
Who did this to you? Chinese citizens were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the Philippine police said that they could save their lives if they gave less, and they tore up the tickets more

author:Zen heart mortal language LiNO

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⩥⩥Graphic & Edit*||* Zen heart mortal language LiNO

Who did this to you? Chinese citizens were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the Philippine police said that they could save their lives if they gave less, and they tore up the tickets more
Who did this to you? Chinese citizens were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the Philippine police said that they could save their lives if they gave less, and they tore up the tickets more

Recently, two executives of a Chinese medical device company were kidnapped and killed when they went to work in the Philippines.

The two Chinese nationals, who belong to two different medical device companies, made an appointment to arrive in the Philippines on June 20 to inspect business in order to expand the company's overseas market, and then were kidnapped and killed on June 24.

It is reported that the two Chinese citizens were targeted by kidnappers when they first arrived in the Philippines, and soon after, they were illegally kidnapped.

When the family paid the ransom, a local Philippine police officer said:

"Three million, the kidnappers want too much, and if you give it, you have to tear up the ticket."

"Two or three hundred thousand yuan, perhaps, can save a life."

"The Philippines is now, that's it, you have to tear up the ticket if you don't pay the ransom, there are a lot of such things."

So this incident may be, who did it?

What is the reason for this?

Who did this to you? Chinese citizens were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the Philippine police said that they could save their lives if they gave less, and they tore up the tickets more
Who did this to you? Chinese citizens were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the Philippine police said that they could save their lives if they gave less, and they tore up the tickets more

Here's what makes Filipino society so chaotic today:

First, due to the long-term poor economic situation in the Philippines, the general low standard of living of the people, and the large number of poor and unemployed people, many people choose to take risks.

Secondly, the Philippine government has serious problems of corruption, inaction of the police and poor social security.

Third, the Philippines as a whole does not prohibit guns, there are more than 1.2 million legally registered guns in the country, and there are even more illegal guns that are not registered in the private sector.

According to the Philippine police, there are more illegal firearms in the civilian population than there are in the possession of the police.

Due to the serious threat to people's lives and safety caused by illegal guns, Philippine civil society groups have repeatedly proposed to ban guns, but so far no results have been achieved.

So this incident may be, who did it?

The first possibility is that of the Philippine police or military personnel.

Who did this to you? Chinese citizens were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the Philippine police said that they could save their lives if they gave less, and they tore up the tickets more
Who did this to you? Chinese citizens were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the Philippine police said that they could save their lives if they gave less, and they tore up the tickets more

In fact, if Filipino locals are kidnapped, they would rather pay a ransom to save their lives than go to the police.

One reason is that there are doubts about the ability of the local police to solve the case, and in addition, the relatives of the abductees are worried that if someone in the police colludes with the kidnappers, it will be miserable to report to the police.

The Philippine police, involved in kidnappings often happen, this kind of thing, is no longer a secret in the local area.

In fact, as early as the late 90s of the last century and the beginning of this century, kidnapping cases in the Philippines were already very rampant.

The Philippine police and military personnel have played a very important "role" in some cases!

Even, a former president of the Philippines once said:

"More than half of those suspected of being involved in the kidnapping are police or military personnel."

At noon on June 2, 2024, near Manila, Philippines, 3 Chinese citizens and 1 Malaysian, a total of 4 people, were kidnapped by local police in a private car.

Then, the local police, armed with guns, forcibly took the four people to a white pickup truck, fortunately, two Chinese later resisted and finally escaped.

The second possibility is the Philippine rebels.

Who did this to you? Chinese citizens were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the Philippine police said that they could save their lives if they gave less, and they tore up the tickets more
Who did this to you? Chinese citizens were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the Philippine police said that they could save their lives if they gave less, and they tore up the tickets more

In Philippine society, the rebels have been the main perpetrators of the "kidnapping" incident.

For many rebel groups in the Philippines, the "kidnapping" is the main source of income for these armed organizations.

In some cases, these rebels have even used kidnappings as leverage to negotiate with Philippine government departments.

If the Philippine government does not agree and adopts force to settle the issue, the rebels will brutally "tear up the votes" of the hostages.

The third possibility is that anti-China elements in the Philippines are seizing the opportunity to cause chaos.

In the current sensitive period of China-Philippines relations, the response of the entire Philippine government system, especially the Philippine police, to the murder of a Chinese citizen has been very delayed.

At this time, the anti-China elements in the Philippines will intensify their efforts to harm the Chinese citizens in the Philippines.

Because, they already know, the government usually does not take such cases seriously, so they become unscrupulous.

The victim's family said that a memorial service had been held in Beijing on the morning of July 1, and the ashes were being brought back to their hometown for burial.

Who did this to you? Chinese citizens were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the Philippine police said that they could save their lives if they gave less, and they tore up the tickets more
Who did this to you? Chinese citizens were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and the Philippine police said that they could save their lives if they gave less, and they tore up the tickets more


"In the past six months, China and the Philippines have been in constant contradiction over the South China Sea issue, and there have been small-scale conflicts in recent days."

"At present, the social order in the Philippines is very chaotic, and it is better for Chinese citizens not to go if there is no need."

Statement: The information and pictures in this article are from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.

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