
Zheng Weisan's profile


After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zheng Weisan did not have a military rank, and Chairman Mao's special treatment was higher than that of a general. Zheng Weisan: One of the main founders of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Base Area, and one of the founders of the two revolutionary base areas of Hubei, Henan, Anhui and Hubei, Henan, and Shaanxi, his moving deeds in leading the revolutionary struggle in northeastern Hubei Province, accompanying the Red 25th Army on the Long March, and establishing and upholding the struggle for the revolutionary base areas in southern Shaanxi are still fresh in the memory of future generations.

  From a progressive student to a leader of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet District

  Zheng Weisan, formerly known as Zheng Zhihuai, was born on October 21, 1902 in Huang'an, Hubei Province (now Hong'an), studied in a private school at the age of 7, and was admitted to a kind of industrial school in Hubei Province at the age of 16. During his time at school, he was guided by Xiao Chunu, a communist who was active in Wuchang, and accepted Marxism. In the summer of 1922, Zheng Weisan returned to Huang'an and took advantage of the conditions of teaching to actively carry out revolutionary activities. Under the guidance of the party organization, he used his cultural knowledge and united with local intellectuals to establish various propaganda organizations in the name of study, such as the "Study of Marxism-Leninism Group," "Chinese New Year's Eve School," and "Lecture Meeting," which served as a front for spreading Marxism. At the end of 1925, he honorably joined the Chinese Communist Party. From then on, he stepped onto the historical stage of the Chinese revolution and began his career as a professional revolutionary.

  In October 1926, the National Revolutionary Army victoriously captured Wuhan, and the voice of revolution resounded throughout Hubei. The special branch of the Huang'an County Party Caucus of the Communist Party of China also turned from secret to public, and Zheng Weisan was elected as a member of the special branch of the Party Caucus.

  In February 1927, the Huang'an County Committee of the Communist Party of China was established, and Zheng Weisan was elected as a member of the county party committee. In mid-February, the Third Congress of the Kuomintang in Huang'an County was held, and Zheng Weisan was elected as an executive member and concurrently served as the Minister of Workers' Department. In late February, under the auspices of the Huang'an County Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Huang'an County Farmers' Association was formally established, and he was elected as a member and standing committee member of the County Farmers' Association. By this time, Zheng Weisan had become one of the main leaders of the revolutionary movement in Huang'an County.

  In accordance with the Party's instructions, Zheng Weisan participated in and led the county's cultural and educational revolution, the struggle to punish the gentry and landlords, and the establishment of revolutionary armed forces. In his capacity as a member of the Standing Committee of the Kuomintang County Party Department, he took the No. 1 Senior Primary School of Huang'an County as the center for guiding the progressive teachers of schools throughout the county to carry out the peasant movement, and sent some Communist Party members as inspection instructors to guide the struggle in various schools in a timely manner. In addition, Zheng Weisan, together with Wu Huanxian and others, led the peasants of the county to set off a great upsurge of the rural revolution against local tyrants and inferior gentry, lawless landlords, corrupt officials and corrupt officials, and various feudal and patriarchal ideas and systems. Under their organizational leadership, the broad masses of peasants took an active part in the struggle, and peasant associations were rapidly established. They also took advantage of the method of running the "Red Gun Society" to openly organize and train the revolutionary armed forces of the peasants.

  In April and July 1927, the Great Revolutionary Movement failed due to the betrayal of the revolution by Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Chingwei's clique. In August of the same year, the Kuomintang reactionaries began a frenzied "purge" and massacre of Communists in the Huang'an area, and Zheng Weisan was one of the wanted Communists. Under the White Terror, some wavering elements in the Huang'an County Committee of the Communist Party of China left the revolution one after another, and only Zheng Weisanyi was left among the members of the Standing Committee of the county party committee. He stood up firmly, organized a group of Communist Party members, and rebuilt the Huang'an County Party Committee. Under the leadership of the new county party committee headed by Zheng Weisan, the struggle in the Huang'an area continued to be waged again. From late September to October, he organized and led the "September Rebellion" in Huang'an in accordance with the spirit of the party's "87" meeting and the plan of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China to launch the Autumn Harvest Uprising. The "September Riots" raised the banner of the agrarian revolution, dealt a heavy blow to the counterrevolutionary restoration activities of the local tyrants and shoddy gentry, greatly boosted the fighting spirit of the peasant revolution, created conditions for a large-scale peasant uprising, and opened the prelude to the Jute Uprising.

  On November 13, 1927, the Special Committee of the Communist Party of China in Eastern Hubei launched the famous Jute Uprising, establishing the Huang'an County Peasant Government and the Eastern Hubei Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army. Zheng Weisan made a lot of preparations for the uprising, but was unable to participate in the uprising due to illness in Wuhan.

  In March 1930, the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Special Committee of the Communist Party of China was established, and Guo Shushen served as secretary. In June, the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Special Economic Zone Soviet Government was established, and thus the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Region was formally formed. Zheng Weisan was transferred to work in the Soviet Government of the Special Administrative Region. From this time until October 1932, when the Red Fourth Front Army left the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Region, Zheng Weisan successively served as a member of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Special Committee of the Communist Party of China, a member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Provincial Party Committee, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Special Region Soviet Government, the Chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee, and the Acting Chairman of the People's Committee of the Soviet Government. He made significant contributions to the construction of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet District and was one of the main founders of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet District.

