
Liu Ningyi's profile


Liu Ningyi (1907-1994), formerly known as Shi Lianjia, was born in December 1907 in a peasant family in Mancheng County, Hebei Province. As early as his student days, he accepted the influence of progressive ideas, served as the chairman of the student union of the Fourth Normal School of Zhili Province, and actively organized progressive societies to carry out anti-imperialist patriotic student movements. In 1925, he participated in the struggle in solidarity with the May Day Movement, and joined the Communist Party of China in September of the same year. In the torrent of the Great Revolution, he organized peasant associations in his hometown and led the peasants in revolutionary struggle. After the defeat of the Great Revolution, under the white panic of the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang, he persevered in the struggle despite the hardships and dangers.

At the end of 1929, in order to strengthen the party's organizational building in the struggle against the yellow trade unions, the CCP Shunzhi Province sent Liu Ningyi to Linxi. At that time, not long after the defeat of the Great Revolution, the party organization during the founding of the party in Linxi was seriously damaged, and reactionary forces such as the security forces, the Youth Gang, and the yellow trade unions formed by the Kuomintang were scattered in all corners of Linxi. These organizations combined with each other, stalked and followed the underground revolutionary workers, racked their brains to collect information on the activities of the CCP organizations, did everything possible to sabotage the underground organizations and revolutionary activities, strangled the revolutionary forces by any means, persecuted the progressive workers, and suppressed the workers' movement. Under these difficult and difficult circumstances, Liu Ningyi, who was 22 years old at the time, came to the enemy-occupied area and carried out revolutionary activities with tactfulness and courage.

As soon as Liu Ning came to Linxi Kailuan Zidi Primary School, he used teaching as a cover to carry out the party's work. At that time, a small number of party members had been dispersed and hidden, and after many contacts, Liu Ningyi and three party members were connected. In Linxi Kailuan Children's Primary School, in addition to Liu Ningyi, there are two party members, Wang Rusong and Wu Hua, Wang Rusong is a teacher in the school, and Wu Hua's identity is a hired worker, and the task is to assist Liu Ningyi in carrying out his work. In order to open up the situation as soon as possible, Liu Ning taught students during the day and went out for activities at night. On Saturday and Sunday, Liu Ningyi also took advantage of everyone's lack of attention to go out to the masses of workers. The place he frequented most was Ganzi Mountain, because there were many pot men there, and it was the place where the poor miners were most concentrated. Liu Ningyi and the miners had a daily routine, painted pictures for the miners, and explained revolutionary principles, and soon won the trust and respect of the miners, and the relationship was very harmonious. He secretly found six miners' party members, including Liu Junsheng, Wei Zheng, Li Xin, Zhang Dianqing, Du Erhu, and Wang Yin, who joined the party in the early days of Linxi, and immediately established a temporary party branch. Through the temporary party branch and these miners' party members, the scope is expanded, the work is carried out, the backbone is cultivated, and the ranks of activists are expanded. At the school, Liu Ning was a sixth-grade Chinese, mathematics, and history teacher, and at that time, the students generally started school late, and there were many older students in the upper grades. When the students were about to graduate, Liu Ningyi compiled a "graduation song" for the students to learn to sing, and often organized the students to go to the streets to carry out propaganda and carry out revolutionary activities, and also personally distributed revolutionary leaflets on the streets. Under the propaganda and agitation of Liu Ningyi, some of the school's teaching staff and progressive students took the initiative to move closer to the party organization, and Liu Ningyi successively recruited staff members Sun Youzhong and Zhang Dahai and student Tan Fuhong to join the Communist Party of China, and Wang Ji and Dong Cangrui joined the Chinese Communist Youth League. With the increase of party members, it was later divided into the miners' party branch and the student party branch, which laid the foundation for improving and strengthening the organization of the Guye party and rebuilding the outer mining district committee.

