreaking or heartbreaking episodes, are just reconstructed by me. Whenever a work is finished, the characters in the book wave goodbye to me and drift away. I can't say that I wrote about their respective destinies, but I cherish the company of each character in the book, in every writing journey.

Writing is not an easy thing for me to do. The longer I create, the more I feel that writing is very similar to farmer farming, sowing in spring and harvesting in autumn, how much is invested, how much can be harvested, and there is no room for laziness. More than one friend around me has asked me what is the point of writing a novel? Especially with the rapid spread of new media content such as short videos, does fiction still have the meaning of existence? I still don't know how to answer this question, but that doesn't stop me from writing it one by one. I don't feel alone on the road of writing, because every once in a while, I can see new works from the teachers and friends I set out with. The vast majority of them, in today's fast-paced era, are still like craftsmen, carving and polishing their works with an axe and chisel, regardless of what they do.

Immerse yourself in life and capture the moment

- Creative changes in "When You Are Drunk".

Li Zongrui

Lu Kui's novella collection "When You Are Slightly Drunk" (published by Beiyue Literature and Art Publishing House in May 2024), the overall reading is light and enjoyable. As a reader of the same age who is a few years younger, the overall impression that comes to my face is a familiar sense of life and the times. We have similar urban education backgrounds and urban life experiences, and there is always a goddess of white moonlight who can't be caught up in our youth, and the adult world is full of costs and troubles. His work has always made it easy for me to bring into the role of the protagonist "Ma Shan" - a student with pride in his bones during his school years, and after graduation, he has become an obscure one among the mediocre crowd.

The author began to publish works at the age of 21, and at the age of 25, his famous work "Mota" was published on the front page of "People's Literature" magazine, and was shortlisted for "People's Literature" "Top 20 in the Future". He and his character Ma Shan were in high spirits when they first came out, and they stood magnificently in the spotlight at the center of the stage. After entering the society in 2011, his work life inevitably distracted his creative energy, and at this stage, his creation also entered what he considered to be a bottleneck period - the number of publications was not large, and the quality was not satisfactory. At this time, he and Ma Shan are like falling into smoke, traversing the bizarre urban life during the day, and reminiscing about the innocence of his student days at night, and the contrast between the two constantly tears his works and his life.

After tasting the true taste of life, Lu Kui's works also began to reveal a new deconstruction of values and an advanced understanding of life. He and Ma Shan saw the moon through the clouds, and there was less of an abrupt stop of being unable to grasp the direction of life in his works, and more calmness and calmness that transcended personal gains and losses.

"When I Get Drunk, I Have My Own Heart" contains an objective summary of his life experience and creative achievements in the two stages of creation since 2011. Throughout the works in this collection of novels, it is not so much inspired by the urban adventures of Lu Kui and his friends as a true portrayal of the growth of our generation of urban children - when they were students, they fantasized about becoming the pride of heaven and crossed classes, and after entering society, they indulged in the simple beauty of the past and could not find a way forward. When we look back at the road we have traveled against time, we are impressed by the moments: when we find that we are no longer the center of the world; found that no matter how hard you try, you can't do anything after all; When I know I can't do anything but I try my best. The description of the story scenes that unfold around these three moments is what impressed me the most when I read this collection of novels.

The collection contains a total of 9 works, all of which are stories of small people who take place in the metropolis. Among them, Ma Shan in "Nine Nights No Return" and "Scattered Rice" is the first place in the county's liberal arts, and Ma Shan in "Where is the Train Going" is the pride of the sky who walked out of the small county. They are full of longing that they will usher in a new chapter in their lives after leaving the small county, but without exception, they feel the impact and shock that is difficult to balance in the process of integrating into the life of the metropolis. The author and readers, the "Ma Shan" inside and outside the article, survived the first moment in confusion.

After the confusion, there is usually a deep sense of powerlessness. Zhao Yimeng in "I Know Her a Little About One or Two" realized that her relationship with Ma Shan could only stay in a state of being above your friends and not having a full lover. The romantic love between the male and female guests at the window table in "Sunday That Keeps Raining" since they were students was finally defeated by the reality of chicken feathers. Big Money and Maina in "Tuscany" eventually go their separate ways in life after a brief old relationship. The author, the reader, and the protagonist experience the restlessness hidden under the solid ice in their hearts, and they are unwilling to survive the second moment.

After drowning in the dark of the deep sea for a long time, there are still people who want to jump out of the water and enjoy the sunshine that they have not seen for a long time. Lao Ji in "There is Always Someone Going First at the Crossing", knowing that his time is running out and the company's operating pressure is huge, still insists on spreading the afterglow of his candle to everyone around him who needs light. Chen Gong and He Cancan in "When Slightly Drunk", the trauma of their respective families affected the first half of their lives, and the coincidence prompted them to decide to spend the second half of their lives together. Lao Qiu and Xiao Ai in "Insomnia Convenience Store" love each other so much, but they are separated by life and death, Lao Qiu faces everything calmly, lives peacefully, and will not fall again because of Xiao Ai's departure. They may know that life is a road with no end in sight, and after accepting all this, they will still try their best to fight for the best choice, and the third moment will quietly end at this moment.

Life after that is just a repetition of three moments of scene reproduction, we are like a stubborn grass, those who cared about the previous are gradually weakened, just trying to take root deep in the soil, whether in the metropolis or a small county, in this vast world to survive.

This is the case with Lu Kui's urban literary works, where there are few reversals and unexpected changes in the storyline, and most of them are destined to pass away like gurgling water. His greatest charm is to maintain constant patience in the seemingly uneventful, and to salvage the proof of the life of this group for the urban youth who survive in this era in the long season—those few only moments.

(From Taiyuan Daily on June 24, 2024)

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