
2024 claw crane machine market status and prospect forecast analysis-Luyi market strategy


Summary of content

The global claw gripper machine market size was approximately USD 2160 million in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 3390 million by 2030, registering a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.7% during 2024-2030. In terms of sales volume, the global claw crane machine sales volume in 2023 is expected to reach in 2030, with a CAGR of %.

The core manufacturers of the global claw crane (Claw Crane) are Elaut, Smart Industries, Sega, Paokai Group (TWCT) and Diamond Life Animation, and the top five manufacturers account for about 6% of the global share. Asia-Pacific is the largest market with a share of about 40%, followed by Europe and North America with 25% and 23% respectively. In terms of product type, single crane machines are the largest segment, accounting for about 81% share, while in terms of downstream, playgrounds are the largest downstream segment with a 42% share.

By Product Type:

Single crane machine

Multi-person crane machine

By Application:

shopping centre



Major regions/countries covered in this article:

Americas region

United States




Asia pacific




Southeast Asia






United Kingdom



Middle East & Africa


South Africa



Gulf countries

This article mainly covers the following companies:


Smart Industries


Paokai Group(TWCT)

Diamond Life Animation

Guangzhou Guwei Animation Technology Co., Ltd


Guangzhou Shixin amusement equipment

Neofuns Amusement Equipment

Guangzhou Jinfeng Animation Technology Co., Ltd

Innovative Concepts in Entertainment

Guangzhou Jixingbao Animation Technology

Guangzhou Fuji Animation Technology

Guangzhou eBay Animation Technology

Dasheng Technology Industry

Table of contents of the text

1 Scope of the study

1.1 Definitions

1.2 The year covered in this article

1.3 Research Objectives

1.4 Research Methodology

1.5 Research process and data sources

1.6 Economic indicators

2 Industry Overview

2.1 Overall global scale

2.1.1 The overall scale of the global claw claw claw claw machine industry 2019-2030

2.1.2 Global Claw Claw Crane Machine Market Size by Major Regions, 2019, 2023 & 2030

2.1.3 Global Claw Claw Crane Machine Market Size by Major Countries, 2019, 2023 & 2030

2.2 Classification of claw crane machine

2.2.1 Single crane machine

2.2.2 Multiplayer crane machine

2.3 Claw Claw Crane Machine Market Size by Category

2.3.1 Global claw crane grabbing machine sales volume by product type (2019-2024)

2.3.2 Global Claw Claw Claw Gripper Revenue Share by Product Type (2019-2024)

2.3.3 Global claw crane grabbing machine price by product type (2019-2024)

2.4 Downstream application of claw crane grabber

2.4.1 Shopping malls

2.4.2 Playgrounds

2.4.3 Miscellaneous

2.5 Global claw crane machine market size according to different applications

2.5.1 Global Claw Claw Crane Machine Sales Share by Application (2019-2024)

2.5.2 Global Claw Claw Machine Revenue Share by Application (2019-2024)

2.5.3 Global claw crane grabbing machine price by application (2019-2024)

3 Global market competition pattern

3.1 Sales volume of claw crane grabbing machines by major manufacturers in the world

3.1.1 Global claw claw claw machine sales by major manufacturers (2019-2024)

3.1.2 Global Claw Claw Crane Machine Sales Share by Major Manufacturers (2019-2024)

3.2 Global Claw Claw Crane Machine Sales Revenue by Major Manufacturers (2019-2024)

3.2.1 Global Claw Claw Claw Gripper Machine Revenue by Major Manufacturers (2019-2024)

3.2.2 Global Claw Claw Machine Revenue Share by Major Manufacturers (2019-2024)

3.3 The price of claw crane grabbing machine products of major manufacturers in the world

3.4 The product types and origin distribution of claw crane grabbing machines of major manufacturers in the world

3.4.1 Distribution of claw claw claw grabbing machines of major manufacturers in the world

3.4.2 Product types of claw crane grabbing machines from major manufacturers in the world

3.5 Industry concentration analysis

3.5.1 Analysis of the global competitive situation

3.5.2 全球爪式抓娃娃机行业集中度分析(CR3, CR5 and CR10)&(2019-2024)

