
The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank apologized and responded: It was a work error

author:Saisai Qingjian
The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank apologized and responded: It was a work error

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The husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, and his wife, Ms. Deng, went to the bank many times to withdraw money in the past four years without success, during which she was told that the account had been cancelled and the money was gone.

Where did the deposit go? Will Ms. Deng get her money back?

Large deposits cannot be withdrawn

In June 2024, Ms. Deng of Pingli County, Ankang, Shaanxi Province, and the bank have been going around for more than 4 years, but she has not received an accurate answer to "can the money be withdrawn", so she exposed her grievances in the past few years on the Internet.

In April 2018, Ms. Deng's husband died of illness, and after the funeral, Ms. Deng turned over an Agricultural Bank passbook during a cleaning trip, and opened it to see that there were more than 130,000 deposits in it.

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank apologized and responded: It was a work error

Network diagram

On December 17, 2020, Ms. Deng went to the Pingli County Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China to withdraw the money, and according to the staff checking the passbook information, there were more than 130,000 deposits in the account.

The staff informed that in order to collect the arrears of the deceased family members, there must be a notarization of the inheritance. According to the bank's request, Ms. Deng quickly told her family the news, and such a large deposit was a little exciting.

Soon after, Ms. Deng and her family went to the Pingli County Notary Office to apply for a notarization document for inheritance, and after getting the notarial certificate, she went to the bank again to withdraw the money, but was told by the staff that the money could not be withdrawn.

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank apologized and responded: It was a work error

Enquiry slips received by Ms Tang

Ms. Deng, who got this result, was a little dissatisfied, but considering that the money was still in the bank card and could not be withdrawn, she gave up the idea of withdrawing the money.

More than two years later, on February 16, 2022, Ms. Deng took her passbook and card to the bank again to check, which shocked her, and the bank system actually showed that the money had been withdrawn.

On the 23rd, she came to the bank again to inquire about the details of the account, and the staff confirmed that the account with the tail number 0072 had been cancelled.

The large amount of money disappeared, and Ms. Deng did not know why, but the result given by the bank was still that the account was cancelled.

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank apologized and responded: It was a work error

Since that day, Ms. Deng has repeatedly gone to the bank to ask for an explanation, but the person in charge of the relevant person stopped Ms. Deng and said that she would go through legal procedures to resolve the matter.

When Ms. Deng was entangled with the bank, the staff member Wang found her with abnormal behavior, saying that he would give her 2,000 yuan in his personal name, and the matter would be over after receiving the money.

used 2,000 yuan to settle 130,000 yuan, and Ms. Deng was naturally unwilling.

But the bank didn't let go, Wang chased after him, and Ms. Deng fell into anxiety for a while. Until late at night on June 26, 2024, Wang quietly brought some people to Ms. Deng's house, knocking on the door to talk to her about money.

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank apologized and responded: It was a work error

Network diagram

However, Ms. Deng was very vigilant and did not agree to Wang's request, and clearly informed the other party, "The matter between herself and the bank has nothing to do with Wang." ”

But this couldn't stop Wang from coming to the door many times, in order to get rid of Wang, she hid outside for a while.

On the 28th, the bank finally gave an accurate answer, in which Mr. Gao, the person in charge of the Ankang branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, explained the reason for the misunderstanding, saying that "the staff read the wrong amount and filled it in." "The details are being further verified.

On the 23rd, the Agricultural Bank of China immediately launched a verification procedure in response to this matter.

After detailed reconciliation, the entire card number usage process will be published.

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank apologized and responded: It was a work error

According to the bank's explanation, Ms. Deng's husband opened a "two-in-one bank card and passbook" account with the bank in 2005, and on the day the card was opened, more than 130,000 yuan was deposited into the account.

The bank apologized for the misunderstanding caused by the passbook

According to the transaction records of the banking system, this card has been used until June 2018, and the balance has been cleared in the account, but the passbook in the bank card 2-in-1 has not been supplemented with bank statements, so the balance value on the day of card opening has been displayed in the passbook.

