
The new scumbag in domestic entertainment: 300 million people watched, who is better in appearance and poisonous tongue?

author:Qingqing said entertainment

Hey, the entertainment industry is starting to do things again! The data shows that the topic of "new scumbag in internal entertainment" has attracted more than 300 million views in just 24 hours, which is simply refreshing my cognition!

Okay, without further ado, let's talk about this so-called "new scumbag in internal entertainment": a handsome face, a poisonous mouth!

The new scumbag in domestic entertainment: 300 million people watched, who is better in appearance and poisonous tongue?

Appearance is justice? Stop it!

To be honest, when I first saw this "scumbag", I was almost blinded. That appearance, tsk, is simply the darling of heaven! But, brothers and sisters, don't be fooled by appearances. As the saying goes, "A man cannot be a person, and the sea cannot be measured". This brother's mouth is even more "wonderful" than his face!

The new scumbag in domestic entertainment: 300 million people watched, who is better in appearance and poisonous tongue?

Some netizens complained: "Does this guy think that he can do whatever he wants if he is handsome?" "Haha, don't worry, let's look down.

The birth of the King of Poisonous Tongues

The new scumbag in domestic entertainment: 300 million people watched, who is better in appearance and poisonous tongue?

If you want to say that the most brilliant thing about this "scumbag", it is definitely his frequent golden sentences. Every time you speak, it's a feast of words! Like what:

"Your IQ is as high as my looks. "

The new scumbag in domestic entertainment: 300 million people watched, who is better in appearance and poisonous tongue?

"I'm not targeting you, I'm saying that everyone in this room is rubbish. "

"Is your brain caught in the door? No, it was smashed by the whole door, right? "

The new scumbag in domestic entertainment: 300 million people watched, who is better in appearance and poisonous tongue?

When these words are spoken, it is simply going to make people so popular that they will smoke in the sky! But I have to say that this kind of "poisonous tongue" does have a different kind of charm. Some netizens said: "Although I am very angry, I think it is quite interesting inexplicably?" "

Actor VS Character: Who is the real "scumbag"?

The new scumbag in domestic entertainment: 300 million people watched, who is better in appearance and poisonous tongue?

Recently, there is an interesting phenomenon that many viewers can't tell the difference between the characters and the actors. Some fans rushed directly to the actor's social platform to scold: "You scumbag! "

To this, the actor's response was also absolutely overwhelming: "Thank you for your attention, but remember, I'm just acting." If you really think I'm a scumbag, then my acting skills are too good? "

The new scumbag in domestic entertainment: 300 million people watched, who is better in appearance and poisonous tongue?

This wave of operations is simply a stroke of genius! not only resolved the anger of fans, but also advertised his acting skills by the way. High, really high!

The social significance of the role of the "scumbag".

The new scumbag in domestic entertainment: 300 million people watched, who is better in appearance and poisonous tongue?

Don't rush to spray, listen to me slowly. In fact, the emergence of the role of "scumbag" reflects some problems in our society to some extent.

For example, some lines are full of machismo and straight male cancer. Isn't this exactly what we do in real life? Through such a character setting, the screenwriter actually wants to arouse the audience's thinking.

The new scumbag in domestic entertainment: 300 million people watched, who is better in appearance and poisonous tongue?

Some experts pointed out: "The popularity of the role of 'scumbag' is actually a reflection and criticism of traditional gender concepts. "

A big reversal in the audience's attitude?

The new scumbag in domestic entertainment: 300 million people watched, who is better in appearance and poisonous tongue?

Interestingly, with the development of the plot, the audience's attitude towards the "scumbag" character is also quietly changing.

At first, everyone hated this character to the core. But as the plot deepened, some viewers began to say: "Although he speaks ugly, it doesn't seem to be completely unreasonable?" "

The new scumbag in domestic entertainment: 300 million people watched, who is better in appearance and poisonous tongue?

Some people even began to knock CP: "I think he and the heroine are actually quite compatible?" "

In the final analysis, the appearance of the "scumbag" character is actually to provoke us to think. It allows us to see the problems that exist in society, and it also makes us reflect on our own actions and attitudes.

The new scumbag in domestic entertainment: 300 million people watched, who is better in appearance and poisonous tongue?

As one netizen said: "I hope that the 'scumbag' in reality can be as handsome as in the play, at least it can be eye-catching." "

Hahaha, that's right, I'll give full marks! But seriously, instead of calling "scumbags", let's reflect on what we can do to create a more equal and harmonious society?

The new scumbag in domestic entertainment: 300 million people watched, who is better in appearance and poisonous tongue?

Finally, what I want to say is that both actors and audiences should look at the role of "scumbag" rationally. It is just a character, not a reality. We should learn to appreciate excellent acting skills, but at the same time, we must keep a clear head and not be emotionally swayed by the characters.

After all, the "scumbag" in life will not be as handsome as in the play, nor will he be as scaring as him! Babies, keep your eyes open, don't be confused by "scumbags"!

The new scumbag in domestic entertainment: 300 million people watched, who is better in appearance and poisonous tongue?