3.6 Potential Industry Entrants

3.7 Industry mergers and acquisitions and expansion

4 Global major regional scale analysis

4.1 Global Claw Claw Crane Machine Market Size by Major Regions (2019-2024)

4.1.1 Global claw claw claw claw machine sales volume by major regions (2019-2024)

4.1.2 Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue by Major Regions (2019-2024)

4.2 Global Claw Claw Claw Crane Machine Market Size by Major Countries (2019-2024)

4.2.1 Global claw claw crane machine sales volume by major countries (2019-2024)

4.2.2 Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue by Major Countries (2019-2024)

4.3 Sales volume and growth rate of claw claw claw claw machine in the Americas

4.4 Sales and growth rate of claw claw claw machines in Asia-Pacific

4.5 Sales and growth rate of claw crane grabbing machines in Europe

4.6 Middle East & Africa Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales and Growth Rate

5 Americas

5.1 The scale of the claw crane machine industry in major countries in the Americas

5.1.1 Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales by Major Countries in the Americas (2019-2024)

5.1.2 Claw Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue by Major Countries in the Americas (2019-2024)

5.2 American Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales by Category (2019-2024)

5.3 Sales volume of claw claw machine in the Americas by different application

5.4 United States

5.5 Canada

5.6 Mexico

5.7 Brazil

6 Asia-Pacific

6.1 The scale of the claw crane machine industry in major regions of the Asia-Pacific region

6.1.1 Asia-Pacific Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales in Key Regions (2019-2024)

6.1.2 Asia-Pacific Key Regions Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue (2019-2024)

6.2 Asia-Pacific claw crane machine sales by category

6.3 Asia-Pacific sales volume of claw crane machine by different application

6.4 China

6.5 Japan

6.6 South Korea

6.7 Southeast Asia

6.8 India

6.9 Australia


7 Europe

7.1 The scale of the claw crane machine industry in major European countries

7.1.1 Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales by Major European Countries (2019-2024)

7.1.2 Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue by Major European Countries (2019-2024)

7.2 European claw crane machine sales by category

7.3 Sales volume of claw claw claw claw machine in Europe by different application

7.4 Germany

7.5 France

7.6 United Kingdom

7.7 Italy

7.8 Russia

8 Middle East and Africa

8.1 The scale of the claw crane machine industry in major countries in the Middle East and Africa

8.1.1 Claw crane machine sales volume by major countries in Middle East & Africa (2019-2024)

8.1.2 Middle East & Africa Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue by Major Countries (2019-2024)

8.2 Middle East and Africa Claw Crane Machine Sales by Category

8.3 Middle East & Africa Sales of Claw Crane Machines by Different Applications

8.4 Egypt

8.5 South Africa

8.6 Israel

8.7 Turkey

8.8 Gulf Area States

9 Industry trends, drivers and challenges

9.1 Industry Development Drivers

9.2 Challenges and Risks Faced by the Industry

9.3 Industry Development Trends

10 Manufacturing Cost Analysis

10.1 Raw materials and suppliers of claw crane grabbing machine

10.2 Analysis of production cost of claw crane grabber machine

10.3 Claw crane grabber machine production process

10.4 Claw crane machine supply chain

11 Sales Channels, Distributors and Downstream Customers

11.1 Sales Channels

11.1.1 Direct Marketing Channels

11.1.2 Distribution Channels

11.2 Claw Claw Grabber Machine Distributors

11.3 Downstream customers of claw crane grabbing machine

12 Global claw gripper crane machine market size forecast by major regions

12.1 Global Claw Crane Machine Market Size Forecast by Major Regions

12.1.1 Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Crane Machine Sales by Major Regions (2025-2030)

12.1.2 Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue Forecast by Major Regions (2025-2030)