In February 1930, under the organization of Liu Ningyi, the Tangshan Outer Mining District Committee of the Communist Party of China was re-established, which was specially responsible for leading the party organizations of Dongsan Mine and Majiagou Mine. During this period, there were 42 party members in the Zhaogezhuang Party branch, 15 party members in the Linxi Party branch, and 24 party members in the Tangjiazhuang party branch. The Tangshan Outer Mining District Committee of the Communist Party of China is composed of 3 people, with 1 secretary, 1 organizing committee and 1 propaganda committee, Wang Wenzheng is the secretary of the district party committee, Liu Chengzhang is the organization member, and Zhang Zihua is a propaganda member. The Outer Mining District Committee is located in Zhaogezhuang and is under the direct leadership of the Tangshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. As a result of the Tangshan Municipal CPC Committee's great discussions against the "Lisan Line" and the "Preparatory Office for Emergency Meetings," the CPC held too many intra-party meetings, exposing the CPC's organization, resulting in the arrest of 29 principal leading cadres of the Tangshan City CPC Committee and the Foreign Mining District Committee, and the party organizations in Tangshan and Guye suffered heavy blows.

The victories of the anti-yellow trade union struggles in Zhaogezhuang, Linxi, and Tangjiazhuang expanded the influence of the party, promoted the development of the workers' movement, and created conditions for the restoration of the CCP organization. The party organization of Dongsan Mine has developed a number of new party members among the workers' activists, bringing the total number of party members in Guye (including the Majiagou mine) to 127, and the party organization has continued to grow. On this basis, in order to strengthen the work of Guye and promote the continuous deepening of the workers' movement, in April 1930, the Tangshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China established two district committees in Guye, namely the Zhaogezhuang District Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Linxi District Committee of the Communist Party of China. Wang Wenzheng, Secretary of the Zhaogezhuang District Party Committee, and Liu Ningyi, Secretary of the Linxi District Party Committee (including Tangjiazhuang). With the restoration and strengthening of the party organization, the struggle of Guye entered a new and active period.

At the beginning of May 1930, the Northern Bureau of the Communist Party of China sent Wang Yatang to Tangshan to assist in the work, and specially divided the work to grasp Guye, in order to conscientiously implement the central government's policy of "attack" and "insurrection", Wang Yatang went to Guye to organize and launch, and lived in Liu Ningyi's residence to publicize to the workers and the masses that "the revolutionary situation has arrived", publicized the determined plan of insurrection, and demanded that the workers, peasants and soldiers cooperate with each other, not one day earlier or one day later, and organize actions at the same time.

In June, under the direct leadership of the higher-ups, Liu Ningyi and the underground party members of Zhaogezhuang, Linxi, Tangjiazhuang, Majiagou and other mines jointly organized an action committee to cooperate with the revolutionary struggle in the central Soviet area and prepare for a major uprising. During this period, Liu Ningyi mobilized workers in Linxi to fight against the capitalists for a better life, and mobilized the peasants to cut down acacia trees in the area from Zhaogezhuang to Laohetou to oppose the forcible occupation of land by foreign capitalists. Because of the heat and involvement, Liu Ningyi exposed his identity and was forced to evacuate Linxi and returned to Tianjin, where the Shunzhi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China is located, to engage in the party's underground work.

On January 7, 1931, at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the third "left" opportunist line represented by Wang Ming was formed and ruled the whole party. During the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, due to differences of opinion, Luo Zhanglong and others adopted non-organizational means to split the party, carried out so-called intra-party struggles, and organized "extraordinary committees." After the establishment of this "second central committee," the second provincial and municipal party committees were set up in various localities. In late January 1931, Yuan Lanxiang, a party member of the Tangshan Railway Factory, who had been the head of the Organization Department of the Tangshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and later transferred to the chairman of the "General Committee of Railways", returned to Tangshan after attending the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. At the same time, the "Hebei Emergency Conference Preparatory Office" also sent people to Tangshan to carry out activities to split the party. Because they disregarded the principle of the party's secret work, they solicited people everywhere, had horizontal relations in a disorderly manner, illegally organized activities, and held frequent meetings, which led to the exposure of the Tangshan and Guye party organizations. Beginning in late February 1931, nearly 20 people, including Dong Dehua, Yang Feilin, and Chen Qibang, leading cadres of the Tangshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Guye District Committee, and Yuan Lanxiang, Chen Kaizhi, and Liu Ziqi of the "Tangshan Emergency Conference Preparatory Office" were arrested, and the party organizations in Tangshan and Guye were seriously damaged. After the Tangshan Municipal CPC Committee and the party organizations in various districts were destroyed and they lost contact with the provincial party committee, the activities of the party organizations in Tangshan and Guye basically came to a standstill for about a year, and the work and revolutionary struggle of the Tangshan and Guye parties fell into a crisis.

