
These 4 kinds of food can be called "women's gas stations", and those who are afraid of cold and air conditioning may wish to eat more in summer

author:Sweet food house

When the summer heat comes, we all like to take refuge in cool, air-conditioned rooms to escape the heat. But for many women, the frequent air-conditioning environment in summer often exacerbates the problem of lack of qi and blood in the body. Do you feel it? Even in hot weather, it is common to have cold hands and feet, and even general weakness. These are all caused by a lack of qi and blood.

These 4 kinds of food can be called "women's gas stations", and those who are afraid of cold and air conditioning may wish to eat more in summer

Adequate qi and blood are the cornerstone of women's health, and if they are insufficient, it will not only affect their daily vitality and emotional state, but also make people more likely to feel tired and cold. In this context, it is even more important to choose the right foods to regulate the body. Although it is hot in summer, it is easy to put the body in an embarrassing situation of "false cold and real heat" due to improper air-conditioning environment and unreasonable eating habits.

These 4 kinds of food can be called "women's gas stations", and those who are afraid of cold and air conditioning may wish to eat more in summer

Therefore, I have selected four foods that can effectively help replenish qi and blood and improve physical condition, which can be called "women's gas stations". These foods can not only help you maintain your body temperature balance in the summer, but also strengthen your body and resist the invasion of air conditioning disease. Especially for those who are afraid of cold or air conditioning, these foods will be the best choice for your summer diet.

Recommended Recipe 1: Stir-fried beef with onions

These 4 kinds of food can be called "women's gas stations", and those who are afraid of cold and air conditioning may wish to eat more in summer

The combination of onion and beef not only tastes great, but also provides a rich source of iron and protein, which helps replenish qi and blood and strengthen the body's immunity. The spicy nature of onions stimulates blood circulation, while beef's high protein helps repair and strengthen muscles.

Main ingredients: onions, beef

Here's how:

These 4 kinds of food can be called "women's gas stations", and those who are afraid of cold and air conditioning may wish to eat more in summer

Thinly slice the beef and marinate it with a little soy sauce and starch.

Shred the onion.

Heat oil in a pan and stir-fry the beef quickly until browned.

Add the shredded onion and continue to stir-fry until the onion is tender.

Add salt and pepper to taste according to taste, stir-fry well and remove from the pan.

Recommended recipe 2: white fungus pear soup

These 4 kinds of food can be called "women's gas stations", and those who are afraid of cold and air conditioning may wish to eat more in summer

White fungus pear soup is an ideal moisturizing food in summer, white fungus is rich in gelatin, which helps to moisturize the skin and lungs; Sydney has a good heat-clearing and detoxifying effect, which is suitable for solving the dryness and discomfort caused by air conditioning in summer.

Main ingredients: white fungus, Sydney

Here's how:

These 4 kinds of food can be called "women's gas stations", and those who are afraid of cold and air conditioning may wish to eat more in summer

Soak the white fungus in advance and tear it into small flowers.

Peel and cut the pears into cubes.

Put the white fungus and pear in a pot and add an appropriate amount of water.

Simmer over low heat until the white fungus is soft and glutinous, and the pear is ripe through.

Depending on your taste, you can add a little rock sugar, boil and dissolve before eating.

Recommended recipe 3: Stir-fried pork slices with broad beans

These 4 kinds of food can be called "women's gas stations", and those who are afraid of cold and air conditioning may wish to eat more in summer

Fava beans are rich in protein and iron, which is a good helper for blood replenishment. Cooking with lean pork slices is not only delicious but also nutritionally balanced, helping to strengthen the body and improve the feeling of cold caused by air conditioning.

Main ingredients: broad beans, lean meat slices

Here's how:

These 4 kinds of food can be called "women's gas stations", and those who are afraid of cold and air conditioning may wish to eat more in summer

Peel the fava beans and set aside, and marinate the lean slices with a little salt and pepper.

Add oil to the pan, heat and stir-fry the meat slices.

After the meat slices change color, add the broad beans and stir-fry.

Stir-fry until the broad beans are cooked through, season and then remove from the pan.

Recommended recipe 4: cold bean curd

These 4 kinds of food can be called "women's gas stations", and those who are afraid of cold and air conditioning may wish to eat more in summer

Yuba is a high-quality soybean product, rich in vegetable protein and a variety of trace elements. The cold dressing method is not only simple, but also retains the original flavor and nutrition of the ingredients, which helps to replenish the nutrients needed in summer and strengthen the body.

Main ingredients: yuba, cucumber, carrot

Here's how:

These 4 kinds of food can be called "women's gas stations", and those who are afraid of cold and air conditioning may wish to eat more in summer

Soak the yuba in advance and cut into strips.

Cucumbers and carrots shredded.

Mix the yuba, cucumber and carrot shreds.

Stir in vinegar, salt, sesame oil and a little minced garlic.

These 4 kinds of food can be called "women's gas stations", and those who are afraid of cold and air conditioning may wish to eat more in summer

These four delicious dishes will not only help women resist the cold air in the summer, but also provide essential nutrients to replenish qi and blood and stay active. While enjoying the coolness, try more of these "women's gas stations" foods to keep you energized and warm all summer long!

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