12.2 Major Countries in the Americas Forecast (2025-2030)

12.3 Asia-Pacific Key Countries Forecast (2025-2030)

12.4 Major European Countries Forecasts (2025-2030)

12.5 Middle East & Africa Major Countries Forecast (2025-2030)

12.6 Global Claw Claw Grabber Machine Forecast by Product Type (2025-2030)

12.7 Global Claw Claw Claw Clutches by Application Forecast (2025-2030)

13 Core Company Profile

13.1 Elaut

13.1.1 Basic Elaut Information

13.1.2 Product specifications and applications of Elaut claw gripper machine

13.1.3 Elaut Claw Claw C

13.1.4 Introduction to Elaut's main business

13.1.5 Elaut Update

13.2 Smart Industries

13.2.1 Smart Industries基本信息

13.2.2 Smart Industries 爪式抓娃娃机产品规格及应用

13.2.3 Smart Industries 爪式抓娃娃机销量、收入、价格及毛利率(2019-2024)

13.2.4 Smart Industries主要业务介绍

13.2.5 Smart Industries最新发展动态

13.3 Sega

13.3.1 Sega General Information

13.3.2 Product specifications and applications of Sega claw gripper machine

13.3.3 Sega Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

13.3.4 Introduction to Sega's main business

13.3.5 Sega Update

13.4 Paokai Group(TWCT)

13.4.1 Paokai Group(TWCT)基本信息

13.4.2 Paokai Group(TWCT) 爪式抓娃娃机产品规格及应用

13.4.3 Paokai Group(TWCT) 爪式抓娃娃机销量、收入、价格及毛利率(2019-2024)

13.4.4 Paokai Group(TWCT)主要业务介绍

13.4.5 Paokai Group(TWCT)最新发展动态

13.5 Diamond Life Animation

13.5.1 Diamond Life Animation Basic Information

13.5.2 Diamond Life Animation Claw Claw Crane Machine Product Specifications and Applications

13.5.3 Diamond Life Claw Claw Claw C

13.5.4 Introduction to Diamond Life's main business

13.5.5 Diamond Life Animation's latest developments

13.6 Guangzhou Guwei Animation Technology Co., Ltd

13.6.1 Basic information of Guangzhou Guwei Animation Technology Co., Ltd

13.6.2 Guangzhou Guwei Animation Technology Co., Ltd. Product specifications and applications of claw claw claw machine

13.6.3 Guangzhou Guwei Animation Technology Co., Ltd. Claw Claw Crane Machine Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

13.6.4 Introduction to the main business of Guangzhou Guwei Animation Technology Co., Ltd

13.6.5 The latest development trends of Guangzhou Guwei Animation Technology Co., Ltd

13.7 纷享科技(FUNSHARE)


13.7.2 FUNSHARE Claw Claw Crane Machine Product Specifications and Applications

13.7.3 FUNSHARE Claw Claw

13.7.4 Introduction to the main business of FUNSHARE


13.8 Guangzhou Shixin Amusement Equipment

13.8.1 Basic information of Guangzhou Shixin amusement equipment

13.8.2 Guangzhou Shixin Amusement Equipment Claw Crane Gripper Product Specifications and Applications

13.8.3 Guangzhou Shixin Amusement Equipment Claw Claw Crane Machine Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

13.8.4 Introduction to the main business of Guangzhou Shixin Amusement Equipment

13.8.5 The latest development of Guangzhou Shixin amusement equipment

13.9 Neofuns Amusement Equipment

13.9.1 Neofuns Amusement Equipment基本信息

13.9.2 Neofuns Amusement Equipment 爪式抓娃娃机产品规格及应用

13.9.3 Neofuns Amusement Equipment 爪式抓娃娃机销量、收入、价格及毛利率(2019-2024)

13.9.4 Neofuns Amusement Equipment主要业务介绍

13.9.5 Neofuns Amusement Equipment最新发展动态

13.10 Guangzhou Jinfeng Animation Technology Co., Ltd

13.10.1 Basic information of Guangzhou Jinfeng Animation Technology Co., Ltd

13.10.2 Guangzhou Jinfeng Animation Technology Co., Ltd. Product specifications and applications of claw claw claw machine

