
The United States made a ruthless move, ordered Switzerland to share financial account data, smashed the signboard of a neutral country, and stopped pretending

author:Cosmos Beacon Line

Today's Switzerland is very embarrassed, because Switzerland and the United States have signed an agreement on the sharing of financial account data, according to the relevant agreement, the United States ordered Switzerland to provide the account data of American citizens in the Swiss financial banking system, and without the permission of the user, obviously the United States does not pretend, and wants to smash the signboard of the Swiss neutral country. When the United States harvested the European Union, Switzerland also became the object of the United States' harvest, so for Switzerland, it is now "difficult to ride a tiger". Switzerland has long claimed to be permanently neutral, and during the First and Second World Wars, it declared itself neutral.

The United States made a ruthless move, ordered Switzerland to share financial account data, smashed the signboard of a neutral country, and stopped pretending

In fact, Switzerland's so-called neutrality is a position taken against different countries, Switzerland is not neutral towards Russia at all, Switzerland has already promoted the looting of Russia's overseas assets in 2023, obviously Switzerland has not taken a neutral position on Russia on the issue of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but wants to join the ranks of sanctions against Russia like other Western countries. Switzerland has been pretending to be neutral for a long time, thus attracting many customers, and many customer assets are stored in Switzerland because of Switzerland's advertised "permanent neutrality", but the Russian-Ukrainian conflict directly made Switzerland tear off the mask of disguise, but in the face of sanctions against Russia, Switzerland still justified itself and declared that Switzerland was neutral.

The United States made a ruthless move, ordered Switzerland to share financial account data, smashed the signboard of a neutral country, and stopped pretending

Judging from the agreement reached between the United States and Switzerland, Switzerland will unconditionally provide the relevant account data to the United States, so if there are still users who try to hide assets through Switzerland, it is obviously not feasible because Switzerland will provide all the relevant data. Although the United States claims that it is only to obtain data, not to obtain related assets, from the perspective of American tradition, the United States has no scruples about looting wealth, and recently the founder of a cryptocurrency trading platform was forced to pay a huge fine, and it is clear that the United States has no bottom line to deprive others of their property.

The United States made a ruthless move, ordered Switzerland to share financial account data, smashed the signboard of a neutral country, and stopped pretending

Judging from the signing of the customer data sharing agreement between Switzerland and the United States, Switzerland is going to have a hard time with its own wealth, Switzerland previously advertised that it would not disclose customer information, but now Switzerland wants to provide all the data to the United States, so it will greatly hurt the interests of many customers. Switzerland, which has won many customers for a long time through its so-called neutrality, has now succumbed to pressure from the United States to exchange customer information. When the United States seized its interests, it did not take into account the interests of Switzerland in the slightest, highlighting the principle that the interests of the United States should come first.

The United States made a ruthless move, ordered Switzerland to share financial account data, smashed the signboard of a neutral country, and stopped pretending

Once Switzerland's signboard is completely smashed, the United States can also "sit back and enjoy it", because the United States has the hegemony of the dollar, and as long as the hegemony of the dollar is maintained, many assets will still exist in the form of dollars, so that the United States can continue to maintain its "bloodsucking function". Through the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the United States has carried out a large-scale plundering of Europe's wealth, and it is obvious that for the United States, interests are the most important consideration, and the United States does not care about the so-called "spirit of contract", let alone Switzerland's neutral signboard. In fact, judging from the agreement signed by the United States and Switzerland to share user data, the United States is worried about the shortage of the US dollar, and for this reason, it has already decided to attack many overseas assets, and it is necessary to be vigilant about this.

The United States made a ruthless move, ordered Switzerland to share financial account data, smashed the signboard of a neutral country, and stopped pretending

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