
Zhang Lan talked about how Big S turned over, and the three layouts allowed her and Gu Junye to turn the tables against the wind

author:Boss Qian is in the countryside


Zhang Lan talked about how Big S turned over, and the three layouts allowed her and Gu Junye to turn the tables against the wind

Everyone, let's talk about the wonderful drama of Big S today! In other words, the recent incident between Da S and Wang Xiaofei's family has caused a lot of uproar, which is even more exciting than the TV series. No, Zhang Lan's old friend Yu Wenhong came out to support it, let's take a look, how did Big S turn over!

Zhang Lan talked about how Big S turned over, and the three layouts allowed her and Gu Junye to turn the tables against the wind

Let's talk about the first trick first, which is "STOP"! Big S, don't mess around! Recently, this period of time has been stopped, and there is no movement. Don't always think about doing it against Zhang Lan's mother and son, the people who eat melons are not vegetarians, you have little arms and legs, don't go hard, otherwise you can only hit your head and bleed. Your water army and resources, compared with the vast army of self-media melons, are simply insignificant. And this wind comment, it's obviously not on your side, don't toss around!

Then there's the second trick, get on good terms! Children are the key, according to the requirements of grandma and father, arrange the children's affairs reasonably, and try to meet their requirements. In this way, the melon has been eaten almost enough, and everyone's attention has slowly shifted. Don't always make the relationship so stiff, after all, the child is innocent, and family harmony is the most important thing!

Zhang Lan talked about how Big S turned over, and the three layouts allowed her and Gu Junye to turn the tables against the wind

This last move, that's the big move! Big S, aren't you criticized by everyone because of money? Then come up with real money! Take out 90 million or 100 million in cash to set up a fund, in the name of children, for example, called "Wang Xiyue Love Fund", specifically to help those poor children. Then he opened an account with Gu Junye, and shared touching stories of helping poor children on it every day. I don't believe it, three months later, you still can't turn this criticism around? The hearts of our masses are also long, seeing that you have done so many good things, can you not praise you?

In fact, when people are in a difficult situation, they have to learn to be flexible. As Mr. Lu Xun said: "Hope is attached to existence, and if there exists, there is hope, and if there is hope, it is light." "Big S is now in the whirlpool of public opinion, and if you want to turn over, you have to have the courage to change and be determined to pay. Don't always hold the shelf and think that the price is cheap. When you are really cornered, you have to put down your body and seize every opportunity. Maybe this road to turning around is not easy, but as long as you do it with your heart and prove it with your actions, there is still hope.

Zhang Lan talked about how Big S turned over, and the three layouts allowed her and Gu Junye to turn the tables against the wind

Let's wait and see if Big S can listen to these good words and turn the tables against the wind! After all, no one can say for sure about this entertainment industry, maybe there will be a big reversal tomorrow!

The comments from netizens are really varied and lively!

Some netizens said: "Big S really needs to think about these suggestions this time, after all, the eyes of the masses are bright, and sincere efforts will always be rewarded." ”

Zhang Lan talked about how Big S turned over, and the three layouts allowed her and Gu Junye to turn the tables against the wind

Some netizens ridiculed: "If Big S really turns over this time, it will really be a miracle in the entertainment industry!" Sit back and see how she performs! ”

Of course, some netizens have reservations: "Although these suggestions sound good, it is still difficult to implement them, and I hope that Big S can find a path that suits him." ”

Zhang Lan talked about how Big S turned over, and the three layouts allowed her and Gu Junye to turn the tables against the wind

However, regardless of the comments of netizens, we should look at this matter rationally. After all, everyone has their own situation and choices, we just need to respect their decisions and expect them to perform in the future.

The comments of netizens are like a wonderful debate competition, each with its own views and opinions. But in any case, we should maintain a tolerant and understanding heart, and give enough support and encouragement to others.

Zhang Lan talked about how Big S turned over, and the three layouts allowed her and Gu Junye to turn the tables against the wind

Analyzing this matter from the perspectives of Da S, Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan, we can see that this incident involves complex emotions, economic interests and widespread concern of public opinion. The following is a summary and analysis of this incident:

Large S-angle

Public image and career: Big S's public image was damaged by this marital turmoil, which caused her acting career to suffer a waterloo. Some brands have chosen to stop working with her, and her position in the entertainment industry has been challenged.

Zhang Lan talked about how Big S turned over, and the three layouts allowed her and Gu Junye to turn the tables against the wind

Economic difficulties: According to Xiao S's revelations, Big S frequently borrowed money from her sister due to financial problems, showing her financial difficulties. This may be related to Wang Xiaofei's stop paying alimony, as well as her living situation after remarriage.

Family relationship: After Da S divorced Wang Xiaofei, he remarried Gu Junye, but this marriage was not as good as she expected. Gu Junye's income could not meet her consumption needs, causing her to fall into financial difficulties.

Zhang Lan talked about how Big S turned over, and the three layouts allowed her and Gu Junye to turn the tables against the wind

Educating children: Big S took two children after the divorce, but her education style was questioned. She was accused of not allowing her children to go back to Beijing to see their father and grandmother, which was considered detrimental to their healthy growth.

Wang Xiaofei's angle

Public image: Wang Xiaofei's performance in this turmoil has also attracted much attention. He has spoken out on social media many times, expressing his dissatisfaction and accusations against Big S. While this was supported by the public to a certain extent, there were also those who felt that he was too impulsive and emotional.

Zhang Lan talked about how Big S turned over, and the three layouts allowed her and Gu Junye to turn the tables against the wind

Family relationship: After Wang Xiaofei divorced Da S, she married her girlfriend Xiaomei and had children. His new life status contrasts sharply with Big S's predicament, further exacerbating the public's sympathy and concern for Big S.

Economic benefits: Wang Xiaofei was accused of stopping the payment of alimony, which caused Big S to fall into financial difficulties. This act raised questions among the public about his responsibilities as a father and husband.

Zhang Lan talked about how Big S turned over, and the three layouts allowed her and Gu Junye to turn the tables against the wind

Zhang Lan angle

Public opinion guidance: Zhang Lan, as Wang Xiaofei's mother, played an important role in this turmoil. Through the advice provided by her lawyer and a detailed timeline, she exposed the fact that Da S cheated in marriage, and successfully reversed the trend of public opinion.

Educating her son: Zhang Lan's education style and support for her son have also received attention. She once supported her son, but some people thought that her education method was too doting, resulting in Wang Xiaofei's lack of independence and sense of responsibility.

Zhang Lan talked about how Big S turned over, and the three layouts allowed her and Gu Junye to turn the tables against the wind

Public image: Zhang Lan's performance in this turmoil shows her tenacity and determination, but some people think that her actions are too fierce and extreme. Her public image has been affected to some extent as a result.


Analyzing this matter from the perspectives of Da S, Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan, we can see that this incident involves many aspects such as family relationships, economic interests, and public image. Everyone's choices and actions have been widely followed and discussed by public opinion. However, regardless of the outcome, we should respect everyone's choices and decisions and hope that they can find their own happiness and peace.

Zhang Lan talked about how Big S turned over, and the three layouts allowed her and Gu Junye to turn the tables against the wind



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