13.10.3 Guangzhou Jinfeng Animation Technology Co., Ltd. Claw Claw Crane Machine Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

13.10.4 Introduction to the main business of Guangzhou Jinfeng Animation Technology Co., Ltd

13.10.5 The latest development of Guangzhou Jinfeng Animation Technology Co., Ltd

13.11 Innovative Concepts in Entertainment

13.11.1 Innovative Concepts in Entertainment基本信息

13.11.2 Innovative Concepts in Entertainment 爪式抓娃娃机产品规格及应用

13.11.3 Innovative Concepts in Entertainment 爪式抓娃娃机销量、收入、价格及毛利率(2019-2024)

13.11.4 Innovative Concepts in Entertainment主要业务介绍

13.11.5 Innovative Concepts in Entertainment最新发展动态

13.12 Guangzhou Jixingbao Animation Technology

13.12.1 Basic information of Guangzhou Jixingbao Animation Technology

13.12.2 Guangzhou Jixingbao Animation Technology Claw Crane Machine Product Specifications and Applications

13.12.3 Guangzhou Jixingbao Animation Technology Claw Claw

13.12.4 Introduction to the main business of Guangzhou Jixingbao Animation Technology

13.12.5 The latest development of Guangzhou Jixingbao animation technology

13.13 Guangzhou Fuji Animation Technology

13.13.1 Basic information of Guangzhou Fuji Animation Technology

13.13.2 Guangzhou Fuji Animation Technology Claw Crane Machine Product Specifications and Applications

13.13.3 Guangzhou Fuji Animation Technology Co., Ltd. Claw Claw Machine Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

13.13.4 Introduction to the main business of Guangzhou Fuji Animation Technology

13.13.5 The latest development of Guangzhou Fuji Animation Technology

13.14 Guangzhou eBay Animation Technology

13.14.1 Basic information of Guangzhou eBay Animation Technology

13.14.2 Guangzhou eBay Animation Technology Claw Crane Machine Product Specifications and Applications

13.14.3 Guangzhou eBay Animation Technology Claw Claw Crane Machine Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

13.14.4 Introduction to the main business of Guangzhou eBay Animation Technology

13.14.5 The latest development of Guangzhou eBay Animation Technology

13.15 Dasheng Technology Industries

13.15.1 Basic information of Dasheng Technology Industry

13.15.2 Dasheng Technology Industry Claw Crane Machine Product Specifications and Applications

13.15.3 Dasheng Technology Industrial Claw Claw Claw

13.15.4 Introduction to the main business of Dasheng Technology Industry

13.15.5 The latest development of Dasheng Technology Industry

14 Report Summary

Table of Contents of Charts

Table of Contents

Table 1: Global Claw Claw Grabber Machine Market Size by Key Regions (2019, 2023 & 2030) & (USD Million)

Table 2: Global Claw Claw Claw Crane Machine Market Size by Major Countries (2019, 2023 > 2030) & (USD Million)

Table 3: Global Claw Claw Crane Machine Sales by Product Type (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 4: Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Gripper Sales Share by Product Type (2019-2024)

Table 5: Global Claw Claw Gripper Machine Revenue by Product Type (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Table 6: Global Claw Claw Gripper Revenue Share by Product Type (2019-2024)

Table 7: Global Claw Crane Grabber Prices by Product Type (2019-2024) & (USD/Unit)

Table 8: Global Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales by Application (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 9: Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales Share by Application (2019-2024)

Table 10: Global Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue by Application (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Table 11: Global Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue Share by Application (2019-2024)

Table 12: Global Claw Crane Grabber Price by Application (2019-2024) & (USD/Unit)

Table 13: Global Claw Claw Grabber Machine Sales by Major Manufacturers (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 14: Global Claw Claw Machine Sales Share by Major Manufacturers (2019-2024)

Table 15: Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue by Key Manufacturers (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Table 16: Global Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue Share by Key Manufacturers (2019-2024)