In January 1932, the Communist Party of China Hebei Province appointed Liu Ningyi to Guye Zhaogezhuang to restore the party organization. As soon as Liu Ning came to Guye, together with other comrades concerned, he immediately went deep into the masses of miners, and after a period of active and arduous work, in February, he got in touch with some old party members in Guye, and found 31 party members one after another. At the same time of looking for old party members, Liu Ningyi focused on the restoration of grassroots party organizations, and by the beginning of March, the four party branches of Zhaogezhuang, Tangjiazhuang, Linxi and Majiagou were restored, and on the basis of these four party branches, the Kailuan Minmetals Temporary Working Committee was established. After receiving the report on this situation, the Hebei Provincial CPC Committee immediately decided to set up the Tangshan Municipal CPC Committee on the basis of the Kailuan Minmetals Provisional Working Committee.

Liu Ningyi is very concerned about the underground party organization of Linxi Kailuan Children's Primary School, and is always concerned about it. In February 1932, when Liu Ningyi learned that his classmate in Baoding No. 4 Normal School in his early years and an underground member of the Communist Party of China, Zhang Tong (i.e., Zhang Jiwu), also went to Linxi Kailuan Zidi Primary School to carry out underground work, he immediately secretly wrote a letter to Zhang Jiwu and agreed on the time and place of the meeting. After receiving Liu Ningyi's letter, Zhang Jiwu immediately rushed to the predetermined place to make an appointment, and Zhang Jiwu made a detailed report to Liu Ningyi on his activities after arriving in Linxi in the second half of 1931. In order to better carry out the underground struggle, Liu Ningyi specially convened a meeting of the underground party members of the primary school, at which Liu Ningyi talked about the situation of the struggle at home and abroad, the basic contradictions of imperialism, and the many problems of mobilizing the miners to struggle. At that time, the members of the underground party branch of Linxi Kailuan Zidi Primary School included Chen Shoumao (that is, Chen Peng), Wang Wuxiu, and Li Fulai, and later developed Wang Lu, She Xiuying, Duan Yuying and others among the students to join the party. At the same time, Liu Ningyi also introduced early party members Zhang Dianqing, Li Taihai, Wang Ji and others to Zhang Jiwu, and directly connected with them, so that they could keep in close contact and work together. During this period, Tangjiazhuang Primary School also established a party branch, with Xu Jiefu, Liu Jimin, Xu Huidong, Zhai Zidan, and later developed several students, Xu Jiefu served as the secretary of the party branch, under the direct leadership of the Tangshan Municipal Party Committee.

Soon, Tangshan Mine reinstated a party branch, and so far, there are 60 or 70 party members in the five mines of Tangshan and Guye. According to the recovery of party members and the urgent needs of the revolutionary struggle, on March 24, 1932, with the participation of the inspectors of the Hebei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, on the basis of the Provisional Working Committee of Minmetals, the Tangshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China was officially restored in Zhaogezhuang, with Deng Yuchun, a member of the Zhaogezhuang miners' party, as the secretary of the Tangshan Municipal Party Committee, Liu Ning as the head of the organization, Li Jingchun (i.e., Zhang Jigong, commonly known as Jigong) as the propaganda minister, and Wei Yongsheng, a member of the Zhaogezhuang miners' party (a returned Chinese worker who participated in the October Revolution), as the person in charge of the workers' movement. Zhang Jiwu served as the secretary of the municipal party committee, and still served as the secretary of the party branch of the Linxi Kailuan Children's Primary School, and Xing Lai, a party member of Zhaogezhuang, was arranged to do youth work in the municipal party committee. Due to the change of the hostile situation, the location of the organs has changed several times, and for fear of being exposed, the organs of the Tangshan Municipal Party Committee moved from Deng Yuchun's house to the vicinity of the "Yanchunlou" theater on Zhaogezhuang East Street, and then moved to the Jiangang Hutong on Zhaogezhuang Road, and in the summer of 1932, the municipal party committee organs moved back to Xizhaogezhuang.

