
During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

author:Character story exploration

In 1943, during the difficult period of the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese army often came to conduct air raids. Song Lingchun, a young soldier of the Eighth Route Army, plunged into the grass in an air raid, he lay down facing the sky, and he didn't dare to breathe.

Suddenly, an enemy plane flew low, no more than 100 meters above his head. Song Lingchun felt that itch in his heart, looking at the enemy plane so close, it was like a provocation. The gun in his hand seemed to feel the mood of his master and was eager to try.

"This distance, maybe you can—" He thought about it, and his finger hit the trigger. Bang! A gunshot rang out, piercing the tense air.

As a result, at the age of 18, he became famous with one shot and created a miracle for our army.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

In 1925, Song Lingchun was born in a poor peasant family in Shandong. Due to his poor family, since he was a child, he followed his father to the mountains and barely made ends meet by hunting.

Every time he entered the mountain, Xiao Lingchun nervously clutched the shotgun, for fear that he would miss the prey and make the family hungry again. Fortunately, his father is a good hunter, and he taught him how to aim and shoot. Slowly, Xiao Lingchun's marksmanship became more and more accurate, and every time he went home, he could bring a few game, so that the stove at home could also waft out a little meaty fragrance.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

It's a pity that the good times don't last long. Suddenly, one day, the Japanese invaded their village like hungry wolves, killing people and robbing things when they saw them. Xiao Lingchun watched the villagers fall in a pool of blood one by one, and the hatred in his heart burned like fire.

"These scoundrels, I can't spare them!" Xiao Lingchun said through gritted teeth.

His father looked at him and sighed: "Son, this world is in chaos, you have to think clearly about your own path." ”

Xiao Lingchun raised his head suddenly, his eyes flashing: "Dad, I'm going to fight devils!" I want to protect our home! ”

In this way, in 1942, Song Lingchun, who was only 17 years old, took up the gun and joined the Eighth Route Army.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

In the years of the Anti-Japanese War, the life of the Eighth Route Army was really difficult, and the weapons and ammunition were pitiful. Let's just talk about this recruit Song Lingchun, when he first joined the army, he only had a big knife in his hand, which made people feel distressed when he thought about it. In fact, at that time, many veterans also relied on cold weapons such as spears and broadswords to fight on the battlefield.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

Speaking of Song Lingchun's battle for fame, it was really thrilling. In a fierce battle, one of his close veteran comrades was unfortunately killed. This immediately provoked Song Lingchun, he didn't say a word, rushed forward and snatched the gun from the sacrificial comrades, and then turned around and shot at the Japanese army.

"Bang bang bang!" This gunfire is like sounding the death knell for the Japanese army. Song Lingchun, this young man, has terrifying marksmanship, almost no bullets, and every shot can knock down a devil.

As soon as the battle ended, this Song Lingchun became famous. The leaders took a look, this young man is a talent! So, he specially rewarded him with a handful of 38 big covers captured from the devil.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes
During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

The leader stuffed the gun into Song Lingchun's hand and said, "Boy, this gun will be yours in the future, use it to kill the enemy!" ”

Song Lingchun took the gun and felt that it was heavy in his hand, not only the weight of a gun, but also the expectations of the leaders and comrades-in-arms. The excitement in his heart is beyond words.

"Thank you, leader!" Song Lingchun was excited, and he couldn't say anything.

After getting the gun, the first thing Song Lingchun did was to go to his comrades to learn about the performance of the gun.

You must know that the 38 big cover is a well-known character on the battlefield. But then again, why is this product so popular? What's so great about it?

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

Song Lingchun asked the veteran with a confused expression: "How far can this gun go?" ”

The veteran smiled and said with a well-informed look: "Boy, the effective range of this gun is not short, 460 to 600 meters!" The farthest reaches are not a problem at 1,000 meters. ”

Hearing this, Song Lingchun's eyes lit up, as if he had seen the scene of himself holding this magic spear and killing the enemy heroically on the battlefield.

To be honest, on the battlefield, it is indeed enough for a soldier to fight alone. But with these 38 big covers, several comrades-in-arms fired together, and the firepower was fierce, and the enemy couldn't get close at all.

Song Lingchun was very curious, and asked again: "Why is this gun so good?" ”

The veteran smiled proudly: "The barrel of this gun is long, the gunpowder is burning vigorously in it, and the bullets will fly far away." Moreover, this bullet flew out very steadily, and it could be hit wherever it wanted. ”

Isn't it, these 38 big covers are simply artifacts on the battlefield, and they quickly showed their power on the battlefield.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

Once, a comrade-in-arms suddenly shouted: "Look, there's a Japanese devil over there!" ”

Song Lingchun didn't say a word, and picked up the 38 big cover is a shot. You know what? The bullet was like having an eye, and it directly knocked the devil down. When the comrades-in-arms saw it, they all jumped for joy.

Since then, Song Lingchun has treated this gun as a treasure, and he has polished it every day. He also secretly swore in his heart that he must use this gun well and kill a few more enemies.

In this way, in the next year, Song Lingchun relied on this 38 big cover, and he didn't know how many Japanese sentries he put down.

Of course, what he didn't expect was that this gun could play a bigger role.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

In September 1943, Qixia Mountain Village, Shandong. This is the 64th Company of the 205th Regiment of the Eighth Route Army, and at the same time, the headquarters of the Jiaodong Military Region is also hidden nearby.