Table 17: Global Claw Claw Claw Crane Machine Price by Major Manufacturers (2019-2024)&(USD/Unit)

Table 18: Global Major Manufacturers of Claw Claw Claw Machine Production and Market Distribution

Table 19: Product types of claw crane grabber machines by major manufacturers in the world

表 20: 全球爪式抓娃娃机行业集中度分析(CR3, CR5 and CR10)&(2019-2024)

Table 21: Potential Industry Entrants

Table 22: Industry M&A and production expansion

Table 23: Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales by Major Regions (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 24: Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales Share by Key Regions (2019-2024)

Table 25: Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue by Major Regions (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Table 26: Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue Share by Key Regions (2019-2024)

Table 27: Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales in Major Countries (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 28: Global Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales Share by Major Countries (2019-2024)

Table 29: Global Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue by Major Countries (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Table 30: Global Claw Claw Machine Revenue Share by Major Countries (2019-2024)

Table 31: Sales of Claw Claw Claw Machine by Major Countries in the Americas (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 32: Sales Share of Claw Claw Claw Clutches by Major Countries in the Americas (2019-2024)

Table 33: Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue by Major Countries in the Americas (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Table 34: Revenue Share of Claw Claw Claw Machine by Major Countries in the Americas (2019-2024)

Table 35: American Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales by Category (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 36: Sales of Claw Claw Crane Machines in the Americas by Application (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 37: Sales of Claw Claw Claw Machine in Major Asia-Pacific Regions (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 38: Asia-Pacific Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales Share by Key Regions (2019-2024)

Table 39: Asia-Pacific Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Table 40: Asia-Pacific Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales by Category (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 41: Asia-Pacific Sales Volume of Claw Crane Grabber by Application (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 42: Sales of Claw Claw Crane Machines in Major European Countries (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 43: Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue by Major European Countries (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Table 44: European Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales by Category (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 45: Europe Sales of Claw Crane Machines by Application (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 46: Sales volume of claw crane grabber in major countries in Middle East and Africa (2019-2024) & (thousand units)

Table 47: Middle East & Africa Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue Share by Major Countries (2019-2024)

Table 48: Middle East & Africa Claw Claw Machine Sales by Category (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 49: Middle East & Africa Sales Volume of Claw Crane Machines by Application (2019-2024) & (Thousand Units)

Table 50: Drivers of the claw claw machine industry development

Table 51: Challenges and risks faced by the claw gripper industry

Table 52: Development trend of claw crane machine industry

Table 53: Claw gripper raw materials

Table 54: Core raw material suppliers for claw crane grabbers

Table 55: Claw Claw Grabber Distributors

Table 56: Claw gripper downstream customers

Table 57: Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales Forecast by Major Regions (2025-2030) & (Thousand Units)

Table 58: Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue by Major Regions (2025-2030) & (USD Million)

Table 59: Sales Forecast of Claw Claw Crane Machine by Major Countries in the Americas (2025-2030) & (Thousand Units)

表 60: 美洲爪式抓娃娃机 Annual Revenue Forecast by Country (2025-2030)&(百万美元)

Table 61: Asia-Pacific Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales Forecast (2025-2030) & (Thousand Units)

Table 62: Asia-Pacific Key Regions Revenue Forecast (2025-2030) & (USD Million)

Table 63: Sales Forecast of Claw Claw Claw Machines in Major European Countries (2025-2030) & (Thousand Units)

Table 64: Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue Forecast by Major European Countries (2025-2030) & (USD Million)

Table 65: Middle East & Africa Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales Forecast (2025-2030) & (Thousand Units)

Table 66: Middle East & Africa Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue Forecast (2025-2030) & (USD Million)

Table 67: Global Claw Crane Gripper Sales Forecast by Product Type (2025-2030) & (Thousand Units)

Table 68: Global Revenue Forecast for Claw Claw Gripper by Product Type (2025-2030) & (USD Million)

