
In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

author:Mr. Shishu
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware


"My dad is Wu Jianbin , not a cold tombstone......"

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

Who would have thought that this sentence came from the mouth of a little girl who was only five years old? The little girl knelt down in front of her father's tombstone and kowtowed, and at this moment, her mother's five-year "lie" was finally "exposed".

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

It turned out that the father I thought about day and night had already passed away, it turned out that I was a granddaughter who was "discarded" by my grandparents, and it turned out that my 5-year-old self and my post-00s mother had endured so much pain...... You can never imagine what kind of "tragic drama" was staged on this mother and daughter?

"Don't admit it" for money's grandson

"I don't care, because they've lost a son."

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

In September 2022, a post-00s takeaway girl showed a simple and sunny smile, no one could have imagined that behind her bright smile, she experienced all the unbearable "suffering" of ordinary people.

But in the video, she always has an optimistic and open-minded attitude towards life, which also makes this post-00s delivery girl quickly become popular on the Internet, I believe you may have seen information about her.

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

This post-00s girl is called Chen Jiaxin, because she only dropped out of junior high school, she stepped into the society very early, and after she met her husband Wu Jianbin , the two soon had a child.

Although neither she nor her husband have any stable jobs, in the face of this crystallization of love, both of them think that this is a "gift" from God, and decide to give birth to a child and fight hard for the child.

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

Wu Jianbin and Chen Jiaxin are both immersed in the fantasy of a better future, how could they have expected that things in the world will "change", and God has played a great "joke" on them.

When the child was five months old, the child's father, Wu Jianbin died unexpectedly in a car accident, leaving behind the infant baby and the grief-stricken Chen Jiaxin.

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

Faced with the cruelty of reality, Chen Jiaxin had to cheer up and take care of her husband's funeral, and during the lactation period, she led her parents-in-law to seek justice for her husband. Who would have thought that what happened next made Chen Jiaxin not believe it.

Under some arguments, Chen Jiaxin's mother and daughter received a compensation, which is supposed to give the mother and daughter a temporary respite, but they didn't expect that the two were "bitten back".

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

The father-in-law and mother-in-law who "saw the money and opened their eyes" turned their faces and did not recognize people after getting the money, and they did not have the slightest pity for the little girl born to Chen Jiaxin.

forcibly drove the two out of the house, took the compensation for themselves, and completely ignored the life and death of Chen Jiaxin's mother and daughter.

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

"At that time, we often saw her delivering food with a good little baby on her back."

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

As a result, many people living in Anqing can often see such a scene, a childish mother always carrying an infant baby on her back, running through the streets and alleys.

"I don't dare to stop making money, I have to save the money for Xiaohao."

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

Chen Jiaxin and her daughter lived a difficult life like this, but even if they suffered so much, Chen Jiaxin, who was pushed down the "abyss", could still say the opening sentence with a smile on her face: "I don't care, after all, she also lost a son......"

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

The country is easy to change, and the nature is difficult to change, Chen Jiaxin's original "generosity" does not seem to awaken the "conscience" of the "wicked" today in 2024.

"The Evil of Human Nature" is staged again

"I can't hide it anymore."

This year, Chen Jiaxin's daughter is 5 years old, and for several years, Chen Jiaxin has still worked diligently just to create a better life for her daughter, but there has been a problem that has made her "worried" for many years.

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

"Where's my dad? Where did my dad go? Why do other children have fathers? ……”

Faced with her daughter's questions again and again, Chen Jiaxin didn't know how to open her mouth to her children, how to let her children understand the meaning of "life and death", so she could only prevaricate her daughter with different "lies" again and again.

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

After being deceived for a while, she couldn't be deceived for a lifetime, and her daughter was getting bigger and bigger, Chen Jiaxin understood that it was time for her daughter to know the "truth".

On this year's Qingming Festival, Chen Jiaxin told Xiao Hao that she was going to take her children to find her father, and Xiao Hao, who was "in the dark", was very excited, jumping up and down, changing her skirt and sorting out her hairstyle, all of which Chen Jiaxin saw in her eyes and felt pain in her heart.

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

"You go and see where your name is where Dad is."

Chen Jiaxin asked the child to hold the flowers and look for them, Xiao Hao finally saw his father who had been thinking about him for a few years, and finally understood that his father had gone to another world, perhaps because he had suffered too much, Xiao Hao behaved extremely calm, just knelt on the ground and kowtowed to his father.

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

However, just as Xiao Hao walked down, Chen Jiaxin once again saw a group of "the most familiar ruthless people".

The father-in-law and mother-in-law drove past themselves and Xiaohao, without a trace of concern, and did not stop for a moment to treat the child, and walked away. Seeing this situation, Chen Jiaxin thought of them slandering themselves before saying that Xiao Hao was not the child of herself and her husband, Chen Jiaxin was heartbroken again.

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

Keep the clouds open and "see the moon"

suffered the "merciless injury of relatives", in exchange for more warmth.

Although this post-00s single mother has endured too much cruelty, she has always faced everything with a high-spirited and positive attitude towards life, and this exuberant vitality has also gained a lot of attention.

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

Since the original interview became popular on the Internet, Chen Jiaxin's mother and daughter have received attention and help from all walks of life, and she also opened a personal account in the name of her daughter, sharing her and her daughter's daily life on it.

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

From these fragments of life, it is not difficult for us to feel that she is still so optimistic and cheerful.

Now Chen Jiaxin has been able to take her daughter to more different places and see more beautiful scenery with her own efforts, and her daughter has grown more and more into a slim, well-behaved, confident and optimistic girl under her careful care.

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

"Shine is not the power of the sun alone, we can also be reborn in the faith of ashes."

As Chen Jiaxin said in her video, they are now "reborn in blood" and running towards the light.


After tasting the suffering of the world, you can still smile at life.

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

This may be the truest portrayal of Chen Jiaxin's mother and daughter, her life story is full of novels, she just used her positive and enterprising attitude and hard-working hands to twist a path out of a thorn, how worthy of admiration and praise.

In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again

I believe that everyone who knows their story wants to wish Chen Jiaxin's mother and daughter the fragrance of plum blossoms in the future, and sincerely hope that everyone who has experienced the "cold bones" will not give up hope and can usher in the final bloom!


Source: CCTV Finance and Economics "Economic News Network" Release time: 2023.02.25
In order to seize the compensation money, the wife and daughter of his own son were kicked out of the house, and five years later, the evil of human nature was staged again