
BIRD Concept and Mathematics in Traditional Chinese Medicine

author:Medical care is red and blue
BIRD Concept and Mathematics in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The "BIRD Idea" is an innovative, bold and forward-thinking approach to thinking and research.

"B" stands for "Bottom-up", emphasizing the use of the research paradigm of physical evolution theory and mathematical category theory to observe and understand things from a macro and holistic perspective, and pursue breakthroughs in basic, frontier and interdisciplinary fields, reflecting a far-sighted and overall vision.

The "I" stands for "Interdisciplinary Freedom" and advocates free exploration that is anti-disciplinary, directionless, and non-consensual. This means pushing the boundaries of traditional disciplines, not being bound by established directions and mainstream views, and encouraging the development of new areas of knowledge in a free and flexible way.

"R" stands for "Radical", which requires challenging tradition, breaking the framework, and carrying out large-scale cross-border innovation. This radical attitude aims to push the limits of thinking and practice, to break through existing constraints and create entirely new results.

The "D" stands for "Disruptive" and emphasizes non-linear development and unpredictable mutational outcomes. It does not follow a conventional linear pattern of development, but rather expects unexpected breakthroughs and changes.

For example, in scientific research, adopting the "BIRD concept" may enable researchers to solve complex problems in a way that has never been done before, such as developing entirely new treatments for diseases or creating revolutionary technologies, across multiple disciplines, such as physics, biology, computer science, and more.

In the business field, this concept may encourage enterprises to break through the traditional business model and market positioning, and open up new market space through bold innovation and disruption, and achieve leapfrog development.

Overall, the BIRD Philosophy encourages people to think and act in bold, innovative and breakthrough ways, and to pursue leapfrog progress and change in all areas.

BIRD Concept and Mathematics in Traditional Chinese Medicine

"Mathematics in Medicine" is not a specific concept or field that is widely recognized. However, it can be seen from the relevant sources that there are ideas, theories and methods related to mathematics in Chinese medicine.

Ancient Chinese mathematics participated in the construction of the theoretical system of Chinese medicine in a unique way. For example, the object of ancient mathematics research is "elephant", which mainly discusses the orderliness of objective things with elephants, forming a non-structural mathematical system based on the concept of organic mathematical concepts, which echoes some concepts of traditional Chinese medicine.

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there are some concepts that embody the abstract symbolism of numbers, such as "yang, odd and yin", and "image-based, number is used". Like what:

  • "1" is considered to be "the Tao lies in one", and it is also the number of kidney water in the five elements;
  • "2" is the two instruments, the beginning of the yin number, and the number of the five elements of heart fire;
  • "3" is the small number of "Lao Tzu" on "three births of all things", and "Su Wen: Three Parts of Nine Candidates" says that "three become heaven, three become earth, and three become adults", which is the number of liver wood in the five elements;
  • "4" represents the four images, the four hours, and the four directions, which is the number of lung gold in the five elements;
  • "5" is the sum of the number of heaven and earth, and the "Yi Zhi Ci Shang" says: "The number of days is five, and the number of the earth is five", which is the number of spleen and soil in the five elements;
  • "6" is the number of the Yin of the Pharaoh, and the Yin is called six, which is consistent with the number of Liuhe, Liulu and Liulu, and is the number of kidney water in the five elements;
  • "7" is the number of "seven days of repetition" in "Zhou Yi", and there is the experience of seven days of recovery from fever in "Treatise on Typhoid Fever", which is the number of fire in the center of the five elements;
  • "8" is the gossip and eight winds, which is the number of liver wood in the five elements;
  • "9" is the number of poles, Yang Yao uses nine for the old yang, should be the number of yellow bells in Kyushu, Jiuye, and Jiuhou, "Lingshu Nine Needles and Twelve Originals" said, the number "begins with one, and ends with nine", which is the number of lung gold in the five elements;
  • "10" is the number of Jin Shang after "9", and in the five elements it is the number of spleen and soil.

Traditional Chinese medicine also uses diagrams to represent numbers, that is, the river diagram and Luo Shu are used to represent the multiple spatio-temporal relationships between yin and yang and the five elements, as well as the relationship between the five internal organs of the human body and the four seasons and the four directions, and their positioning on the river diagram and Luo Shu stipulates the physiological characteristics of the viscera.

Ancient physicians also used mathematical models to construct theories of Chinese medicine. They firmly believe that the law of numbers is also the law of life activities, and use certain mathematical models as human models. For example, the five-element model with group theory characteristics is used as the steady-state feature of the five major systems of man and nature. The Six Classics model with set theory characteristics is used to summarize the syndrome of the relationship between time series and fever. The Neijing uses the five elements to express the relationship and characteristics of the viscera, and establishes the theory of the five elements of viscera; The Treatise on Typhoid Fever uses the Six Classics to illustrate the six types of six types of dialectics in which fever evolves in the order of disease. In addition, in the chapter of "Lingshu: Nine Palaces and Eight Winds", there are also gossip dirty images of the Bagua mathematical model.

However, it should be noted that although mathematics has influenced the way of thinking of TCM to a certain extent and endowed it with certain characteristics, ancient Chinese mathematics has not formed a strong driving force to promote the development of TCM to experimental science due to its characteristics of emphasizing practicality and not being abstract, analytical thinking not being mainstream, and formal logic being underdeveloped. At the same time, it is also necessary to avoid over-generalization or inappropriate analogies when applying some mathematical concepts or analogies to TCM.

BIRD Concept and Mathematics in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In general, the mathematical ideas in TCM embody a unique way of understanding the human body, nature and the laws of life of the ancients, but in the context of modern science, the research and application of these ideas need to be more rigorously combined with scientific methods and experimental evidence. If you have a more detailed need for specific aspects of "Mathematical Chinese Medicine" or related research, it is recommended to refer to professional Chinese medicine works or further discussion with experts in related fields.

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