
The DPP stopped loading it, pushed for the storage of ammunition in the temple, and let the people be used as meat shields, and continued to perversely

author:Cosmos Beacon Line

Judging from the latest news, Taiwan's "Han Kuang Military Exercise" this year is to promote the so-called "decentralized command," that is, to allow battalion and company levels to fight independently. According to Taiwan media reports, the DPP authorities have already issued an agreement calling for the storage of weapons and ammunition in temples, and a notice has been issued in advance for this purpose.

The DPP stopped loading it, pushed for the storage of ammunition in the temple, and let the people be used as meat shields, and continued to perversely

There are many people gathered in the temples on the island, and it is obvious that the DPP is trying to prevent the PLA's precision strikes by storing ammunition in the temples, and the DPP's approach is already quite insidious, and the DPP does not care about the lives of the people on the island at all, but wants to use the people of Taiwan as a shield. As a matter of fact, the DPP authorities have long tried to make the people of Taiwan a meat shield, and it can be seen from the paint of the so-called "Haifeng Brigade" anti-ship missile launch vehicles that they are all "uniform" civilian vehicle paints, and many of them are disguised as container vehicles, and the deployment site is also in the open area of the park, and this is a trick of the DPP authorities to use civilian equipment and buildings as cover.

The DPP stopped loading it, pushed for the storage of ammunition in the temple, and let the people be used as meat shields, and continued to perversely

The DPP authorities have spared no effort to exaggerate the strategy and tactics of the "Haifeng Brigade" in an attempt to establish an atmosphere of deterrence, but in fact what the DPP has done is to pull Taiwan into an abyss, and it is the ordinary people on Taiwan who will suffer in the end. Taiwan has tried to hide weapons and ammunition through civilian buildings before, but the promotion of storing ammunition in temples once again reflects the essence of the DPP authorities without a bottom line. While smearing the mainland, the DPP is also actively preparing for war, and the DPP has unabashedly harbored illusions about the United States, and for this reason it is vigorously purchasing weapons and equipment from the United States.

The DPP stopped loading it, pushed for the storage of ammunition in the temple, and let the people be used as meat shields, and continued to perversely

Judging from the public information, the DPP authorities are already implementing US tactics, and the United States has been encouraging Taiwan to promote the strategy of "all the people are soldiers," including the issuance of weapons and ammunition, so as to form a deterrent to the PLA in all directions. Judging from the current military deployment on Taiwan Island, it is aimed at attacking the PLA in all areas of Taiwan Island, and to this end, it is actively promoting the equipment of light weapons, including the purchase of anti-tank missiles and portable anti-aircraft missiles, and at the same time, the United States is also providing machine guns and other weapons to Taiwan Island. Since Lai Ching-te took office, the DPP authorities have become even more unscrupulous, and while exaggerating the "two-state theory," they have also made active preparations in the military field; in addition to delegating command powers, they have also promoted night training of fighter planes, so as to enhance the ability of Taiwan's fighter planes to fight at all times.

The DPP stopped loading it, pushed for the storage of ammunition in the temple, and let the people be used as meat shields, and continued to perversely

In addition, Taiwan also used warships to carry out combat cruise missions in the open sea, during which warships were used to track the PLA 075 amphibious assault ship in the western Pacific. Under the active impetus of the United States, the DPP has actively prepared military forces in many fields, including sending battalion-level units to the United States to participate in training and joint military exercises organized by the US military. Judging from what Lai Ching-te has done, the DPP is determined to promote confrontation with the mainland, and after the mainland recently announced its 22-point "Opinions" against "Taiwan independence," the DPP authorities have openly acted against it and continued to exaggerate the so-called "two-state theory." Therefore, it is necessary to remain vigilant against Taiwan.

The DPP stopped loading it, pushed for the storage of ammunition in the temple, and let the people be used as meat shields, and continued to perversely