
"Toufu" is coming, often eat 4 kinds of ingredients, dispel dampness and swelling, clear heat and relieve heat, and also lose weight

author:Sweet food house

As soon as the "head fu" arrives, it means that the hottest season of the year has officially begun! In such hot weather, our bodies can easily feel discomfort – it may be that the moisture in the body is too heavy, or it may be that the heat inside and outside makes people feel unbearably hot. At this time, all kinds of small problems in the body are easy to appear, such as edema, fatigue, and that nasty excess fat. Many people may think of using drugs to quickly reduce the heat and relieve the heat, but this is often accompanied by many side effects.

"Toufu" is coming, often eat 4 kinds of ingredients, dispel dampness and swelling, clear heat and relieve heat, and also lose weight

In fact, by adjusting our daily diet, we can cope in a healthier and more natural way. Today, I would like to recommend to you four super powerful ingredients, which can not only help you effectively remove dampness and swelling, clear away heat and relieve heat, but also come with an additional benefit - help you lose weight and slim down! These ingredients are simple yet delicious, and when added to your daily diet, you can enjoy the delicious taste while dealing with the heat of summer.

"Toufu" is coming, often eat 4 kinds of ingredients, dispel dampness and swelling, clear heat and relieve heat, and also lose weight

Each of these four ingredients has its own unique health benefits, and they'll be great companions to your summer diet. Whether you're preparing a refreshing dinner or a quick lunch, these ingredients work wonderfully to keep your body cool while helping you stay in shape.

1. Barley (yam barley pork rib soup)

"Toufu" is coming, often eat 4 kinds of ingredients, dispel dampness and swelling, clear heat and relieve heat, and also lose weight

Barley is not only delicious, but it also has high nutritional value and health benefits. It is rich in dietary fiber, protein, and several essential minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which are important for maintaining the body's water and electrolyte balance. Barley also contains certain B vitamins, which can help the body better metabolize food, enhance physical strength and anti-fatigue. In addition, barley also has a good water-promoting effect, which can help the body flush out excess water and toxins and reduce puffiness.

"Toufu" is coming, often eat 4 kinds of ingredients, dispel dampness and swelling, clear heat and relieve heat, and also lose weight

In the hot season such as "Toufu", the light and dampness properties of barley are particularly prominent, which can effectively help remove moisture from the body and reduce the body's heat sensation. Eating barley porridge or barley tea in moderation can not only help the body achieve the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, but also provide you with a fresh taste and a good sense of satiety in hot weather, which is an ideal health food for summer.

2. Yam (Stir-fried beef with yam)

"Toufu" is coming, often eat 4 kinds of ingredients, dispel dampness and swelling, clear heat and relieve heat, and also lose weight

Yam is a nutritious traditional ingredient that contains a lot of complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber, as well as trace elements and vitamins such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin C. It is special because it contains mucus proteins and polysaccharides, which are very beneficial for improving the health of the digestive system, strengthening the immunity of the stomach and intestines, and adjusting the constitution. Yam is also believed to be beneficial for regulating blood sugar and lowering blood lipids, making it suitable for daily healthy diets.

"Toufu" is coming, often eat 4 kinds of ingredients, dispel dampness and swelling, clear heat and relieve heat, and also lose weight

On hot summer days, yam can be an ideal ingredient to help nourish the spleen and stomach. It is peaceful in nature, which not only provides the body with the necessary energy, but also prevents too much internal heat from being generated. Steaming yam with a little honey or stewing with pork ribs is a good way to reduce the fire and replenish energy in summer.

3. Celery (celery stir-fried tofu)

"Toufu" is coming, often eat 4 kinds of ingredients, dispel dampness and swelling, clear heat and relieve heat, and also lose weight

Celery is a low-calorie, high-fiber vegetable rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as potassium and folate. Its high fiber content not only aids digestion, but also promotes intestinal health and helps detoxify the body. The potassium in celery helps to regulate the water balance in the body and effectively reduce high blood pressure caused by high temperatures. In addition, celery has a calming effect, which can help relieve nervous tension and improve sleep quality.

"Toufu" is coming, often eat 4 kinds of ingredients, dispel dampness and swelling, clear heat and relieve heat, and also lose weight

Eating celery regularly can help the body maintain a normal balance of water and electrolytes and prevent heat stroke during the high temperatures. Celery can be eaten raw and made into a salad, or it can be served with apple or carrot juice to cool off the heat and help you stay light on a hot summer day.

4. Winter melon (winter melon pork rib soup)

"Toufu" is coming, often eat 4 kinds of ingredients, dispel dampness and swelling, clear heat and relieve heat, and also lose weight

Winter melon is a very popular vegetable in summer and is widely used in summer diets due to its extremely high water content and extremely low calorie content. It is not only rich in vitamin C and B vitamins, but also contains potassium and a certain amount of dietary fiber. The biggest health benefit of winter melon is its diuretic and heat-relieving properties, which can help remove heat toxins and excess water from the body and prevent edema, which is common in summer.

"Toufu" is coming, often eat 4 kinds of ingredients, dispel dampness and swelling, clear heat and relieve heat, and also lose weight

Winter melon can be used to cook soups or stews, which can not only add flavor to the food, but also keep the dishes light, which is perfect for hot summer days. Eating winter melon often can not only help the body resist the high temperature of summer, but also help to lose weight, which is an ideal summer weight loss ingredient.

"Toufu" is coming, often eat 4 kinds of ingredients, dispel dampness and swelling, clear heat and relieve heat, and also lose weight

With the arrival of the "head volt", the temperature is gradually rising, and our body needs proper conditioning to cope with the challenges of summer. By introducing the four ingredients of barley, yam, celery and winter melon into the daily diet, it can not only effectively dispel dampness, reduce swelling and relieve heat and heat, but also help us maintain a healthy weight. Not only are these ingredients nutritious, but they are also cooked in a variety of ways that can be easily incorporated into our daily menu, making meals healthy and delicious.

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