
A retired US general once broke the news: After the 9-11 incident in 01, the United States plans to overthrow the governments of seven countries within five years

author:History of the Great Nation

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As a superpower that made its fortune in two world wars, the United States has great power and one of the best in the world.

Because of this, the 911 incident that broke out in 2001 shocked the public, and people did not expect that there would be forces that would dare to challenge the authority of the United States.

A retired US general once broke the news: After the 9-11 incident in 01, the United States plans to overthrow the governments of seven countries within five years

Then the United States took many actions in order to take revenge, but with the revelations of the retired American general in March 2007, it was frightening.

It turns out that just after the 911 incident, the United States actually drew up a terrible plan to overthrow the governments of the seven countries in five years, so did their vision come true?

Plucking the feathers on the tiger's head

With the passage of time, peaceful development has become the mainstream of the times, but this does not mean that our world is absolutely safe.

In places invisible to many, people who undermine social stability and unity still exist, and people often refer to them as "terrorists".

They advocate violence, like to provoke wars everywhere, and wantonly slaughter civilians, posing a great threat to international security.

For example, in the twenties of the nineteenth century, these terrorists were already in front of the people, and they raised the banner of anarchism and set off a wave of violence.

Originally, they targeted government workers who were similar to police officers and officials.

But in February 1894, after an accountant named Emile used a bomb to murder a café in Paris, the terrorists included civilians among the targets.

And as the team grows, their methods become more and more cruel, and their psychology becomes more and more extreme, and since entering the modernization, the development of science and technology has provided terrorists with new ways to commit crimes.

The 911 incident in the United States appeared against this background, and its appearance symbolizes that the threat of terrorism to the state has risen to another level.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York was suddenly struck by planes, and ten minutes later, the South Tower was also attacked because of the fire caused by the explosion.

Then the Pentagon was attacked by terrorists, and a fourth plane was intercepted by passengers on the way and crashed.

A retired US general once broke the news: After the 9-11 incident in 01, the United States plans to overthrow the governments of seven countries within five years

Due to the suddenness of the incident, coupled with the fact that the locations chosen by the terrorists are all prosperous areas in the United States and have a large population, they have caused serious casualties in the United States, as well as psychological shadows that are difficult to repair.

Nearly 3,000 innocent people were killed in the attack, and iconic buildings such as the Pentagon were inevitably damaged, causing considerable economic losses to the United States.

At the same time, this is undoubtedly a "slap in the face" to the US government, which has always been arrogant.

The provocation of the other side undermined the security measures that it has been proud of for many years, and the United States naturally could not swallow this breath, and quickly dispatched relevant personnel to investigate the truth, vowing to find out the real culprit behind the scenes.

Because of the timely operation, coupled with the advanced technology and surveillance equipment of the United States, it did not take long for them to lock on to their targets, and most of the terrorists came from a place called al-Qaeda, a military organization in the Middle East.

Its leader is none other than bin Laden, a wealthy businessman from Saudi Arabia who is the founder and main leader of the al-Qaeda, and has been secretly supporting various terrorist activities.

A retired US general once broke the news: After the 9-11 incident in 01, the United States plans to overthrow the governments of seven countries within five years

In the 80s, he played an important role in the war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and was one of the supporters of the United States in the Middle East at that time.

But after the war, relations between bin Laden and the United States deteriorated rapidly, and for a time he was seen as the primary enemy of the Islamic world.

Especially after the 1991 Gulf War, the many policies pursued by the United States in the Middle East and the large-scale stationing of troops in Saudi Arabia made bin Laden very angry.

He felt that the actions of the United States were in fact a violation of the security of the Islamic world, so he attacked the United States many times in the name of jihad.

However, it has always been the American side that he is the real culprit behind 911.

As a result, the United States launched a series of military operations against the Islamic world in the name of "anti-terrorism."