"Eat, brethren!" The uncle of the cook shouted, and everyone gathered around and picked up the rice bowl. Song Lingchun, a young man, always has such a large amount of food, and the rice bowl is full.

But at this moment, the sentry brother rushed over in a panic and said breathlessly, "Quick... Hide, the enemy planes are coming! ”

As soon as everyone heard this, as soon as the rice bowl was put away, they ran away, and hurriedly found a place to hide. Song Lingchun was agile, and he hid in the bushes with a roll, lying on the ground and not daring to breathe, his eyes staring at the sky.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

Speaking of this Japanese fighter, it is really a frequent visitor here. They know that our air force is insufficient, so they always come to harass. Every time they saw their arrogant appearance, the warriors held back a fire in their hearts.

No, Cao Cao Cao arrived, four Japanese fighters pounced like hungry wolves, and the bombs were thrown down as if they didn't want money, and the entire mountain village was about to be blown up. Song Lingchun only felt that his ears were about to be deaf, and the anger in his heart couldn't be described in words.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

Suddenly, an enemy plane flew low, as if looking for something. Song Lingchun held the 38 big cover in his hand, and his heart was itching: I have to give these devils some color this time!

But just as he was about to pull the trigger, he suddenly stopped. He knew in his heart that if this shot was fired, his position would be exposed, and not only might he die, but he would also affect his comrades-in-arms. This kind of stupid thing, he can't do it.

"Bear with me, the wind is calm." Song Lingchun thought silently in his heart, and he just suppressed that impulse. He clung to the 38 cover tightly, but in the end he didn't shoot.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

Who knows, not long after, the devil plane "took the initiative to send it to the door", and the soldier created a legend with one shot!

At this time, Song Lingchun raised his eyes and saw that an enemy plane was flying at a low altitude, almost grazing the hillside. He clearly saw the eye-catching sun flag logo on the wings, and the small flame in his heart came up at once.

At such a close distance, I'm afraid it's not even a hundred meters. Song Lingchun clenched the 38 cover in his hand, and pondered in his heart: "This enemy plane is too arrogant, flying so low, it is simply provocative!" If I can knock it down, it would be really—" But then he had a hard time, and he had never done this job before, so where could he get it to fall?

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

Just as he was struggling, the enemy plane swooped down again, as if deliberately angry with him. This time it was even more excessive, the pilot actually poked his head out of the window and looked around. Song Lingchun saw that this was worth it, wouldn't it be all exposed if it continued like this!

He was in his heart and said secretly: "No matter, let's fight first!" So he quietly pointed his gun at the driver's head. When the enemy plane approached again, he jerked the trigger.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

"Bang!" After a gunshot, the driver fell headlong, and a splash of blood suddenly appeared on the windshield. But strangely, the plane did not fall off immediately. It staggered through the air for some distance before suddenly crashing into the mountain as if out of control.

"Boom!" A loud bang was heard, and the enemy plane instantly turned into a ball of fire. Song Lingchun looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't believe his eyes. He actually shot down an enemy plane!

The remaining three enemy planes were frightened and fled in a puff of smoke. And Song Lingchun stood in place for a long time and couldn't calm down, he didn't expect that he would really knock it down.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

"Lingchun, you kid can!" The comrades-in-arms gathered around, and you praised me word by word.

But Song Lingchun had a bitter face, as if there was something in his heart. Actually, he was cool to fight, but after the fight, he remembered that he had violated the rules of the army by doing so.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

At this moment, the superior officer strode over. He looked at Song Lingchun, his eyes lit up, but he said sternly: "Song Lingchun, do you know what you have done?" ”

Song Lingchun looked like a child who made a mistake, lowered his head and whispered: "Report sir, I know it's wrong, but I really just want to protect everyone at that time." ”

The officer glared at him, pretended to be angry and snorted, and then suddenly laughed: "You kid, this time you have made a meritorious service, where is there anything wrong!" ”

Hearing this, Song Lingchun raised his head suddenly and jumped up excitedly.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

This matter soon spread in the army, and even Xu Shiyou, the commander of East China, heard about it. He specially found Song Lingchun, and as soon as they met, he held his hand tightly and said, "Good boy, you are really good!" Guns and jerks off, you can do it! ”

Song Lingchun touched the back of his head and smiled a little embarrassedly: "Commander, I didn't think about it that much at the time, I just wanted to give the enemy some color." ”

Commander Xu laughed when he heard this: "Good job! Our army needs hot-blooded men like you! As long as the Japanese planes dare to come and sneak attack, we will dare to beat them down. ”

But war is no child's play. A few years later, Song Lingchun was wounded on the battlefield in the northeast and could not hear in his right ear. But he never complained, because he knew that he was fighting for the country and the people.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

Many years later, Song Lingchun and Commander Xu Shiyou met again, and the two smiled as soon as they met. Commander Xu took out a box of compressed biscuits from his pocket, stuffed it into Song Lingchun and said, "This is a small gift for you, don't forget your heroic deeds back then!" ”

Song Lingchun took the biscuit, and the excitement in his heart was indescribable.

During the air attack by four enemy planes, the 18-year-old soldier hid in the bushes and pulled the trigger on one of the enemy planes

In that war-torn era, Song Ling proved the bravery and determination of the Chinese people with his actions. His shot not only shot down the enemy plane, but also played the morale and pride of the Chinese people!