Table 69: Global Sales Forecast of Claw Crane Grabber by Application (2025-2030) & (Thousand Units)

Table 70: Global Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue Forecast by Application (2025-2030) & (USD Million)

Table 71: Elaut Basic Information, Headquarters, Claw Claw Claw Claw Manufacturer Distribution, Sales Region and Competitors

Table 72: Elaut Claw Claw Claw Grabber Product Specifications and Applications

Table 73: Elaut Claw Claw Machine Sales (Thousand Units), Revenue (USD Million), Price (USD per Unit) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 74: Introduction to Elaut's main business

Table 75: Recent developments in Elaut

Table 76: Smart Industries Basic Information, Headquarters, Claw Claw Claw Claw Manufacturer Distribution, Sales Region and Competitors

表 77: Smart Industries 爪式抓娃娃机产品规格及应用

Table 78: Smart Industries Claw Claw Claw Crane Machine Sales (Thousand Units), Revenue (USD Million), Price (USD per Unit) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

表 79: Smart Industries主要业务介绍

表 80: Smart Industries最新发展动态

Table 81: Sega Basic Information, Headquarters, Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Origin Distribution, Sales Region and Competitors

Table 82: Sega Claw Claw Grabber Product Specifications and Applications

Table 83: Sega Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales (Thousand Units), Revenue (USD Million), Price (USD per Unit) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 84: Introduction to Sega's main business

Table 85: Recent developments in Sega

Table 86: Paokai Group (TWCT) Basic Information, Headquarters, Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Origin Distribution, Sales Region and Competitors

表 87: Paokai Group(TWCT) 爪式抓娃娃机产品规格及应用

Table 88: Paokai Group (TWCT) Claw Crane Machine Sales (Thousand Units), Revenue (USD Million), Price (USD Millions) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

表 89: Paokai Group(TWCT)主要业务介绍

表 90: Paokai Group(TWCT)最新发展动态

Table 91: Basic information of Diamond Life Animation, headquarters, claw claw claw machine production distribution, sales area and competitors

Table 92: Diamond Life Animation Claw Claw

Table 93: Diamond Life Claw Claw Crane Sales (1000 Units), Revenue (USD Million), Price (USD per Unit) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 94: Introduction to Diamond Life's main businesses

Table 95: Diamond Life Animation Update

Table 96: Guangzhou Guwei Animation Technology Co., Ltd. Basic information, headquarters, claw type crane machine production distribution, sales area and competitors

Table 97: Guangzhou Guwei Animation Technology Co., Ltd. Product specifications and applications of claw type crane grabbing machine

Table 98: Guangzhou Guwei Animation Technology Co., Ltd. Claw Claw Crane Machine Sales (1000 Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 99: Introduction to the main business of Guangzhou Guwei Animation Technology Co., Ltd

Table 100: The latest development of Guangzhou Guwei Animation Technology Co., Ltd


Table 102: FUNSHARE Claw Claw




Table 106: Basic information, headquarters, production distribution, sales area and competitors of Guangzhou Shixin amusement equipment

Table 107: Guangzhou Shixin Amusement Equipment Claw Crane Machine Product Specifications and Applications

Table 108: Guangzhou Shixin Amusement Equipment Claw Claw Claw Crane Machine Sales (1000 Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 109: Introduction to the main business of Guangzhou Shixin Amusement Equipment

Table 110: The latest developments of Shixin amusement equipment in Guangzhou

Table 111: Neofuns Amusement Equipment Basic Information, Headquarters, Claw Claw Gripper Manufacturer Distribution, Sales Region and Competitors

表 112: Neofuns Amusement Equipment 爪式抓娃娃机产品规格及应用

Table 113: Neofuns Amusement Equipment Claw Claw Gripper Sales (Thousand Units), Revenue (USD Million), Price (USD per Unit) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

表 114: Neofuns Amusement Equipment主要业务介绍

表 115: Neofuns Amusement Equipment最新发展动态

Table 116: Guangzhou Jinfeng Animation Technology Co., Ltd. Basic information, headquarters, claw claw claw claw machine production distribution, sales area and competitors

