
I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

author:Memories are like orchids
I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens
The election of the mayor of Tokyo is too outrageous, and it is really any bull, ghost, snake and god who dares to participate. Where is this mayoral election, this is a large-scale variety show draft.
I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

I originally thought that the presidential election televised debate in the United States was already outrageous, but I didn't expect that the Tokyo mayoral election in Japan was even more outrageous.

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

For example, there are people who want to be able to run for mayor. He even shouted the slogan of "polygamy", hoping that this would solve the problem of Japan's low fertility rate.

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

For example, a woman who came to run for mayor of Tokyo took off her clothes in front of the public as she spoke. Then I asked everyone seriously, I think she is not cute and sexy.

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

What's funny is that this woman's actions directly frightened the sign language teacher on the spot, and she didn't know how to translate what the woman said.

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Of course, the above is relatively normal. In addition to this, there are some more bizarre people who have also come to run. For example, a cosplay player also participated in the campaign, and he promised to give 100,000 yen to everyone if he was elected.

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens
I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens
I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens
I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Even AI has been moved to the election campaign by them. I have to say that Japan's Tokyo mayoral election is really too abstract, and it is really difficult to understand and understand this strange way of doing things by the Japanese.


After watching this video, netizens also talked a lot, and after reading the comments of netizens, they laughed at all my merits.

It's a very good suggestion, and I raise my hands in favor

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

This is too exaggerated, but it is a hellish joke that an anime character can go to the election

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

After watching their campaign, I realized that only the sign language teacher was the most normal person

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Indeed, these people who come to run for mayor are too abstract, and I feel that the Japanese are no less abstract than the Americans

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Hahaha, the sign language teacher doesn't know how to translate now, these people are too upset

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

This woman really worked hard to become the mayor of the city, and she made any means

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Sun Xiaochuan can really choose, compared to others, he is already normal

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

5,000 yuan is actually a lot, enough for a month's living expenses, right?

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Sure enough, the world is finally starting to turn upside down

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

The Tokyo mayoral campaign really showed us what species diversity is

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Then I also recommend Hatsune Miku to run for mayor

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

This sign language teacher looks very much like our politics teacher

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Japan is inherently magical, and it's basically the case every time you run a campaign

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Is Japan's prime minister's campaign so abstract?

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

To be honest, there is no better place to be the mayor of Tokyo than Sun Xiaochuan

I can't laugh anymore! "Tokyo mayoral election" rushed to the hot search, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Ladies and gentlemen, after reading this news, what do you think at this moment? See you in the comment section! #头条创作挑战赛#

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