
The boy's perspective tells you: judge whether he likes you or not from the chat status

author:Blind date emotional story meeting
The boy's perspective tells you: judge whether he likes you or not from the chat status
The boy's perspective tells you: judge whether he likes you or not from the chat status
The boy's perspective tells you: judge whether he likes you or not from the chat status
The boy's perspective tells you: judge whether he likes you or not from the chat status
The boy's perspective tells you: judge whether he likes you or not from the chat status
The boy's perspective tells you: judge whether he likes you or not from the chat status
The boy's perspective tells you: judge whether he likes you or not from the chat status
The boy's perspective tells you: judge whether he likes you or not from the chat status
The boy's perspective tells you: judge whether he likes you or not from the chat status
The boy's perspective tells you: judge whether he likes you or not from the chat status
The boy's perspective tells you: judge whether he likes you or not from the chat status
The boy's perspective tells you: judge whether he likes you or not from the chat status
The boy's perspective tells you: judge whether he likes you or not from the chat status
The boy's perspective tells you: judge whether he likes you or not from the chat status

Hey, single friends, today I'm going to reveal to you how to find out if a guy is so interesting to you from the chat state.

To be honest, it's not hard to guess what a guy thinks, the key is to observe the details. If he always responds to your messages in seconds, even if it's late at night or when he's busy, it's basically a sign that he's interested in your topic, or that he's interested in you.

Of course, the number of words replied to is also an important indicator. If he always responds to you with short words such as "um", "oh", "yes", then you have to be careful, he may be a "topic buster", or he just doesn't pay much attention to you. But if his reply is many words, rich in content, and even takes the initiative to extend the topic, then congratulations, he likes to chat with you.

Let's talk about the frequency of chats. If he always chats with you from time to time, even if it's just to share a nice song or a funny video, it means that he is willing to share the little blessings in life with you. This desire to share is an important manifestation of liking a person.

Speaking of which, I'm going to tell you a real story. There was once a girl, let's call her Xiaohong for the time being, and she always chatted with me, from morning to night, from weather to life. I started out just as a friend, but gradually, I found myself looking forward more and more to her news, even if it was just a simple "good morning" or "good night". Until one day, I realized that I might have liked her.

So, friends, from the chat status, you can really get a glimpse of whether he has a crush on you. But keep in mind that this is only a possibility, and true feelings need time and experience to prove.

So, are you chatting with someone a lot right now? What is the status of your chat? Share your story in the comments section and let's discuss it together!