On March 26, 1932, the newly established Tangshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China held an organizational work meeting to decide on the establishment of grassroots party branches according to the number of party members in each mine and district. Jizhao Gezhuang has 21 party members and 3 branches; Linxi has 20 party members and two branches; Tangjiazhuang has 7 party members and established 1 branch, and Majiagou has 6 party members and 1 branch; Tangshan Mine has 6 party members and 1 branch. There are a total of 60 party members in the above 5 mines and 8 grassroots party branches. At the same time, the Tangshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China presided over a meeting of Minmetals representatives on April 10 to discuss in detail the principles and policies for the next step of the struggle, and encouraged everyone to cheer up their spirits and promote the revolutionary movement. However, during this period, under the guidance of the "left-leaning" line, the newly restored Tangshan Municipal CPC Committee and the district and district committees of the CPC again suffered heavy blows due to many large-scale and open activities.

Under the propaganda of the CCP organization, in April 1932, the miners of Zhaogezhuang launched a strike struggle demanding an increase in wages. Because Liu Ningyi was often active in the front line of the struggle, exposed his goals, and attracted the attention of the enemy, Liu Ningyi was forced to leave Tang again and go to Beiping to engage in the party's underground work.

In June 1932, due to the revelation that Deng Yuchun had betrayed when he was arrested in 1931, Deng Yuchun himself admitted that after Liu Zizhang and Liu Ningyi studied and requested the approval of the provincial party committee, Deng Yuchun was dismissed from his post as secretary of the Tangshan Municipal Party Committee and transferred to work in the Mentougou Coal Mine, and Liu Ningyi took over as secretary of the Tangshan Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China.

In June and July, the school was on summer vacation, and Zhang Jiwu, who served as the secretary of the Tangshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the secretary of the party branch of the Linxi Kailuan Children's Primary School, still did not return home. At this time, Liu Ningyi, who was forced to leave Tang again for Beiping because of the exposure of his target, secretly sneaked back to Linxi Kailuan Children's Primary School, ate and lived in the school, and often convened underground party members at night to study work. Liu Ningyi and Zhang Jiwu had planned to move the Tangshan Municipal Party Committee to Linxi, preparing to open a grocery store on Linxi Street as a cover, and to serve as a place for underground party connections and meetings. For this reason, they went to the street to see a rented shop, but because the owner was not there at the time, the lease could not be completed, and for various other reasons, the relocation of the Tangshan Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China was not implemented. However, Liu Ningyi and Zhang Jiwu still focused on Guye and Linxi, and had extensive contacts with the masses to promote the party's work.

Liu Ningyi was often active on the front line, exposing the target again, and both Liu Ningyi and Lin Xi Kailuan Zidi Primary School attracted the attention of the enemy. One evening in August 1932, Liu Ningyi was arrested at an elementary school. At that time, Zhang Jiwu was going to the dormitory from the east courtyard of Linxi Kailuan Children's Primary School, and as soon as he went out, he saw Liu Ningyi being searched by the personnel of the Public Security Bureau, and took out several pieces of paper from his pocket to check carefully. After Liu Ningyi was arrested, he was immediately escorted to the Linxi Puppet Bureau, where he was unyielding in the face of severe torture by the enemy, strictly guarded the party's secrets, did not say a word, regarded death as home, and maintained the integrity of a Communist Party member. Soon, Liu Ningyi was escorted to Tianjin by the Kuomintang and suffered a lot. Later, through the rescue of the party organization, Liu Ningyi was released, and after being released from prison, he was transferred to Yan'an, the holy land of the revolution, and embarked on a new journey.

Between 1931 and 1937, he was arrested and imprisoned three times, and in the face of severe torture by the enemy, he remained loyal and unyielding, strictly guarded the party's secrets, and maintained the integrity of a Communist Party member.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, in August 1937, Comrade Liu Ningyi was released from the Kuomintang prison in Nanjing, and was sent to Shanghai by the party organization to participate in the leadership of the party's underground work and the workers' movement in Shanghai. On behalf of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, he was responsible for leading the underground party committee of the Shanghai Concession Patrol House, and according to the needs of the underground struggle, he recruited a number of party members among the patrol house police, and took advantage of the contradictions between Britain, the United States, France, and Japan to carry out international united front work.

