
The United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula was held, and the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK took the lead and engaged in fierce confrontations

author:See the world in the vernacular

The United Nations convened a meeting on the situation on the peninsula, and at a time of fierce confrontation at the venue, the 33 countries united the front against China, NATO's black hand once again extended to the Asia-Pacific region, and North Korea took the lead. What did the North Korean side say again?

Recently, the UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on the situation on the peninsula, the reason for which was the "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty" signed with the DPRK side during the previous visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the DPRK, which clearly mentioned that when one of the parties is invaded by another country, the other side needs to provide assistance, and the Russian side does not rule out the possibility of developing military-technical cooperation with the DPRK. In other words, if the situation on the peninsula changes, Russia may intervene militarily to assist North Korea. The advent of the treaty directly made the United States unable to sit still. At the Security Council, US Representative Wood took the opportunity to accuse China of refusing to condemn Russia's actions of violating UN sanctions and cooperating with the DPRK, and for continuing to prevent sanctions against the DPRK in the Security Council, which has seriously "undermined" the regional security situation.

The United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula was held, and the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK took the lead and engaged in fierce confrontations

In response to the US accusations, China's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geng Shuang, clearly emphasized three points: First, the US should resolutely oppose and never accept the accusations made by the US representatives, and the US should deeply reflect on what it has done, and not always habitually blame others and try to shift the blame; Second, China independently decides its position on the Korean Peninsula issue and does not need to be told by the United States how to do it. Third, it is not a good practice for the US to advise the US to change its old mistakes, and to habitually blame others instead of looking for the cause of any problems. On the Korean Peninsula issue, China's attitude and position are consistent, that is, all parties should adopt a rational and pragmatic attitude, resume contacts as soon as possible, build mutual trust, resume dialogue, and seek ways to break the situation in a peaceful, calm and stable state.

The United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula was held, and the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK took the lead and engaged in fierce confrontations

It is undeniable that the current situation on the Korean Peninsula is in such a situation, which is inseparable from the United States. First, the United States and South Korea have refused to respond to the denuclearization measures that North Korea has taken, and have instead stepped up pressure and deterrence on North Korea, which has led to worsening tensions on the Korean Peninsula. Second, against the backdrop of the Biden administration's efforts to promote the so-called "Indo-Pacific strategy", it has been constantly drawing Western allies to participate in Asia-Pacific affairs in a vain attempt to form a so-called "Asia-Pacific version of NATO" in the Asia-Pacific region, which has further exacerbated the already tense situation on the peninsula.

Recently, some Russian media sources pointed out that Japan plans to hold a series of joint military exercises with Germany and Spain in Hokkaido, near the Russian border, from July 19 to 25. The United States intends to mobilize the air power of more NATO member states to the western Pacific region and the Asia-Pacific region, and its purpose is to promote the "Asia-Pacific transformation of NATO" and "Asia-Pacific NATO" against China, Russia, and North Korea. This is also NATO's latest move to extend its black hand to the Asia-Pacific region, and Japan, as an Asia-Pacific country, has obviously played the role of "luring the wolf into the room" and has united the front against China with the 32 NATO countries.

The United Nations Conference on the Korean Peninsula was held, and the 33 countries united the front against China, and the DPRK took the lead and engaged in fierce confrontations

In response to Japan's moves, the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that the irresponsible policy of the Japanese Government has caused an escalation of tension in Northeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific region and has set Japan on a dangerous path. The Russian side will fully take countermeasures to strengthen its defense capability. At the same time, North Korea also took the lead, on the 30th, North Korea angrily denounced the United States, Japan and South Korea for joining hands to build an "Asian version of NATO", the North Korean side pointed out that the frequent military exercises of the United States, Japan and South Korea not only undermine the peace and stability of the peninsula, but also are naked threats and intimidation to the DPRK, and the purpose of the United States is to achieve political collusion and military integration between NATO and pro-American countries in the Asia-Pacific region. If the United States, Japan, and the ROK continue to provoke, threaten, and undermine peace and stability on the peninsula and in the world, the DPRK will certainly take tough measures, and the US, Japan, and the ROK will eventually incur fatal consequences.

In addition, in response to NATO's "eastward expansion" to the Asia-Pacific region, China has long stated that NATO's "eastward expansion into the Asia-Pacific region" will only stir up regional tensions, trigger bloc confrontation, and even a "new Cold War", which is not welcomed by Asia-Pacific countries, and the Asia-Pacific region does not need an "Asia-Pacific version of NATO". China is firmly determined to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, and advises NATO to abandon the outdated concepts of the Cold War mentality and zero-sum game, the erroneous practice of superstitious belief in military force and the pursuit of absolute security, and the dangerous act of destabilizing Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.

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