
Yu Xiuhua | There is no other meaning to build my life than love

author:Grassroots sword training

The information is extracted from the Internet; Yu Xiuhua Chuchen Culture 2024-06-30 09:05 Beijing

▲ Yu Xiuhua


A village made of paper

The dusk bent by the sunset, the crowd pressed down by the dusk

The wind pulled in by the village, the grass and trees that were pressed to the ground by the wind

A mother who was taken away by illness

A tombstone with a mother going cold

They are sharp, cutting the living like a paper back

Demolished ancestral houses, removed statues of gods

The old man who was newly built in the house, who was dragged into the house

My false name of being played around

There is no graveyard for me next to my mother's tombstone

The banknote is folded, and there are gaps in vain


Rice, cotton, sorghum, sesame...

These are the crops that feed people

It doesn't matter if it's the commoners or the dignitaries who are fed

It doesn't matter if it's bustling or barren

You give me the village, not the temple

You give me my relatives, you don't give me happiness, you give me rain, you don't give me rivers

What you have given me is bitter and thin

As soon as the wind blows, it disperses

Yu Xiuhua | There is no other meaning to build my life than love


Yes, I'm in love with someone

The streets that are often walked, the sycamore is green again

Those palms are as green as their hands, and they can't wake up a person who doesn't know whether they are alive or dead

Some acquaintances are old

They don't care about the leaves of the sycamore tree, they don't care that some people die in car accidents or die of disease

How many times have I fantasized about my own death

I've loved people who I didn't want to see again when I died

But this time, I hope to be down-of-the-road in his arms

I hope he put a piece of yellow paper over my face

Like a sycamore tree putting a leaf

Cover on the ground

Yu Xiuhua | There is no other meaning to build my life than love


She lived a solitary life

She lived a solitary life.

These abandoned flowers and plants that came to the yard to accompany her

The bird flew for a while and flew back again.

She had a lot of friends. She never invited them to her house, and she had more than one pair of slippers in her house.

More than a wine glass, more than one pillow on the bed

She is in the countryside, not far from a city.

There are parks, libraries, and government buildings in the city

There is a person in the city, and it is her small government.

Sometimes she feels like she should go to the small government and ask a small question

And those slippers, wine glasses, pillows at home

It made her lose her courage

As if she were a person who had attempted a crime.

Yu Xiuhua | There is no other meaning to build my life than love


Good night

Say good night. With my old body and soul

The camphor tree in the window hangs leaves from last year or even a few years ago

The sparrows that landed on it too. The moonlight at this moment is also the village where I live and the city where you wander. Let the disease go deeper and deeper

We are so sick that we can't do anything about it

We can't do anything about love

I can't walk on the edge of the times, and I can't fall to the trough of the cliff

From afar, the haze covered the village for half a day

The war is far away, and the crowd is buried in an instant

You can't see who's holding a butcher's knife

You always feel like you're living in a moment when the butcher's knife is down

I love you, in this age of peace, like a fast food

I'm going to wait for you to grow up?

Waiting for you to cry out thirsty?

Waiting for you to return home like Don Ji Hede old age?

Our thin love and hate can't squeeze through the door of this age

Night is coming. One waited for a long time

Darkness is coming.

Good night. You raised my soul to pieces, good night. You have raised my flesh to be invulnerable

Yu Xiuhua | There is no other meaning to build my life than love



In December, a man returned to the village.

The bare fields were full of crows, and the potatoes were dug up and brought home

The smoke of the morning cooker dragged the older back to earth

She used to go around feasting like a man with a spear

Now, she pulls aging out of her pocket and sticks it all over her body

Seal a teenager up

And the dream sealed a man she only met this year

In December, a man returned to the village.

The fireworks that have been set off, and the ashes have been shaken out of the trouser legs

The scrawny man returned to the village in the dark

Reputation didn't fatten her, ruined her, and didn't shave her bones

Bats hang on the corners of the walls

Some people die in car accidents in the novel

Some were born on snowy nights

A man returns to the village as if he had never been pretty

Yu Xiuhua | There is no other meaning to build my life than love


Secret Maker

I want to go with you to the night of Hengdian and the oil and flower fields in the night

I want to fall in love with you before the flowers wither

Fiercely demand from each other until they abandon each other

Reborn like a flower, and die like a flower

I will not ask you for a single fruit

Just as the stars don't ask for a deep blue in the sky

When we reach middle age, our bodies decay

This decaying body is fit to build a palace of love

I wonder about facing the village that is slowly lost

Are you as sad as I am?