From the Great Revolution to the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Comrade Liu Ningyi was engaged in the party's underground work for a long time, led the workers' movement, endured hardships, persevered, and made outstanding contributions.

In May 1946, the Party Central Committee sent Comrade Liu Ningyi back to Shanghai to serve as the head of the labor movement group of the Nanjing Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and a member of the Shanghai Working Committee of the Nanjing Bureau (known as the Zhou Mansion to the outside world). At this time, China was on the eve of a decisive battle between two futures and two destinies, and the main task of Comrade Liu Ningyi in the Nanjing Bureau and the Shanghai Working Committee was to use his open and legal status to carry out the workers' movement and the united front work against the trade union organization of the China Labor Association (i.e., the China Labor Association) in the Kuomintang Autonomous Region. In June 1946, Comrade Liu Ningyi, on behalf of the trade unions in the liberated areas, went to Moscow with Mr. Zhu Xuefan, chairman of the China Labor Association, to attend the meeting of the Executive Committee of the World Federation of Trade Unions. On August 6 of the same year, the Kuomintang authorities acted in a perverse way by taking over the Chongqing Office of the China Association of Labor and its affiliated workers' welfare institutions and arresting the members of the Labor Association. After the incident, Comrade Liu Ningyi attended a foreign press conference held by Mr. Zhu Xuefan in Shanghai to support the struggle of the Chinese Labor Association against the atrocities of the Kuomintang authorities. On the eve of the convening of the "National Convention" organized by the Kuomintang one-party, in order to free Mr. Zhu Xuefan and the headquarters of the Labor Association from persecution under the control of the Kuomintang authorities, with the approval of Comrade Zhou Enlai, Comrade Liu Ningyi meticulously helped and arranged for Mr. Zhu Xuefan and the headquarters of the Labor Association to evacuate to Hong Kong. In November 1946, Comrade Liu Ningyi helped Mr. Zhu Xuefan to make a statement in Shanghai and abroad, opposing the convening of the one-party "National Congress" and opposing the Kuomintang authorities' sabotage of the cooperation between the trade unions and the labor associations in the liberated areas, which dealt a heavy blow to the reactionary forces of the Kuomintang.

In June 1946, in accordance with the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, Comrade Liu Ningyi attended the second meeting of the Executive Committee of the World Federation of Trade Unions, and made a speech on behalf of the trade unions in the liberated areas of China on the topic of "opposing civil war, dictatorship, and betrayal, and wanting independence, peace, and democracy", which was supported by progressives from all countries attending the meeting. After that, he went to work in Europe in early 1947 in accordance with Comrade Zhou Enlai's instructions to "establish a base for propaganda and liaison abroad, break the blockade of the Kuomintang reactionaries, and tell the whole world what we propose." Based in Paris, on the one hand, he maintained contact with the headquarters of the World Federation of Trade Unions and attended meetings of the Executive Committee of the World Federation of Trade Unions and related activities, and on the other hand, he relied on overseas Chinese and local CPC organizations to establish extensive contacts with the Communist Party and trade union organizations of various European countries, and carried out a large number of foreign exchanges. During his visits to many European countries, he not only extensively publicized the situation of the Communist Party of China and China's liberated areas and let the people of all countries know more about the Chinese revolution, but also introduced the situation of the workers' movement and the people's revolution in various countries to China in various aspects.

In 1948, Comrade Liu Ningyi was appointed as the head of the CPC's work in Europe, responsible for leading the CPC's work in Europe. In order to cooperate with the development of the revolutionary struggle at home and to carry out propaganda and liaison activities in the international community, he suggested to the Party Central Committee and assisted in the establishment of the Xinhua News Agency's overseas branches. In addition to conducting extensive foreign exchanges, he also actively worked among overseas Chinese workers and Chinese intellectuals in Europe, expanding the party's influence abroad. In April 1949, Comrade Liu Ningyi attended the World People's Congress for the Defense of Peace in Paris and Prague as the deputy head of the Chinese delegation, and was elected as a member of the conference. Since then, he has done a lot of work for the cause of world peace.

