
On June 30, the international gold price fell sharply! Today's Gold Price! The price of major gold stores!

author:Shakespeare's Playhouse

Everyone, pay attention, the latest developments in international and domestic gold prices on June 30 are here! The prices of spot gold, palladium and silver have all changed. Especially in these volatile economic times, every fluctuation in the gold price can affect the money in your pocket. For example, the price of spot gold fell from the previous day, while palladium and silver showed varying degrees of gain.


First, let's take a look at gold. According to the latest data, as of 0:00 on June 30, 2024, the international spot gold price is US$2,326.32 per ounce, equivalent to about 543.53 yuan per gram. This price fell by 1.38 yuan, or 0.06%, from the previous day. In the domestic market, the situation is slightly better, and the price of Shanghai gold recorded 551.18 yuan per gram, an increase of 0.74 yuan from the previous day, an increase of 0.13%.

On June 30, the international gold price fell sharply! Today's Gold Price! The price of major gold stores!

So, what about the gold recycling price? So far, the price of gold recycling is around $537.00 per gram, while the price of gold bar recycling is slightly lower at $536.00 per gram. It can be seen that there is still a certain gap between the recycling price and the new gold price, which may mean certain risks and opportunities for friends who invest in the recycling market.

Let's take a look at the silver market. The international spot silver price is US$29.13 per ounce, equivalent to about 6.81 yuan per gram. At the same time, the main price of Shanghai silver in the domestic market was 7726.00 yuan per kilogram. The recycling price of silver is also interesting, with the recycling price of pure silver at the same level as the international silver price at 6.81 yuan per gram, while the recycling price of 925 silver is 6.38 yuan per gram.

Finally, we can't ignore the movement of palladium. The international spot palladium price is US$971.25 per ounce, or about RMB 226.93 per gram. The price of palladium is 975.00 yuan per gram. From these data, it can be seen that the price of palladium has risen relatively largely, with spot palladium and palladium rising by 9.09 yuan and 45.50 yuan respectively, an increase of 4.17% and 4.90% respectively.

On June 30, the international gold price fell sharply! Today's Gold Price! The price of major gold stores!

The price movements of these metals are not just a numbers game. Every rise and fall behind them reflects the combined impact of various factors such as the supply and demand relationship of the market, the international economic environment, and investor sentiment. For example, international political and economic instability may cause investors to seek safe-haven assets, which can push gold prices higher. At the same time, the increase or decrease in industrial demand will also directly affect the price of silver and palladium.

Domestically, the fluctuation of gold prices is also related to the RMB exchange rate, domestic economic policies, etc. For example, if there is an accommodative monetary policy in the country, it may lead to an increase in the price of gold, as investors will buy gold to hedge against inflation.

In addition, the big brand gold stores in the market also have a certain influence on the price of gold. For example, the prices of well-known brand gold stores such as Chow Tai Fook and Lao Fengxiang are usually higher than the average market price. As of June 28, the gold price of these big-brand gold stores remained between 713 yuan and 716 yuan. These prices are not just numbers, they also carry the value of the brand and the trust of consumers behind them.

On June 30, the international gold price fell sharply! Today's Gold Price! The price of major gold stores!

In short, every movement in the gold price is a microcosm of financial and economic dynamics. It is essential for both investors and consumers to be aware of these changes. By paying attention to these price changes, we can better understand market trends and make more informed investment decisions. And for those who like to collect or buy in kind, knowing these prices can also help them grasp the best time to buy and sell to maximize the value of their assets.

Next, let's take a look at netizens' hot comments on this gold price fluctuation, and everyone's reactions can be described as varied, from surprise to analysis, from worry to excitement, all kinds of voices.

A netizen named "Gold Coin Collector" said: "What an accident, gold actually fell!" I thought it was going to go up all this time. Fortunately, most of my investment is in palladium, and it seems that I can make a small profit again this time. ”

The "market novice" expressed concern: "Every time I see the change in the price of gold, I feel that I don't understand anything, I don't know whether to buy or sell, and I am always afraid that I will lose." ”

On June 30, the international gold price fell sharply! Today's Gold Price! The price of major gold stores!

The "veteran speculator" gave his observation: "The fluctuation of gold prices this time can actually be analyzed from the international situation. In recent months, the international political and economic situation has been complicated and there are many unstable factors, and many investors may be avoiding risk. ”

From the perspective of the industry, "As a member of the jewelry store, I am more concerned about how to adjust the selling price and purchase strategy to ensure that the store will not lose money due to gold price fluctuations." Every time the price of gold changes, customers' willingness to buy will also be affected, which is a test for us. ”

Another netizen "Gold Market Watch" is more optimistic: "Although gold fell slightly, this is only a small fluctuation for long-term investors. What's more, palladium and silver are doing well, and diversification is king. ”

"Retirement Finance" shared his personal experience: "After I retired, I invested part of my pension in gold and silver, and this fluctuation did not affect me much, but it was a good opportunity to adjust my position and exchange shares. ”

There is a lot of discussion about gold price volatility online, with everyone from professional investors to the general public having their own opinions and strategies to deal with them. These different voices not only reflect the diversity of the market, but also show the difference in the impact of gold price changes on different groups of people. Whether it is the focus on the gold price or the discussion of investment, you can feel the vitality of the market and people's different expectations for the future. Such discussions and analyses not only help people better understand the financial markets, but also provide them with a reference when making decisions.