
Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial

author:Saisai Qingjian


Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial

Children give their biological parents a "video funeral"? This is unheard of.

As the saying goes, filial piety comes first, parents are old, as children, we have the obligation to support them for the elderly, which is also the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation for thousands of years.

Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial

But recently in Shanghai, an incomprehensible thing happened, after the death of an old couple, several children abroad refused to attend the funeral of the old man, but asked for a special way to send the old man on his last journey.

After learning about the children's practices, some netizens said: Such children are really cold-blooded, and they are simply disloyal and unfilial!

What's going on?

Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial

3. The children settled abroad, and the mother died and refused to return to China

It is said that raising children to prevent old age, I believe this is a concept that most people agree with, parents have worked hard to raise us to grow up, and of course we have the obligation to let them enjoy their old age in peace. When an elderly person in the family dies, it is a natural thing to send off a loved one as a child.

But in a family in Shanghai, a "strange" thing happened......

On June 26, a Shanghainese blogger named "Grandpa" shared an incident he had personally experienced online.

Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial

There is an old couple in Shanghai, they are old professors in a university in Shanghai, because they have received higher education since childhood, so their children have grown up in a strong scholarly atmosphere since childhood, their two daughters and a son, each with excellent grades, in order to broaden the children's horizons, the couple decided to send the children to study abroad.

You know, at that time, in the 80s and 90s, they were able to send their three children abroad to study, and the couple must have put a lot of effort into it.

Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial

Soon after, the children stayed abroad to work after graduation and started a family there, and all three children moved abroad for convenience.

Because of the long distance, they rarely go home to visit their parents, and sometimes the elderly couple are sick or unwell, so in order not to trouble their children, they are not allowed to come back, and the children rarely ask about their parents.

But as the old couple got older, it was difficult to take care of each other, so the children sent them to the nursing home, although the facilities of the nursing home were very good, but the couple always felt empty in their hearts.

Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial

Usually when I am sick and unwell, the staff of the nursing home help send her to the hospital to take care of her, and the old mother's health has been not good, and she has been rushed to the hospital several times.

In desperation, the staff of the nursing home called the children, but their reply was surprisingly consistent, that is, how much to spend, money is not a problem! I always can't get back for various reasons.

Since she was admitted to a nursing home, the professor's wife has been depressed all day, and she died of a serious illness after about 3 years......

Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial

Father died, "online funeral"?

Without the company of his wife, the old professor seemed to be deflated all of a sudden, feeling that life had no support, and his physical condition was not optimistic, he knew that his time was short, and the old professor wanted to see his children, so he asked the nursing home to help contact him, but the reply he got was still refusal. Not long after, the old professor also passed away with regret......

Since when the parents were alive, the children had no time under the "excuse" of being busy with work, so now that the old couple are gone, they must come back to hold a funeral ceremony for the elderly, and I, according to the regulations of the nursing home, when the old man dies, the children must have someone present to handle the follow-up matters.

Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial

But the reply of the three children once again surprised the staff of the nursing home!

None of them wanted to come back, and even entrusted the old man's funeral to the nursing home to help handle it, and said that there was no need to worry about spending money, no matter how much they would pay. And asked the nursing home to film the entire funeral process, participate in the old father's "air funeral" by video, and send him on his last journey!

Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial

It is estimated that the children's "mysterious" operation made the nursing home very speechless, helpless, the relevant personnel in the hospital had to accept the commission to help the old man buy a cemetery, held a simple ceremony, and the three children also sent their father to the end "online".

Coincidentally, some children have become "empty nesters"

And similar situations like those experienced by the old couple in Shanghai are not uncommon in life.

In 2020, Uncle Wu, a retired veteran cadre in Hangzhou, has a happy life, has a son and a daughter, and the children are also very good and have successful careers in the United States and Canada, but because of work and distance, he goes home to visit his parents almost once a year.

Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial

After Uncle Wu's wife died, there was no one around, Uncle Wu and another woman came together, but who knew that the other party was not a person who lived a down-to-earth life, and after marriage, he kept asking for a share of property, and Uncle Wu was finally "forced" by the other party to pay 500,000 yuan, which ended the marriage.

Uncle Wu's mental state is not very good after this, in order to take care of his father, the children specially hired a nanny to take care of their father's daily life, but Uncle Wu's temper is unstable on weekdays, and the nanny is also changed one after another, and finally Uncle Wu became an "empty nester" and died depressed.

At this time, the children regretted it too much, crying bitterly in front of the hospital bed, regretting that they did not come back to the bed earlier to fulfill their filial piety.

Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial

There is also an old man, his children are also far away from working abroad, every time they come back, they stay for 3 or 4 days and leave, even go to the nursing home are accompanied by nannies, and the hospital staff help to see when they are sick......

Obviously, they have children, but there is no one around them, and they all say that raising children to prevent old age, but they have become "empty nesters" with children.

Netizens are hotly discussing that filial piety cannot be lost

The blogger "Uncle" shared what he saw and heard on the Internet, which immediately aroused heated discussions:

"This kind of thing is all too common, especially among the elite, most of whom are used to the way of life abroad, and the concept of family affection is slowly fading."

Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial

Therefore, parents should still cultivate their children's sense of family responsibility, what is the use of blindly pursuing their children's interests? If you educate him to be unfaithful, he will repay you for your unfilial piety. ”

"It's understandable that children are busy with work and pressure, but that's not a reason to refuse to be with their parents, isn't work more important than family? Moral education cannot be ignored......"

Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial

Filial piety is a traditional virtue in our Chinese culture, but also the responsibility that we should shoulder as children, as the saying goes, parents are not far away, we should also pay more attention to the feelings of parents after work, after all, family affection is priceless!

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1. Children settle overseas and do not return, parents are old and have nothing to rely on, "Jackie Chan and Jackie Phoenix" let the elderly suffer a different kind of "loss of independence"?.--2020-01-11 08:37·

2. Uncle told the professor and his wife who were sent to study abroad until the death of the second elder, and none of the 3 children returned to China for the funeral of the elderly.--2024-06-28 10:44·Hongguan News.

Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial
Chilling! The nursing home for the elderly passed away, and the 3 children were "video funerals" abroad, netizens: disloyal and unfilial

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