During the War of Liberation, Comrade Liu Ningyi led the work carried out in Europe and was an important part of the CPC's foreign exchange activities and the Chinese people's foreign exchange activities before the founding of New China. These works not only played a great role in breaking the blockade imposed by US imperialism and the Kuomintang at that time and in winning the sympathy and support of the world workers' movement and international progressive forces and friendly personages for the Chinese revolution, but also had a certain impact on opening up the diplomatic situation soon after the founding of New China and enhancing friendly exchanges between the people of the Chinese and the people of all countries in the world.

After the liberation of the whole country, Comrade Liu Ningyi served as deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the State Council, deputy director and acting director of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, and vice chairman, chairman, deputy secretary and secretary of the leading party group of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. In 1964, he was elected vice chairman and secretary general of the National People's Congress. In 1966, he was elected secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee at the 11th Plenary Session of the 8th CPC Central Committee. During this period, Comrade Liu Ningyi united the broad masses of workers and devoted a great deal of effort to the work of the National People's Congress (NPC) in restoring and developing industrial production, improving the lives of workers, protecting their rights and interests, and expanding the mainland's international influence and international liaison work.

In 1952, he was appointed Vice-President of the World Confederation of Trade Unions. From 1955 to 1965, he went to Japan many times to participate in the World Conference on the Prohibition of Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs as a delegate to the World People's Congress for the Defense of Peace, and made positive efforts to develop friendly people-to-people exchanges between China and Japan and to normalize Sino-Japanese relations.

In 1960, Comrade Liu Ningyi, as a member of the CPC delegation led by Comrades Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, went to Moscow to attend the meeting of the Communist Party of 81 countries. In 1964, he led a delegation of the National People's Congress to visit five African countries.

During the "Cultural Revolution", Comrade Liu Ningyi was brutally persecuted by the counterrevolutionary clique of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing. After smashing the "Gang of Four", he returned to Beijing in November 1978. Since July 1979, he has served as a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Secretary-General of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Deputy Director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, Advisor to the State Import and Export Administration Commission and the Foreign Investment Management Commission, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Advisor of the China International Trust and Investment Corporation, and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Foreign Economic Liaison Committee of the CPC Central Committee. He went deep into the front line of reform and opening up, adhered to principles, and worked hard to promote united front work, economic and trade work, and discipline inspection work.

In 1988, after Comrade Liu Ningyi retired to the second line, he served as an adviser to the National Committee on Aging, president of the Chinese Association for the Study of Calligraphy and Painting for the Elderly, and honorary president of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Correspondence University, and did a lot of work to strengthen the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. His books include "Shanghai Industry and Shanghai Workers" (one of the editors), "Travels to Europe", "Talking with Young Workers", etc.

Comrade Liu Ningyi was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the First, Fifth and Sixth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a member of the Standing Committee of the First, Second and Third National People's Congress. He is a member of the 7th, 8th and 12th Congresses of the Communist Party of China and a member of the 8th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Comrade Liu Ningyi is humble and kind, approachable, in-depth in his work, in contact with the masses, knowledgeable, rigorous in his studies, open-minded, open-minded, brave and tenacious, not afraid of sacrifice, democratic in style, upright, strict in self-discipline, lenient in treating others, hard and simple, honest and honest, and courageous in carrying out criticism and self-criticism, and is deeply respected and loved by the vast number of cadres and the masses.

Comrade Liu Ningyi's major contributions to the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people and to the establishment of New China will forever be engraved on the monument of China's revolutionary history. Comrade Liu Ningyi was an outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, a proletarian revolutionary, and an outstanding leader of the Chinese workers' movement. During his 70-year revolutionary career, from his joining of the Communist Party of China in September 1925 to his death in 1994, his historical achievements and lofty revolutionary spirit for China's revolution, construction, reform and opening up led by our party are deeply remembered in the hearts of the party and the people.

