
In "Ink Rain and Clouds", Wang Xingyue was caught buying 30 yuan underwear for his girlfriend, and the image of a pure big boy was destroyed

author:Entertainment Jun said the entertainment industry

Wang Xingyue's partner Wu Jinyan starred in the costume drama "Ink Rain Clouds" became popular, making his popularity soar, but he has been in turmoil recently, first broke out that he had an ambiguous relationship with Wu Lei's rumored girlfriend Xiang Hanzhi and actress Zhou Ye, after the finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds" was broadcast a few days ago, Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue both released character farewell texts, Wu Jinyan not only posted a lot of photos with Wang Xingyue, but also posted photos with many actors, but Wang Xingyue almost always posted selfies, which not only broke the hearts of CP fans, but also angered Wu Jinyan's fans. Later, some netizens dug up the suspected Taobao account of Wang Xingyue and bought 33 yuan of erotic underwear, and the news quickly rushed to the first place in the hot search, and the photos of him hugging the girl left and right also flowed out, seriously hurting his image.

In "Ink Rain and Clouds", Wang Xingyue was caught buying 30 yuan underwear for his girlfriend, and the image of a pure big boy was destroyed

Wang Xingyue was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama at the age of 15, entered the showbiz in his sophomore year, and at the age of 22, he had already performed in works such as "Zhou Shengru", "For the Dark Fragrance", "Ning An Like a Dream" and "In the Blizzard".

In "Ink Rain and Clouds", Wang Xingyue was caught buying 30 yuan underwear for his girlfriend, and the image of a pure big boy was destroyed

Wang Xingyue (left) became popular because of his partner Wu Jinyan (right) starring in "Ink Rain and Clouds", and his fans increased by 1.3 million. (Retrieved from Moyuyunjian Weibo)

Wang Xingyue recently played the male protagonist "Xiao Yu" in "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", and he criticized the evil temperament, coupled with the heroine Wu Jinyan's CP feeling, which made Wang Xingyue increase his fans by 1.3 million with the show and soar to the traffic of male stars. But Wang Xingyue quickly became popular, but there have been constant turmoil recently, first during the hit broadcast of "Ink Rain Clouds", Wang Xingyue was revealed to be in love with Wu Lei's rumored girlfriend Xiang Hanzhi, the paparazzi said that the two were suspected of living together, and then pulled out that Wang Xingyue's dating partner was actually Zhou Ye, and Xiang Hanzhi was just a smoke bomb, and then whether it was Xiang Hanzhi or Zhou Ye, they were all quickly denied by Wang Xingyue's boss Yu Zheng to refute the rumors, but it still made Wang Xingyue and Wu Jinyan's CP fans feel guilty.

In "Ink Rain and Clouds", Wang Xingyue was caught buying 30 yuan underwear for his girlfriend, and the image of a pure big boy was destroyed

Wang Xingyue (left) has recently had scandals with Xiang Hanzhi (middle), the heroine of the new drama "Fixing the Storm", and Zhou Ye (pictured right), who has collaborated on "For the Dark Fragrance", but they have been quickly refuted by Wang Xingyue's boss Yu Zheng. (Retrieved from stills)

A few days ago, the finale of "Ink Rain Clouds" was broadcast, and Wang Xingyue's 2 moves angered CP fans and Wu Jinyan fans. Due to the broadcast of the drama, Wang Xingyue and Wu Jinyan's CP were hot, and they flashed all kinds of during the interview; But after the finale was broadcast, the two posted farewell messages on Weibo, Wu Jinyan took the overall situation into account, in addition to many photos with the actor Wang Xingyue, there were also photos with many other actors; Wang Xingyue is almost all handsome photos, and Wu Jinyan's figure is only a few sporadic photos.

In "Ink Rain and Clouds", Wang Xingyue was caught buying 30 yuan underwear for his girlfriend, and the image of a pure big boy was destroyed

Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue's farewell essay "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", Wu Jinyan posted a lot of photos with Wang Xingyue (left); Wang Xingyue is almost always a solo photo (right). (Retrieved from Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue's Weibo)

In "Ink Rain and Clouds", Wang Xingyue was caught buying 30 yuan underwear for his girlfriend, and the image of a pure big boy was destroyed

Wang Xingyue's studio recently released his battle damage film in "Ink Rain Clouds", and the picture of Yu Pei falling seemed to imply his death in battle, and was subsequently deleted by Yu Zheng's order. (Taken from Weibo)

In addition, in order to highlight Wang Xingyue's personal highlight scene, Wang Xingyue's studio released the tidbits of Wang Xingyue's death at the end without authorization, but in fact, the clip did not appear in the feature film of the open ending at all, and it was sent out like a "real hammer" "Ink Rain Clouds" BE, so that Yu Zheng, who repeatedly emphasized that the play was HE, was angry and exploded, and fired the studio staff afterwards, deleted the film, and issued an apology. Wang Xingyue Fang operated for 2 times, and was accused of being too anxious to cut Wu Jinyan's "purification" (referring to the term "purification" of another person's powder from CP powder, and only powdering the powder circle of one party's behavior), which was completely counterproductive.

In "Ink Rain and Clouds", Wang Xingyue was caught buying 30 yuan underwear for his girlfriend, and the image of a pure big boy was destroyed
In "Ink Rain and Clouds", Wang Xingyue was caught buying 30 yuan underwear for his girlfriend, and the image of a pure big boy was destroyed
In "Ink Rain and Clouds", Wang Xingyue was caught buying 30 yuan underwear for his girlfriend, and the image of a pure big boy was destroyed

It is suspected that Wang Xingyue's Taobao account used to buy erotic underwear was doxxed a few days ago (Pictures 1 and 2), and he wore the same clothing from a merchant tracked by the Taobao account (Picture 3). (Taken from Weibo)

In "Ink Rain and Clouds", Wang Xingyue was caught buying 30 yuan underwear for his girlfriend, and the image of a pure big boy was destroyed

The Taobao account was locked immediately after it was exposed, and netizens suspected that it was weak (left picture); In addition, a photo of Wang Xingyue hugging a girl left and right also leaked (right), and the watermark and Taobao account both start with "waaaa". (Taken from Weibo)

Unexpectedly, Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue filmed the magazine "Harper's Bazaar" together on the 30th, trying to calm the emotions of drama fans, but on the same day, some netizens dug up the Taobao account suspected to be Wang Xingyue, bought about 33 yuan of erotic underwear for his girlfriend, and also paid attention to many similar stores, evidence is that the Taobao account name is very similar to Wang Xingyue's early Weibo name, which starts with "waaaa"; Evidence 2 is that Wang Xingyue wore the same clothing that the Taobao account followed the store; Evidence 3 is that after the Taobao account was exposed, it was locked immediately, and now it is impossible to search, suspected of being weak-hearted, and the news quickly rushed to the first place in the hot search. In addition, some netizens dug up a photo of Wang Xingyue hugging a girl from the left and right, Wang Xingyue's innocent big boy image was seriously injured as soon as he became popular, and he was in an embarrassing situation.

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