
I'm very generous in 10 aspects, and smart people say that this is a top-level door-picking

author:The journey is like a meal
I'm very generous in 10 aspects, and smart people say that this is a top-level door-picking

1. The sole of the shoe is worn, even if the shoe is still intact, it will be discarded. Seeing that my friend broke a bone after falling down because the bathroom was too slippery, I felt that I was doing it too right. A pair of shoes with good slip resistance will greatly reduce our chances of falling. Today I checked all the shoes that were being worn at home, and all five pairs of shoes with bad soles were thrown away. Even if you buy five new pairs of shoes, it's not enough to pay for a fall.

2. If the electrical appliance has been used for a long time, if there is a failure, it will be eliminated directly, and no longer repaired. Electrical appliances also have a certain service life, and they should be eliminated when they reach a certain life. Things related to electricity must not be saved, and electrical appliances must be of good quality. The safety of electrical appliances is related to human life and must not be saved.

I'm very generous in 10 aspects, and smart people say that this is a top-level door-picking

3. Be willing to turn on the air conditioner in summer, especially when sleeping at night. If it's too hot, even if you sleep with the fan on, the sound of the fan will affect your rest. If you don't get a good night's rest, your immunity will decrease. Eight hours of sleep to turn on the air conditioner, it doesn't cost a few dollars, blowing the fan to catch a cold or heat stroke, it costs more.

4. If the amount of summer food is too large to eat, immediately divide a part of it, put it in the refrigerator immediately, and never put it outside. Hot food consumes a little more electricity in the refrigerator than it is left outside, contaminated by bacteria, and eaten to spoil the stomach. Consuming a little electricity is a trivial matter, and eating a bad stomach is not something that can be solved by that electricity bill.

I'm very generous in 10 aspects, and smart people say that this is a top-level door-picking

5. Turn on the smoke machine before starting the fire, delay it for five minutes after cooking and then turn it off, even if there is no oil smoke, turn on the smoke machine when boiling water. I used to have a female colleague whose family didn't smoke and she didn't smoke herself. There is no second-hand smoke environment, but I still got lung cancer, and finally passed away, and later colleagues talked about it, maybe I don't pay attention when I usually cook, and oil smoke is also a carcinogen.

6. You can't save money on buying milk, especially when women are menopausal, they are most likely to be deficient in calcium, so they must ensure that they have two bags of milk every day. I'm glad that I had a long time ago with the awareness of calcium supplementation, which saved me from the pain of broken bones. Once, on the way to work, I was riding a battery car and collided with another battery car, and the collision was very serious, but there was only a slight trauma to the leg, and there was no fracture. Physical examinations in recent years have also shown that bone density is higher than that of peers.

I'm very generous in 10 aspects, and smart people say that this is a top-level door-picking

7. The money for the medical examination cannot be saved. I have the habit of physical examination before and after the March Eighth Festival every year, although there is no major problem in each physical examination, but some small problems will attract my own attention, I will adjust my lifestyle, and eliminate unhealthy habits in the bud. During the physical examination, I found that my VC exceeded the standard, and later I changed the habit of taking one VC pill every morning. I originally ate a lot of vegetables and fruits, and there was no shortage of VC in my body.

8. Never buy food outside 365 days a year, if you cook by yourself, all kinds of nutritious foods are cleverly matched, and the money spent is not less than buying and eating outside. It is common to see people carrying hot porridge and hot buns in plastic bags, eating them while walking. I really disagree, how much microplastics do you have to eat? Not to mention the high oil and salt of takeaway food. Cooking by yourself can ensure the freshness of the raw materials, and the amount of oil and salt is also controlled in your own hands. Seeing that many of my peers have problems with the three highs, I praise myself for picking the door.

I'm very generous in 10 aspects, and smart people say that this is a top-level door-picking

9. The entrance of the thing can not be saved. As long as the fruit is rotten, resolutely throw it away, buy fruit in small quantities and many times, and never let the fruit spoil at home. Buy only three days' worth of vegetables, and don't put meat as zombie meat before eating. Going grocery shopping is a game with the merchants, because I buy very few vegetables at a time. People who sell groceries want you to buy a lot at once, and they sell them out as quickly as possible. I want to diversify my food, eat a little bit of everything, and eat a little less of everything, so I buy a small amount every time, so that the merchants are very dissatisfied, and even sarcastic, if you talk about me picking the door, I still don't buy more.

I'm very generous in 10 aspects, and smart people say that this is a top-level door-picking

10. Never perm your hair, don't dye your hair, save to the extreme in this regard, sometimes your hair grows, you can cut it yourself. But for the maintenance of hair from the inside out, like buying walnuts, buying black sesame seeds, I am especially willing to buy these things. Black sesame powder is basically 365 days a day, and walnuts are also guaranteed to eat two a day, which is a maintenance of the hair from the inside out, compared with dyeing hair and buying expensive shampoos, it saves time and money.

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