
Reuse of loofah|black medicine, chronic prostatitis, two drugs should be closed, and ten thousand people should not be opened

author:Dr. Yang Ming

1. Loofah

At this time, there will be endless loofahs on the dinner table, and the loofahs are the elder's loofahs, which can be washed and eaten and used after being dried, and they are still real Chinese medicinal materials.

"Materia Medica" describes the loofah network: through the meridians, and the blood veins, and phlegm. It is good at passing the waterway of Sanjiao, which has the function of dredging meridians, invigorating blood and dispelling dampness to the human body, and is suitable for stasis obstructive prostatic hyperplasia.

Reuse of loofah|black medicine, chronic prostatitis, two drugs should be closed, and ten thousand people should not be opened

2. Black medicine

Wuyao, to the Tiantai is prosperous, Tiantai Wuyao is famous, usually the root of Wuyao is washed, sliced, dried into medicine, the medicinal value is extremely high.

The fragrance of black medicine can dredge the coke machine; Pungent and warm, it can warm the kidneys and bladder, remove the cold air between the bladder and kidneys, restore the opening and closing of the waterway to normal, and stop the frequency of urination.

Reuse of loofah|black medicine, chronic prostatitis, two drugs should be closed, and ten thousand people should not be opened

【Medical Case Review】

The patient, Mr. Peng, 35 years old, complains of chronic prostatitis with calcification.

Symptoms are as follows:

1. Urinary frequency, urgency, weakness

2. Wait for the pee, dripping

3. Intermittent vague pain in the lower abdomen

4. Taking antibiotics, etc., no obvious effect

5. 4 years of mobile game history, staying up late for a long time

6. The tongue is dull, thin, and the veins are thin.

Reuse of loofah|black medicine, chronic prostatitis, two drugs should be closed, and ten thousand people should not be opened

The dialectic is as follows:

1. The patient has a long history of mobile travel, and the prostate is repeatedly congested, resulting in the stagnation of qi in the meridians, and the qi is not able to flow through the blood, and blood stasis is formed over time, which is blocked in the lower coke sperm room.

2. Patients stay up late for a long time, which is easy to consume kidney qi, and it will affect the acquired over time, so it will cause the spleen and kidney to be insufficient, and the deficiency and reality will be mixed, and the disease will be repeated.

Reuse of loofah|black medicine, chronic prostatitis, two drugs should be closed, and ten thousand people should not be opened

To sum up, the dialectic is that the spleen and kidney are insufficient, and the veins are blocked, and the treatment is to warm the spleen and tonify the kidney, and dispel the blood stasis.

In terms of medicine, I don't ask for more, one is to use medicine like soldiers, sometimes a few flavors of medicine, after careful matching, careful deployment, but can resist thousands of troops;

The second is that the course of prostate disease is prolonged, and many people have almost spent their savings, so taking medicine can save a little for patients on the premise of ensuring the efficacy of the drug.

Reuse of loofah|black medicine, chronic prostatitis, two drugs should be closed, and ten thousand people should not be opened

For this test, I used 8 herbs, namely: loofah, black medicine, lychee core, dodder seed, golden cherry seed, cinnamon branch, galangal, and white peony.

How to arrange troops?

1. Warm the spleen and tonify the kidneys

In this step, black medicine is reused, combined with galangal to warm the kidneys, dispel cold and strengthen the spleen, and relieve pain; Cinnamon branches, dodder seeds, and golden cherry seeds are used to replenish the kidneys, solidify essence and shrink urine, and have the power to absorb and relieve frequent urination and urgency.

Reuse of loofah|black medicine, chronic prostatitis, two drugs should be closed, and ten thousand people should not be opened

2. Eliminate blood stasis and circulation

In this step, the loofah is reused, and the lychee nucleus is used to pass through the lower scorched waterway, disperse the qi, and dredge the meridians, and then use the white peony to nourish the blood and relieve pain, relieve the vague pain in the lower abdomen, and make the stasis calcification discharge from the body, and the urine is smooth and powerful.

After taking 1 course of treatment, the symptoms were relieved, and the urine was slightly smoother and stronger; Following 1 course of treatment, the symptoms disappeared, the urine returned to normal, and there was no recurrence after 2 years of follow-up.