
Just been escorted to college, the national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed on the spot!

author:Saisai Qingjian
Just been escorted to college, the national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed on the spot!

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He fainted during the live broadcast of the game, and the organizers rushed forward to check it out, which eventually led to the missed prime time and the unfortunate death of the 17-year-old young player.

According to the "Global Network" on July 1, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the mainland expressed condolences and regret for Zhang Zhijie's sudden death, and contacted the local Indonesian consulate for follow-up work.

Zhang Zhijie's family could not accept this, and after receiving the news in the early morning of June 30, Zhang Zhijie's sister posted an online question, "Did the Indonesian organizers do it in time?" ”

Just been escorted to college, the national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed on the spot!

The whole game is in the form of live broadcast, Zhang Zhijie from the ground to the ambulance The picture was broadcast simultaneously, among which there were experts in emergency disease who analyzed the first aid behavior of the organizer and found that they missed 3 life-saving links, if the rescue was timely, the tragedy may not be repeated!

The 3 life-saving links are not in place

Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old member of the Chinese junior badminton team, was the third player to face Japan at the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

At this time, the local time in Indonesia was only one hour behind Beijing time, and Zhang Zhijie's family was watching the live broadcast of the game that day.

The team competition between China and Japan was for the first place in Group D, and Zhang Zhijie played to an 11-point draw with his opponent after coming on the court. Just when Zhang Zhijie was about to serve, he suddenly fell face to the ground, accompanied by convulsions all over his body, and the coach immediately stepped forward to check the situation, but 6 seconds later, the referee stopped the game and allowed the coach to enter.

Just been escorted to college, the national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed on the spot!

Just when the coach stepped forward to help Zhang Zhijie up, he was scolded by the referee and shouted to stop, at this time Zhang Zhijie, who was lying on the ground, tried to stand up with both hands, but failed to try to lie on the ground again.

After the coach was stopped, he quickly looked at the medical staff behind the field and waved his hand to let the opponent go on the court to check the situation.

It took nearly a minute for the paramedics to enter the stadium carrying a small bag to conduct a brief examination of Zhang Zhijie from the time he fell to the ground, and another minute later, the paramedics called for helpers and brought a stretcher, and two volunteers and four paramedics carried the stretcher and the contestant off the field.

The whole process takes 2 minutes and 26 seconds.

Just been escorted to college, the national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed on the spot!

What is suffocating is that the 4 medical staff were very unprofessional after coming on the field, and the specific reason refers to the analysis of the emergency doctor of Chongqing Grade 3 Hospital:

Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and convulsed without contact, which is consistent with sports convulsions, and the unprofessionalism of medical care is a fatal factor.

First, the four doctors and nurses only took a red medical kit, and the first doctor did not make a detailed examination when he came forward to check the situation, and the rescue behavior was very slow.

According to the professional medical rescue process, the athlete should be the first to judge whether the athlete is unconscious, unconscious, and breathing, and if there is cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be carried out immediately in accordance with the first aid procedure.

The prime time for cardiac arrest in sports is only a few minutes, but it is obvious that the medical staff in the arena did not perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other examinations, but only turned the person on his back.

Just been escorted to college, the national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed on the spot!

Second, AEDs (automated external defibrillators) are not available in the stadium's emergency facilities. AED is a first-aid device that can automatically identify abnormal heart rhythms and give electric shock defibrillation, and only need a patch to immediately rescue, and the success rate of rescue is higher than that of manual cardiopulmonary resuscitation, also known as a "life-saving artifact". However, it can be seen in the live video that the Indonesian stadium did not take out or prepare AED first-aid equipment.

Third, according to the standard first aid procedure, the paramedics should take turns to perform CPR in the absence of an AED, and after the ambulance arrives, a medical staff member should perform CPR on a stretcher until the equipment first aid is started.

The golden rescue time after cardiac arrest is very short, but the Indonesian medical staff entered the scene minute by minute and waited on the stretcher for one minute, during which they did not do cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the ambulance did not know how much time it took on the way to the hospital.

