
On the list of the top 20 most difficult universities in the "postgraduate entrance examination", UCAS is the sixth and the Peking University Medical School is the ninth

author:Sweet Path

In the 20s of the 21st century, it has become commonplace for college graduates to take graduate exams. With the continuous development of the mainland's economy, the level of education has gradually improved, and the number of college students has been increasing.

With the increase of highly educated intellectuals, employers have raised the threshold for academic qualifications. Positions that originally only required a bachelor's degree or above are now required to be promoted to a master's degree or above. In order to meet the needs of employers, college students have joined the army of graduate school entrance examinations, hoping to increase their competitiveness by improving their academic qualifications.

On the list of the top 20 most difficult universities in the "postgraduate entrance examination", UCAS is the sixth and the Peking University Medical School is the ninth

The fall semester of 2023 has begun, and the annual graduate exams are getting closer and closer. The situation of this year's postgraduate entrance examination is different, and students who failed to take the exam last year due to the "impact of masks" are likely to rejoin the postgraduate examination battlefield this year.

On the list of the top 20 most difficult universities in the "postgraduate entrance examination", UCAS is the sixth and the Peking University Medical School is the ninth

The number of candidates who register for the master's examination in 2024 is expected to exceed 5 million, and the increase in the number of applicants means that the competition for postgraduate entrance examinations will be more fierce and the difficulty of successfully landing will also increase.

On the list of the top 20 most difficult universities in the "postgraduate entrance examination", UCAS is the sixth and the Peking University Medical School is the ninth

Regarding the ranking of the difficulty of postgraduate entrance examination in mainland universities, some institutions recently announced the top 20. In this list, Tsinghua University ranked first, Peking University ranked second, Shanghai Jiao Tong University ranked third, Fudan University ranked fourth, Zhejiang University ranked fifth, and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences ranked sixth.

On the list of the top 20 most difficult universities in the "postgraduate entrance examination", UCAS is the sixth and the Peking University Medical School is the ninth

The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, as a dark horse in the list, although it is neither 985 nor 211, is one of the most difficult universities in the mainland to take the postgraduate examination. Other universities, including Chinese Renmin University, University of Science and Technology of China, Peking University Health Science Center, Nanjing University, etc., all occupy important positions on the list.

On the list of the top 20 most difficult universities in the "postgraduate entrance examination", UCAS is the sixth and the Peking University Medical School is the ninth

These colleges and universities have a high degree of difficulty in both the college entrance examination and the postgraduate entrance examination, and they are well-known first-class universities in the country.

On the list of the top 20 most difficult universities in the "postgraduate entrance examination", UCAS is the sixth and the Peking University Medical School is the ninth

Today's topic: What do you think about the list of the top 20 most difficult universities in mainland China?

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