
Wan Qian's marriage change? 3 years of honest people turned into cheating men Did she regret choosing the wrong person in the first place?

author:Qingqing said entertainment

Oh my god, the entertainment industry has a big melon again! Are you ready to eat melons? Today we are going to talk about Wan Qian's things.

Wan Qian: From "scumbag victim" to "cheating wife"?

A while ago, the paparazzi Jiang Xiaoyan broke the news in the live broadcast that Wan Qian's husband had cheated! As soon as this news came out, it was a blast! You know, Wan Qian is a person who has experienced the baptism of "scumbag". Back then, she changed her past and chose a photographer who looked honest as her husband, and everyone praised her for her good vision. The result? This "honest man" also overturned!

Wan Qian's marriage change? 3 years of honest people turned into cheating men Did she regret choosing the wrong person in the first place?

Netizens are all frying:

"Aren't honest people trustworthy these days? "

"Is it true that the 'good people' are from someone else's family? "

Wan Qian's marriage change? 3 years of honest people turned into cheating men Did she regret choosing the wrong person in the first place?

"Sister Wan Qian, are you okay? Do you want us to form a group to beat him up? "

Marriage in the entertainment industry: is it a pit or a bureau?

Seriously, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the news. But if you think about it carefully, why is marriage in the entertainment industry so difficult?

Wan Qian's marriage change? 3 years of honest people turned into cheating men Did she regret choosing the wrong person in the first place?

According to incomplete statistics, the divorce rate in the entertainment industry in the past five years has been as high as 65%! What is this concept? Almost two out of every three celebrity couples are divorced. Tut-tut, this data is even more volatile than the stock market!

So the question is: Is the water in the entertainment industry too deep, or the hearts of the stars too ambitious?

Love in the Spotlight: Sweet or Burden?

Wan Qian's marriage change? 3 years of honest people turned into cheating men Did she regret choosing the wrong person in the first place?

When we ordinary people fall in love, the most we can do is to show affection in the circle of friends. But celebrities are different, their love lives are like 24-hour uninterrupted reality shows.

Think about it, you may be secretly photographed when you go to the toilet, and you can be on the hot search if you quarrel with your other half. I'm afraid I can't withstand this pressure! No wonder some people say, "In the entertainment industry, it is more difficult to maintain a relationship than to act in a good play".

Double Standard Dog: You can have a snack!

Wan Qian's marriage change? 3 years of honest people turned into cheating men Did she regret choosing the wrong person in the first place?

Speaking of which, I have to disss the melon-eating masses. When Wan Qian chose "honest man", everyone said yes:

"Finally found a good home! "

"This is what a star should look like! "

Wan Qian's marriage change? 3 years of honest people turned into cheating men Did she regret choosing the wrong person in the first place?

Now something went wrong, and I started to shake the pot again:

"Sure enough, I'm blind! "

"What a bad eyesight! "

Wan Qian's marriage change? 3 years of honest people turned into cheating men Did she regret choosing the wrong person in the first place?

I just want to ask, are you too double-standard? When it comes to other people's feelings, what are you doing with so much care?

Gossip Culture: Is It a Blessing or a Curse?

To be honest, I'm also a gossip lover. But sometimes I wonder, are we too lenient?

Wan Qian's marriage change? 3 years of honest people turned into cheating men Did she regret choosing the wrong person in the first place?

The celebrities' every move is magnified, and even going to the toilet can become news. Is that really good? If it were you, would you be stared at like this?

Look at it rationally: give love a chance!

Actually, whether it's a celebrity or an ordinary person, who can say for sure about feelings? Sweet and sweet today, it may break tomorrow.

Wan Qian's marriage change? 3 years of honest people turned into cheating men Did she regret choosing the wrong person in the first place?

Instead of pointing fingers at Wan Qian, it is better to think about your feelings. After all, love is not a matter of luck, but of management.

In the end, I just want to say: Sister Wan Qian, no matter what the result is, I hope you can hold on! Remember, you still have a bunch of our true fans!

Well, that's all for today's melon. What do you think of this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area! See you next time!

Wan Qian's marriage change? 3 years of honest people turned into cheating men Did she regret choosing the wrong person in the first place?

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