A retired US general once broke the news: After the 9-11 incident in 01, the United States plans to overthrow the governments of seven countries within five years

Which is true and which is false

Since 911, the primary goal of U.S. diplomacy has been to counterterrorism, and a series of steps have been taken to reshape domestic security strategy.

In October 2001, the United States Congress urgently passed the Patriot Act, which provides a comprehensive legislative basis for countering terrorism and safeguarding national security.

The Department of Homeland Security has also been established to prepare for better coordination and unification of counterterrorism and security efforts.

At the same time, the United States has also become extremely tough diplomatically, such as insisting on deploying the National Missile Defense system and withdrawing from the "Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty" signed by the United States and the Soviet Union in 1972.

All these behaviors show that after the terrorist attacks, the United States seems to have suddenly become "all the grass and trees."

One of the most striking is the United States' intention to wage a war on "terror" everywhere.

When President George W. Bush just announced that he would impose sanctions on terrorists, many countries in the international community were still happy about this, believing that the United States was trying to solve the problem of terrorism in alliance with other countries.

However, with the successive wars, the United States' behavior of provoking wars everywhere in the name of "anti-terrorism" has become more and more "intriguing."

Afghanistan is the first to be targeted by the United States.

On October 7, 2001, the United States rallied the forces of the United Kingdom, Germany and other allies to march aggressively towards Afghanistan, targeting al-Qaeda and the Taliban government in retaliation for the 911 terrorist attacks.

A retired US general once broke the news: After the 9-11 incident in 01, the United States plans to overthrow the governments of seven countries within five years

Due to the strength of the U.S. military, the Taliban regime was overthrown in less than two months.

Later, with the support of NATO, a new government was established in Afghanistan, and Karzai became the new president.

It stands to reason that this is the end of the matter.

After all, although bin Laden is still on the run, he has little to do with Afghanistan, and the US offensive has caused economic and military losses to Russia in the country.

However, it is a pity that the war did not end there, and since the military attack on Afghanistan, the United States has become more and more arbitrary in both intelligence gathering and military strikes, regardless of the dissuasion of other countries.

Instead of being satisfied with the victory in the war in Afghanistan, they intensified their efforts and focused their attacks on Iraq without the slightest intention of stopping.

In 2003, the United States claimed that Iraq was secretly supporting terrorists, organized its military to launch attacks against them, and said that it wanted to make Iraq more democratic and free.

But in reality, this is not the case, and the damage they have done to the local people since they started the war in Iraq is profound.

Not only has Iraq been forced to face social instability, but it has also caused great harm to the country's economy and people's livelihood, with the decline in oil production and the destruction of infrastructure forcing the local people to fall into a dilemma.

At the same time, the US military's offensive has made the terrorist forces in Iraq even more rampant, and they often plunder civilian materials in order to confront the US military, which breeds government corruption and threatens people's lives in the long run.

A retired US general once broke the news: After the 9-11 incident in 01, the United States plans to overthrow the governments of seven countries within five years

Iraq War

It is reported that the war in Iraq has led to the deaths of more than 200,000 Iraqi people, and it is well known that the shadow of war is lasting and negative.

Therefore, these "anti-terrorist" wars launched by the United States in the Middle East after the 911 incident have been divorced from their stated purpose and are just a pretext to realize their own ambitions.

And the revelations of the generals who served in the US military have exposed the intentions behind a series of US moves.

Five-year plan, seven chess countries

The four-star general of the United States has exploded into a shocking black scene, and the United States' anti-terrorism is fake, but in fact, it is to subvert the governments of seven countries in the first five years.

In March 2007, the news revealed by Wesley Clark, a four-star American general, in an interview shocked everyone as soon as it came out.

The message probably meant that after 911, the U.S. government had drawn up an "evil" plan.

They intend to overthrow the regimes of seven governments in the name of counterterrorism in five years' time, including Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.

Six of them are Middle Eastern countries.

This may sound fanciful, but the war launched by the U.S. military in the aftermath of 911 has proven it.

In the 20 years since the September 11 attacks, five of these countries have been directly intervened militarily by the United States, and Iraq and Sudan have been subverted by Iraq.