In other words, from the time the card was issued to the death of her husband, there was only one deposit in the passbook.

This led to a misunderstanding, and when Ms. Deng first went to the bank to inquire in 2020, the staff mistakenly regarded the passbook flow as the available balance, so she issued an application for notarization of the family's estate.

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank apologized and responded: It was a work error

In fact, the money in the bank card has been used up at this time.

It wasn't until 2022 that Ms. Deng went to the bank again to inquire, and the teller reported the loss for her, and settled the account according to the zero balance displayed by the system, that is, the account that was queried later was cancelled.

Ms. Deng mistakenly thought that the money had been taken away by someone else, and Wang's repeated door-to-door compensation, the misunderstanding between the two parties deepened.

After inquiring about all the processes, the person in charge of the bank contacted Ms. Deng on the 30th for communication, and carefully explained the reason for the misunderstanding and the problems between the passbook and the staff, and afterwards, the person in charge of the bank solemnly apologized to Ms. Deng.

Subsequently, Ms. Deng accepted the apology and posted online that the problem had been resolved, "Thank you for your concern." ”

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank apologized and responded: It was a work error

The person in charge who returned to the work unit said that since the accident was a mistake caused by the staff's unskilled business, the bank will seriously deal with the person concerned in accordance with the regulations, and will strengthen training and business supervision for the personnel of the unit thereafter.

This is the end of the matter.

A few taels of broken silver is often all that a family can relieve, but there are too many stories between banks and depositors to tell. During the verification of Ms. Deng's incident, many netizens speculated about where the money went and whether the staff took it, but it turned out to be just a misunderstanding.

However, the case of Ms. Deng is fake, but there are similar cases of money disappearance but there are real cases.

In 2019, a Ms. Gui in Guangxi deposited 1 million yuan in a bank, and Liang Qi, a staff member, issued a large certificate of deposit to Ms. Gui.

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank apologized and responded: It was a work error

But in May, Ms. Gui suddenly learned that Liang Qi was arrested, charged with "stealing depositors' deposits", Ms. Gui hurriedly took the deposit certificate to the bank to inquire, but was told by the bank that the deposit certificate was fake, Liang Qi withdrew 1 million in the name of the employee and deposited it in another bank, Ms. Gui came to the target again, and the staff said that the 1 million was taken away by a person named Shi.

After Liang Qi was arrested by the police, he investigated and found that Ms. Gui was only one of the victims, and Liang Qi used his position to buy off Fang and Shi in the same unit, and Liang Qi stole property as many as 97 times during his working hours in the past few years, involving 28 depositors, and none of them were found.

According to Liang Qi's personal description, she wanted to make some side investments, but the project losses caused her funds to be tight, so she conspired to steal depositors' funds.

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank apologized and responded: It was a work error

After verification, the Nanjing police in Guangxi Province found that Liang Qi and his party had forged 350 account details, and one of the depositors was swept away with 48.4 million yuan. Until the second trial of the case, the depositors' money was still not returned. In 2022, the court convicted Liang of theft, fundraising fraud and other crimes, and sentenced him to life imprisonment, Shi was sentenced to 15 years, and Fang was still not caught because he absconded.

As a place to manage accounts, banks should manage their staff well, do a good job in training and supervision, and should not forget the truth that "don't stretch out your hand, you will be caught if you stretch out your hand".


Jimu News "Bank Responds to "Deceased Husband's 130,000 Yuan Deposit Disappeared and Was Cancelled": Apologize to the Depositor's Family and Seriously Deal with the Responsible Person"

Shijiazhuang Pufa ""Pay back my hard-earned money! "Is the bank responsible for the theft of 1 million deposits in the Women's Industrial and Commercial Bank of China"

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank apologized and responded: It was a work error
The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank apologized and responded: It was a work error


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