Comrade Liu Ningyi was born in December 1907 in a peasant family in Mancheng County, Hebei Province. When he was a teenager, he accepted the influence of the May Fourth Movement and progressive ideas, and was full of the ideal of serving the country and saving the country, actively participated in and organized the patriotic student movement, and once served as the president of the student union of the Fourth Normal School of Zhili Province. During the period of the Great Revolution, the Agrarian Revolution and the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Comrade Liu Ningyi braved hardships and dangers, engaged in the party's underground work and the workers' movement in Tangshan, Tianjin, Shanghai and other places for a long time, and made outstanding contributions to the victory of the party's cause and the cause of the Chinese labor movement. In 1925, he participated in the local May Day Movement, and in July 1927, he served as secretary of the Mancheng Special Branch of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the county party committee, and in 1929, he served as secretary of the Linxi District Committee of the Tangshan Coal Mine of the Communist Party of China. During this period, he went deep into the factories and coal mines to enlighten the class consciousness of the workers, and organized the workers to rise up in revolution and resist the exploitation and oppression of the capitalists. In the struggle against the Kuomintang reactionaries, Comrade Liu Ningyi was arrested and imprisoned three times. In 1931, he worked in the Organization Department of the Shunzhi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, was arrested in Tianjin in April of the same year, went to Tangshan after being released on bail in January 1932, and served as secretary of the Tangshan Municipal Party Committee and head of the Organization Department of the Communist Party of China in May. In August of the same year, he was arrested for the second time, and after his release in May 1933, he served as the head of the Organization Department of the Beiping Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. He was arrested for the third time in August 1933 and later sent to the prison of the Kuomintang Military Police Headquarters in Nanjing, where he was sentenced to 12 years in prison. In the enemy's prison, Comrade Liu Ningyi was always steadfast and unyielding, persisted in struggle, and maintained the noble integrity of a Communist Party member. After the 77 Incident, China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, and he was released again in August 1937 after negotiations with the Nanjing Office of the Eighth Route Army. After that, he was sent to Shanghai by the party organization to serve as secretary of the Shanghai Workers' Movement Committee, member of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, director of the Labor Movement Department, and head of the Security Department. In July 1943, Comrade Liu Ningyi went to Yan'an Central Party School to study. After 1944, he served as the secretary-general of the Urban Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, participated in the summary of the party's urban work experience, and participated in the drafting of the report of the seventh national congress of the party. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and director of the Preparatory Committee of the Workers' Federation of the Liberated Areas.

Comrade Liu Ningyi is a well-known international activist who has long been committed to the international liaison work of trade unions. In accordance with the spirit of Comrade Zhou Enlai's instructions on taking participation in the international labor movement as a breakthrough point and going to the world, he went to Moscow to attend the meeting of the Executive Committee of the World Federation of Trade Unions. After 1948, he served as secretary of the European Committee of the Communist Party of China, responsible for leading the work of our party in Europe, including workers, youth, women, students, and overseas Chinese, and suggested to the Central Committee and assisted in the establishment of the Xinhua News Agency's overseas branches. During his work in Europe, he took the initiative to carry out extensive international exchanges, came into contact with the leaders of the Communist Party and trade unions, well-known figures, and representatives of the masses in many countries, and did a great deal of work for overseas Chinese workers and overseas intellectuals, thus expanding the influence of our party overseas. In August 1948, he was elected vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions at the Sixth National Labor Conference and served as deputy secretary of the party group.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Comrade Liu Ningyi served as deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the State Council, deputy director and acting director of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, and vice chairman, chairman, deputy secretary and secretary of the leading party group of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. He united the broad masses of trade union cadres, organized and mobilized the masses of workers, and devoted a great deal of effort to restoring the national economy and developing industrial production, expanding the international influence of New China, and carrying out the CPC's external liaison work under the conditions of being in power. In 1949, Comrade Liu Ningyi attended the World People's Congress for the Defense of Peace in Paris and Prague as the deputy head of the Chinese delegation, was elected as a member of the Congress, and as the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Congress for the Defense of World Peace, he did a lot of work for the cause of world peace. In 1953, he served as vice president of the World Federation of Trade Unions, and played an important role in enhancing the international status of the trade unions on the mainland and adhering to the correct direction of the World Federation of Trade Unions. From 1955 to 1965, Comrade Liu Ningyi went to Japan many times to participate in the World Conference on the Prohibition of Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs as a Chinese representative of the World People's Congress for the Defense of Peace, and made positive efforts to develop friendly people-to-people exchanges between China and Japan and to normalize Sino-Japanese relations. In 1960, as a member of the delegation of the Communist Party of China led by Comrades Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, he went to Moscow to attend the Congress of the Communist Party and the Workers' Party of 81 Countries. In January 1965, he was elected vice chairman and secretary general of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, responsible for the daily work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and made important contributions to strengthening the work of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee and promoting the building of socialist democracy and the legal system. He successively led a delegation of the National People's Congress to visit many countries in Asia and Africa, and met with leaders of many countries and international organizations. In 1966, at the 11th Plenary Session of the 8th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he was by-elected as secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee.

