
Pity! Guoyu's 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie fainted and died in the game, and the official: government departments are condoling

author:Cheng Cheng Sports

The 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships, which was supposed to be a stage for young players to showcase their talents, was overshadowed by a sudden tragedy. Seventeen-year-old Chinese badminton star Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted during a crucial match against Japan, and despite the swift intervention of the court's medical team, he eventually passed away after being rushed to hospital. This young athlete has achieved outstanding results in many youth competitions at home and abroad, and is a promising star in the badminton world.

Pity! Guoyu's 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie fainted and died in the game, and the official: government departments are condoling

Zhang Zhijie's death is not only a misfortune for his family, but also a huge loss for the entire badminton community. His talent and hard work have been on full display at junior level, with accolades and applause on both the domestic and international stage. His short but glittering career could have shone even brighter in the years to come. Zhang Zhijie is not only the pride of Jiaxing, Zhejiang, but also the future hope of the entire Chinese badminton sport.

Pity! Guoyu's 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie fainted and died in the game, and the official: government departments are condoling

As soon as the news came out, the global badminton community and Zhang Zhijie's hometown of Jiaxing, Zhejiang, fell into deep mourning. A joint statement of condolences issued by the Asian Badminton Federation and the Indonesian Badminton Association expressed deep sorrow over the young player's passing and expressed sincere condolences to his family and friends. In Jiaxing, local badminton enthusiasts and citizens are expressing their remembrance and condolences for this young life in different ways.

Pity! Guoyu's 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie fainted and died in the game, and the official: government departments are condoling

During this difficult time, Zhang Zhijie's family has received great social support and care. Staff from the Jiaxing Sports Bureau and the local government visited his home to offer condolences and help the family go through the relevant procedures for going to Indonesia. This kind of support not only reflects the society's care for elite athletes, but also a kind of consolation for family grief. Zhang Zhijie's mother and family can feel warmth and care from all sides after receiving this blow.

Pity! Guoyu's 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie fainted and died in the game, and the official: government departments are condoling

Zhang Zhijie's sudden death has also raised concerns about athletes' health management. While skill and performance are often the focus on the sports arena, the health of the athlete is undoubtedly the most important part of all training and competition. The incident reminds relevant organizations and associations that they must strengthen the monitoring and medical protection of athletes' health conditions to ensure that similar tragedies do not happen again. In addition, regular check-ups of athletes' mental and physical status should become a standard procedure for the management of sports teams at all levels.

Pity! Guoyu's 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie fainted and died in the game, and the official: government departments are condoling

In the face of this tragedy, it is necessary for sports organizations and associations at all levels to draw lessons from it and comprehensively review and strengthen the medical emergency measures in the organization of the event. At the same time, this incident should also be used to further promote the attention of the sports community at home and abroad to the health and safety of athletes, and ensure that every corner of sports competition has adequate safety guarantees. Zhang Zhijie's death is a wake-up call to all sports-related organizations that the safety and health of athletes are the most important victories in sports competition!

Pity! Guoyu's 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie fainted and died in the game, and the official: government departments are condoling

Although Zhang Zhijie's life is short, his story and spirit will inspire more young badminton players to pursue their dreams. By passing on his memories and lessons, we can pave a safer and healthier path for the future of sport.