I wonder how many times you've wandered around the night just like me

I also wonder how many bodies you've passed

Is there still a lot of respect for love?

But I don't want to know, our pair of farmers

This rough body and mind

Whether it is also to a rape flower, to the heart of the flower bee

Take a closer look

Because the secrets they have stolen have always been there

The palms of our hands

Yu Xiuhua | There is no other meaning to build my life than love


Subtle stagnation

I love those subtle stagnations: before the snow falls

The moment the lights go out

Butterflies fold their wings in the evening. The hoarfrost is already hanging over the ridge

I love these subtle stagnations: the hand you want to knock on the door

A greeting after you walk in the door

The body you want to turn around when you say goodbye

What I like most is this stagnation: my coffin rests in the house

You knelt down, but you did not bow

It's gone

What I like is when I stay on earth

You happen to be there too

Yu Xiuhua | There is no other meaning to build my life than love



I found the contact information for my junior high school tablemates. Oh, that bolt of lightning

- Two teenagers run in a thunderstorm, running farther and farther

He still has a piece of candy in his palm

"When it's finished, I can't bear to say goodbye to this world"

He's always been on the tip of my heart, picking at the body

One more touch and he melts a little

The tip of my tongue is full of bitterness. I can't bear to lick it

My world is in the heart of a piece of sugar

At that time, we wrote to each other, like lovers who had been separated for many years

Not really

I was delighted to see that he had become a middle-aged greasy man

And I'm more at odds with the world

At that time, we were not capitalized for the first letter of the English language

Debate. His eyes were red

Now, we are no longer arguing about the capitalization of "person".

Succumb to thirty years of life and death

These days, we haven't been in touch

Perhaps, I am also a piece of candy for him

Don't dare to lick it

Even if this piece of sugar is doped with a small dose of arsenic

Yu Xiuhua | There is no other meaning to build my life than love


There was no gunfire inside the rose

As she descended the stairs, the bomber flew past the chimney

The wind lifted the skirt: a pleated skirt with a few holes in the rat bite

Seems to be heavier than her people

She hunched over and went to the well to fetch water. She felt that the well was getting deeper and deeper every year

Go and water the roses

Her lover was separated forty years ago

Her water trickled down on the roses: Oh, young lad

He was sixteen years younger than her at the time

"You see, I'm alive. I don't dare to die, you don't come

Who carved a tombstone for me"

At that time he was married, and she bought this house to live next door to him

She thought he didn't know she loved him

On the day his wife remarried, she said to her: We know everything

She shrugged: "I just know

"You should be sixty-six years old now, and if you don't come again, you won't be able to carve the monument"

He's dead, she's not unaware

The bomber flew back and blew her hair around

Snow-like messy hair

Yu Xiuhua | There is no other meaning to build my life than love


When I love you

When I love you, you have light in your body. And I am also beautiful, it is not your light that shines on me.

When I love you, the world is warm and affectionate, but it is not God who sees you and me at this moment.

When I love you, I resent my imperfections, but prefer to live in peace with it.

I wonder if you love me too, is this world too beautiful, too beautiful for me to bear?

If you love me too, will the fruits of this world be able for us to squander, and when we are powerless, we can only hug each other and cry?

So thank you, and please thank yourself: your presence has given you beauty that you never knew existed.

So please thank me also for the light that once burned for you.

But praise me, O dearest one, if I cannot yet write for you.

Praise my affection is powerless to hold the words, praise me for my tight-lipped love.

Because there is no other meaning to construct my life than love.

Yu Xiuhua | There is no other meaning to build my life than love

Text | Excerpted from "Blossoming in the Back Mountains", by Yu Xiuhua, Guangxi Normal University Press, 2024-05

Picture | From the documentary "The Rickety World" (2016)

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