Table 117: Guangzhou Jinfeng Animation Technology Co., Ltd. Claw Crane Grabber Machine Product Specifications and Applications

Table 118: Guangzhou Jinfeng Animation Technology Co., Ltd. Claw Claw Machine Sales (1000 Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 119: Introduction to the main business of Guangzhou Jinfeng Animation Technology Co., Ltd

Table 120: The latest developments of Guangzhou Jinfeng Animation Technology Co., Ltd

表 121: Innovative Concepts in Entertainment基本信息、总部、爪式抓娃娃机产地分布、销售区域及竞争对手

表 122: Innovative Concepts in Entertainment 爪式抓娃娃机产品规格及应用

表 123: Innovative Concepts in Entertainment 爪式抓娃娃机销量(千台)、收入(百万美元)、价格(美元/台)及毛利率(2019-2024)

表 124: Innovative Concepts in Entertainment主要业务介绍

表 125: Innovative Concepts in Entertainment最新发展动态

Table 126: Basic information, headquarters, production distribution, sales area and competitors of Guangzhou Jixingbao Animation Technology

Table 127: Guangzhou Jixingbao Animation Technology Claw Claw

Table 128: Guangzhou Jixingbao Animation Technology Claw Claw Claw Crane Machine Sales (1000 units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 129: Introduction to the main business of Guangzhou Jixingbao Animation Technology

Table 130: The latest developments in Guangzhou Jixingbao animation technology

Table 131: Guangzhou Fuji Animation Technology Basic Information, Headquarters, Claw Claw Grabber Machine Origin Distribution, Sales Area and Competitors

Table 132: Guangzhou Fuji Animation Technology Claw Crane Gripper Product Specifications and Applications

Table 133: Guangzhou Fuji Animation Technology Claw Claw Crane Machine Sales (1000 Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 134: Introduction to the main business of Guangzhou Fuji Animation Technology

Table 135: The latest developments in Guangzhou Fuji Animation Technology

Table 136: Guangzhou eBay Animation Technology Basic Information, Headquarters, Claw Claw Claw Grabber Machine Origin Distribution, Sales Area and Competitors

Table 137: Guangzhou eBay Animation Technology Claw Claw

Table 138: Guangzhou eBay Animation Technology Claw Claw Crane Machine Sales (1000 Units), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 139: Introduction to the main business of Guangzhou eBay Animation Technology

Table 140: The latest developments of Guangzhou eBay Animation Technology

Table 141: Basic information, headquarters, claw crane machine production distribution, sales area and competitors

Table 142: Dasheng Technology Industry Claw Crane Grabber Machine Product Specifications and Applications

Table 143: Dasheng Technology Industry Claw Crane Machine Sales (1000 Units), Revenue (USD Million), Price (USD/Unit) and Gross Margin (2019-2024)

Table 144: Introduction to the main business of Dasheng Technology Industry

Table 145: Recent Developments in Dasheng Technology Industry

Table of Contents of Charts

Figure 1: Product image of claw gripper machine

Figure 2: The year covered in this article

Figure 3: Study Objectives

Figure 4: Research methodology

Figure 5: Research process and data sources

Figure 6: Global claw crane machine sales and growth rate (2019-2030) & (1,000 units)

Figure 7: Global Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate 2019-2030 (USD Million)

Figure 8: Global Claw Claw Grabber Machine Market Size by Major Regions (2019, 2023 > 2030)& (USD Million)

Figure 9: Global Claw Claw Machine Market Share by Key Countries, 2023

Figure 10: Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Market Share by Key Countries (2019, 2023 > 2030)

Figure 11: Product image of a single crane machine

Figure 12: Product picture of multi-person crane machine

Figure 13: Global claw gripper machine sales share by product type in 2023

Figure 14: Global Claw Claw Claw Gripper Revenue Share by Product Type (2019-2024)

Figure 15: Shopping malls

Figure 16: Global claw crane grabber sales in shopping malls (2019-2024) > (1,000 units)