The purpose of provoking war everywhere is not to fight terrorist forces at all, but more importantly, to realize the dream of the United States to dominate the world.

Moreover, the Middle East, as a major global oil and gas producer, plays a vital role in the global energy market.

Although the United States is technologically advanced and able to achieve energy self-sufficiency, the Middle East still has an important influence on the planning of the United States.

A retired US general once broke the news: After the 9-11 incident in 01, the United States plans to overthrow the governments of seven countries within five years

In addition, the Middle East has always been an important part of the US strategy.

Since the end of World War II, the United States has been committed to expanding its influence everywhere, and the Middle East has not escaped.

They have continued to support pro-US forces in the region in order to safeguard US security interests and energy resources in the Middle East, even at the expense of stationing troops in the Middle East.

From Clark's revelations, it can be seen that the occurrence of the 911 incident provided an excellent opportunity for the United States to attack the Middle East.

Under the pretext of "anti-terrorism," they are actually carrying out military expansion in the Middle East.

For example, in the Iraq War, the US military's target was almost the same as the location of the oil fields distributed in the country, showing its covetousness for oil resources to the fullest.

Even in 2004, the Bush administration launched the "Greater Middle East Democratic Transformation Plan" to make no secret of its ambitions and coveting the Middle East region.

Wanting to forcibly subjugate all countries in the region by force, such an act has naturally brought considerable trouble to the situation in the Middle East.

To this day, the United States has never stopped interfering in the situation in the Middle East.

For example, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that broke out on October 7, 2023, has not stopped so far, and the United States is indispensable behind it.

While they are saying high-sounding words about maintaining peace and avoiding escalation, they are secretly selling arms and military supplies to Israel.

At the same time, it has turned a blind eye to Israel's wanton massacre against Palestine, and has shown more favoritism in the international community to Israel, constantly obstructing the adoption of the relevant draft on the Palestinian-Israeli issue by the UN Security Council.

A retired US general once broke the news: After the 9-11 incident in 01, the United States plans to overthrow the governments of seven countries within five years

In April 2024, the United Nations voted on Palestine to become a member, but the United States openly voted against it, which was clearly trying to support Israel.

In addition, after the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in 2023, its President Biden even wants to provide more than $10 billion in aid to Israel.

The reason why the United States has committed such an act against humanitarianism is to safeguard its own interests in the Middle East, so it supports the pro-American Israel.

It is precisely because of this that after the 911 incident, the United States did not hesitate to draw up a plan to get rid of the regimes of the seven countries within five years, and in the final analysis, it was all because they advocated hegemonism.


The 5th Anniversary of 911: The United States Redefines the "War on Terror" Source: Guangming Daily, September 8, 2006

20th Anniversary of the 911 Terrorist Attacks! In the following 20 years, the United States killed at least 900,000 people in various countries Source: Central Committee of the Communist Youth League 2021-09-11

What is the U.S. government's plan to launch the Iraq War? Source: International Online 2021-07-28

"The policy of the United States is a morally bankrupt policy" Source: CCTV News Client 2024-06-09

On the Impact of the "911" Incident on U.S. Foreign Policy Author: Liu Zhenxia Source: Journal of Social Sciences of Shanxi Colleges and Universities Time: 2002-06-30

Zhang Sinan: The United States has created "opportunities" for China because of the "9/11" anti-terrorism? Wrong! Source: Straight News 2021-09-11

A retired U.S. general once broke the news that "the United States intends to overthrow 7 countries in 5 years" Hunan Daily-New Hunan Client 2022-09-13

Retired U.S. general: The U.S. government had planned to overthrow 7 regimes in 5 years Beijing Weekly 2022-10-11

A retired US general once broke the news: After the 9-11 incident in 01, the United States plans to overthrow the governments of seven countries within five years
A retired US general once broke the news: After the 9-11 incident in 01, the United States plans to overthrow the governments of seven countries within five years

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