Just been escorted to college, the national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed on the spot!

It is no exaggeration to say that if the medical staff had carried out professional and comprehensive first aid measures at that time, the results might have been different.

At 11:20 p.m. local time in Indonesia, the Indonesian organizer issued a document stating that Zhang Zhijie passed away after rescue efforts failed.

The family was grieving, and Zhang Zhijie had just been escorted to college

In the early morning of the same day, Zhang Zhijie's family received the bad news, and his sister posted sadly on the Internet, "He is only 17 years old, and he bought a gift for his family as soon as he got the bonus. ”

According to my sister's description, the family contacted the coach at half past nine in the evening, and said that she would be transferred to the hospital for treatment at half past nine, and passed away at eleven o'clock due to ineffective rescue.

Just been escorted to college, the national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed on the spot!

Regarding Zhang Zhijie's unfortunate death, the Asian Badminton Federation said, "He was taken to the hospital by ambulance in less than two minutes." ”

Although the organizer explained this, it still can't erase the fact that they lack basic first aid knowledge and first aid equipment, how long did it take to be taken to the hospital in two minutes, and why were there no professionals to rescue them during the critical first aid time? It's not a problem that can be dealt with with with poor medical conditions.

Moreover, the question of whether the Indonesian side will take the necessary measures to provide first aid in the ambulance, including subsequent hospital transfer, has not yet been announced.

Just been escorted to college, the national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed on the spot!

Zhang Zhijie's sister posted again in the early morning, saying, "The notice of admission to the university was delivered to my home yesterday. ”

If there were no such accidents, Zhang Zhijie would have been able to live a smooth college life after the competition.

The fall of a talented young player is sad.

The Asian Badminton Association, the Indonesian Badminton Association and the Organizing Committee of the event issued documents after the incident, saying, "The world badminton has lost a talented player. ”

But Zhang Zhijie's achievements in the badminton arena can go to the next level, he has been in contact with badminton since kindergarten, and his talent and hard work have allowed him to be sent to the provincial team for training in the third grade of primary school. At the age of 16, he entered the national youth team and his future is limitless.

Just been escorted to college, the national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed on the spot!

This year, Zhang Zhijie won the men's singles championship of the Dutch Youth Badminton International Championships and the men's team championship of Group B of the National Championships. In 2022-2023, he won the men's singles title twice at national competitions.

17 years old is the age of Chong.

After Zhang Zhijie was sent to the hospital, the Chinese youth team quickly filled in the place to start the game, and finally won the first place in the group with a score of 3:2.

Speed and professionalism in sports are key in the event of an accident, and similar sports-related cardiac arrests have been seen on the sports field.

Just been escorted to college, the national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed on the spot!

In the 2021 European Football Championship, Danish player Eriksen suddenly fell to the ground, the Danish captain immediately checked the team and determined that cardiac arrest began cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the professional medical team accepted and rushed into the field in less than a minute and used AED, 8 minutes later the ambulance arrived, the medical staff in the ambulance continued to provide equipment first aid, and successfully saved Eriksen's life after being sent to the hospital.

Therefore, the problem of inadequate preparation for first aid measures at the venue of the Indonesian organizers should be something they need to reflect on, rather than an excuse for "2 minutes to send an ambulance", professional medical personnel and equipment are indispensable.


Upstream News "Emergency Experts Analyze Asian Youth Championships National Feather Teenager Zhang Zhijie Fell to the Ground and Died Suddenly: 3 Life-saving Links Missed on the Spot"

Global Network "17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away after competing in Indonesia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: deep regret and condolences"

The Paper "Sudden Death of a Young National Feather Player on the Playing Field, Leaving Many Problems to Be Solved"

Just been escorted to college, the national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed on the spot!
Just been escorted to college, the national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed on the spot!
Just been escorted to college, the national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and died suddenly: 3 life-saving links were missed on the spot!