Figure 17: Playground

Figure 18: Global claw crane grabber sales in playgrounds (2019-2024) & (1000 units)

Figure 19: Miscellaneous

Figure 20: Global claw crane machine sales by others (2019-2024) & (1000 units)

Figure 21: Global claw claw claw machine sales share by application in 2023

Figure 22: Global revenue share of claw claw claw machines by application in 2023

Figure 23: Sales volume of claw claw claw machines by major manufacturers in 2023 (1,000 units)

Figure 24: Global claw claw claw machine sales share by major manufacturers in 2023

Figure 25: Global Claw Claw Machine Revenue by Major Manufacturers in 2023 (USD Million)

Figure 26: Global claw claw claw machine revenue share by major manufacturers in 2023

Figure 27: Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales Share by Key Regions (2019-2024)

Figure 28: Global claw gripper revenue share by major regions in 2023

Figure 29: Sales of claw claw machines in the Americas (2019-2024) & (1,000 units)

Figure 30: American Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 31: Asia-Pacific Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales (2019-2024) & (1000 units)

Figure 32: Asia-Pacific Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 33: European Claw Claw Grabber Sales (2019-2024) > (1,000 units)

Figure 34: Europe Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 35: Middle East & Africa Claw Grabber Machine Sales (2019-2024) & (1000 units)

Figure 36: Middle East & Africa Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 37: Sales share of claw claw claw machines by major countries in the Americas in 2023

Figure 38: American Claw Claw Claw Claw Gripper Sales by Product Type (2019-2024)

Figure 39: Americas Claw Claw Crane Sales Share by Application (2019-2024)

Figure 40: U.S. Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 41: Canada Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 42: Mexico Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 43: Brazil Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 44: Sales share of claw claw claw claw machines in key regions of Asia-Pacific in 2023

Figure 45: Asia-Pacific Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue Share by Key Regions (2019-2024)

Figure 46: Asia-Pacific Claw Claw Gripper Machine Sales by Product Type (2019-2024)

Figure 47: Asia-Pacific Sales Share of Claw Gripper Machine by Application (2019-2024)

Figure 48: China Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 49: Japan Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 50: South Korea Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 51: Southeast Asia Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 52: India Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 53: Australia Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 54: Taiwan Claw Claw Crane Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 55: Sales share of claw claw claw machines by major European countries in 2023

Figure 56: Revenue Share of Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine by Key Countries in Europe (2019-2024)

Figure 57: Europe Claw Claw Grabber Machine Sales by Product Type (2019-2024)

Figure 58: Europe Sales Share of Claw Claw Gripper by Application (2019-2024)

Figure 59: Germany Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 60: France Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 61: UK Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 62: Italy Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 63: Russia Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 64: Middle East & Africa Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales Share by Major Countries (2019-2024)

Figure 65: Middle East & Africa Claw Claw Claw Claw Machines by Product Type (2019-2024)

Figure 66: Middle East & Africa Sales Share of Claw Claw Gripper by Application (2019-2024)

Figure 67: Egypt Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 68: South Africa Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 69: Israel Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 70: Turkey Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue and Growth Rate (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 71: Revenue and Growth Rate of Claw Claw Claw Machines in Gulf Region (2019-2024) & (USD Million)

Figure 72: Analysis of the production cost of a claw gripper machine

Figure 73: Production process of a claw gripper machine

Figure 74: Claw gripper supply chain

Figure 75: Claw gripper machine distributor

Figure 76: Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales Share Forecast by Key Regions (2025-2030)

Figure 77: Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue Share by Key Regions (2025-2030)

Figure 78: Global Claw Claw Grabber Machine Sales Share Forecast by Product Type (2025-2030)

Figure 79: Global Revenue Share Forecast for Claw Claw Grabber Machines by Product Type (2025-2030)

Figure 80: Global Claw Claw Claw Claw Machine Sales Share Forecast by Application (2025-2030)

Figure 81: Global Claw Claw Claw Machine Revenue Share Forecast by Application (2025-2030)

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