During the "Cultural Revolution", Comrade Liu Ningyi was brutally persecuted by Lin Biao and Jiang Qing clique. After smashing the "Gang of Four", he successively served as a member of the Standing Committee and deputy secretary general of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, an advisor to the State Import and Export Administration Commission and the Foreign Investment Management Commission, a secretary and adviser to the Party Leadership Group of the China International Trust and Investment Corporation, and a secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Foreign Economic Liaison Committee of the CPC Central Committee. He went deep into the front line of reform and opening up, and worked hard to promote united front work, economic and trade work, and discipline inspection work.

Comrade Liu Ningyi is a member of the 8th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and a representative of the 7th, 8th and 12th National Congresses of the Communist Party of China. Member of the Standing Committee of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd National People's Congress; Member of the Standing Committee of the First, Fifth and Sixth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Comrade Liu Ningyi's life was a life of revolution, a life of fighting, and a life of serving the people wholeheartedly. He endured hardships and unremitting struggles and made major contributions to the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people, to the cause of socialist revolution and construction, and to the cause of reform and opening up.

In commemorating Comrade Liu Ningyi, we should learn from his incomparably firm belief in communist ideals and socialism and his boundless loyalty to the party's cause. Comrade Liu Ningyi pursued communist ideals, strengthened his conviction in socialism, and devoted all his energy and life to the cause of liberation and socialist construction of the Chinese people. Whether it is engaged in the party's underground struggle or the workers' movement in the white area, or engaged in trade unions, foreign affairs, united front, people's congresses, and party affairs after liberation; No matter how treacherous the environment, how hard the work, and how complicated the struggle, he threw himself into his work, and he was indomitable and unswerving. Since the beginning of reform and opening up, he has resolutely implemented a series of principles and policies of the Party Central Committee, resolutely supported the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the new development of Marxism by our Party, always maintained a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee, and worked wholeheartedly and conscientiously for the Party. When we learn from him, we should further strengthen our ideals and convictions, constantly enhance our party spirit, and unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

In commemorating Comrade Liu Ningyi, we should learn from his fine work style of going deep into reality, maintaining ties with the masses, and showing concern for the masses' livelihood. Comrade Liu Ningyi has been engaged in the party's mass work for a long time, always putting the overall interests of the party and the people first, always and everywhere keeping in mind the party's fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and maintaining the true character of a public servant of the people. In the course of carrying out the workers' movement, he paid attention to starting from strengthening the work of the masses, maintaining close ties with the masses, making extensive friends among the masses, and mobilizing, organizing, and educating the masses in a thorough and meticulous manner. He was approachable, always went deep into the front line of work, mingled with the masses, paid attention to showing concern for the weal and woe of the masses, worked hard to improve the lives of workers, vigorously protected the rights and interests of workers, and set an example for inheriting and carrying forward the party's fine traditions and work style. When we learn from him, we should thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, put people first, earnestly solve the problems of the people's most concerning, most direct, and most realistic interests in our practical work, and constantly realize, safeguard, and develop the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people.

In commemorating Comrade Liu Ningyi, we should learn from his noble character of keeping the overall situation in mind, working hard, and being honest and honest. Comrade Liu Ningyi was brave and tenacious in the protracted revolutionary struggle, was not afraid of sacrifice, and was frank and upright to the party and the people. In his work, he always proceeded from the interests of the party and the people, adhered to principles, and never cared about personal gains and losses; In life, he has always been self-denying, arduous and simple, strict with himself, lenient with others, and deeply respected and loved by the vast number of cadres and the masses. To learn from him, we must firmly establish the socialist concept of honor and disgrace and always maintain the party's fine traditions and work style.