  The fighting years of the lonely army in northeast Hubei

  In June 1932, Chiang Kai-shek commanded 300,000 troops to launch the fourth counter-revolutionary "encirclement and suppression" against the Hubei-Henan-Anhui revolutionary base areas. At this critical time, Zheng Weisan took over the post of secretary of the CPC Northeast Hubei Provincial Committee and commander-in-chief of the guerrillas, and from then on took up the heavy burden of leading the revolutionary struggle in northeastern Hubei.

  The year 1933 was the most brutal period of struggle in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet region. Under the frantic "clearance" of the enemy, many places became no man's land. Zheng Weisan's family also suffered great misfortune: his father, Zheng Weihan, who had served as chairman of the township Soviet, died of illness in the mountains because of his long-term activities in the deep mountains and old forests; The mother was forced by hunger and died of poisoning by eating wild vegetables; His ex-wife Cao Mengyun froze to death in a cave during the "running back", leaving behind his seven- and eight-year-old daughter Zheng Qiying, and had to be carried by his second brother Zheng Zhihui (a guerrilla) to fight guerrillas. He endured great pain and grief and indignation, and led the troops to persist in the struggle in the deep mountains and old forests of Tiantai Mountain, Laojun Mountain, and Yangtianwo area. In those difficult days, he contracted scabies, often infected and suppurated, and suffered from itching, but he still went into the mountains and forests with the guerrillas every day, living a life of eating and sleeping in the open. Like the guerrillas, he wore tattered single clothes, a shirt by day and a quilt at night. Food was scarce, wild vegetables and leaves could not be found, so the soldiers had to peel the bark and dig up the roots of the kudzu vine to satisfy their hunger. He often told the story of the peasant uprising during the Great Revolution and the struggle in the early days of the creation of the Soviet districts, and encouraged everyone to fight even if there were a few people left. Under his influence, the mood of struggle among the troops and the masses was always high. The people of Hubei, Henan, and Anhui will never forget the important role played by Zheng Weisan in the struggle in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet region and the immortal exploits he established.

  At that time, the guerrilla headquarters led by Zheng Weisan and the Luoshan local armed forces (also known as the Western Route Army) were mainly active in the areas of Tiantai Mountain, Laojun Mountain, and Yangtianwo at the junction of Huang'an, Guangshan, and Luoshan, and at the same time maintained contact with independent regiments and guerrilla units operating in other counties and districts, and jointly cooperated with the main Red Army to attack the enemy. He found that some district and township cadres were in teams of three or five people, armed with short guns and daggers, to harass the enemy, link up with the masses, and effectively preserve themselves. In order to make plainclothes develop faster in various places, he held training classes in the card room of Luoshan County many times, personally gave lectures, and trained backbone cadres in rotation. He laid down the policy of "guerrilla warfare, day and night movements, two-faced policy, and united front," so that the plainclothes unit was not only a guerrilla detachment but also a first-level "Soviet government without a banner," and became an armed task force integrating the party, government, and army. The activities of the plainclothes squad strengthened the ties between the Party and the masses and also coordinated with the actions of the main Red Army. At that time, the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China spoke highly of this form of struggle.

Accompanied by the Red 25th Army's Long March

  In September 1934, the Party Central Committee sent Cheng Zihua to work in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet District. Cheng Zihua conveyed to Zheng Weisan the instructions of Zhou Enlai, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, in the card room of Luoshan County, that the main force of the Red 25th Army should be strategically transferred to create a new base area. The Hubei-Henan-Anhui Provincial Party Committee made a decision to carry out the strategic transfer of the Red 25 th Army in Huashanzhai in Guangshan County, reorganized the troops, and appointed Zheng Weisan, then member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary general, as director of the Army's Political Department, to accompany the army on the Long March.

  Zheng Weisan has been doing local work in the past, and he has rich experience in carrying out peasant movements, establishing local political power, and persisting in guerrilla warfare. It was the first time he did political work in the Red Army. However, he resolutely obeyed the decision of the organization and familiarized himself with the new work with firm conviction, a serious attitude, and a realistic spirit. He is good at promoting democracy and pooling ideas. He often gathered comrades from the Political Department to discuss and study together, and soon became familiar with political work in the army. On the Long March, he rarely rode a horse, often carrying a wooden stick, and marched with the company. Everywhere the troops arrived, he huddled with the soldiers, and made family chores with affection. Sometimes a few stories are told to the soldiers, which are both funny and humorous. Therefore, grassroots cadres and fighters are willing to get close to him. He gave political lessons to the troops, linking them with reality and explaining them in simple terms.

  Zheng Weisan lives a frugal life, has a solid style, and is approachable. He often wore shabby clothes, and the crowd said that he looked like a peasant, and others said that he looked like a gangster. But in the Red 25th Army, everyone affectionately called him "an old man", but in fact he was only 33 years old at the time, but he enjoyed high prestige in the army.

  Zheng Weisan attaches great importance to mass propaganda work. Every time the troops stayed, he would find the local people, including squires, teachers, small merchants and peddlers, and talk to them cordially to understand the situation. He knows a little about medicine and often sees a doctor to get close to the masses. When encountering patients with common diseases, he diagnosed the pulse in time, and some even prescribed unilateral prescriptions. The crowd called him "sir". Due to the urgency of the military situation and the fact that he did not have enough time to carry out propaganda work, he personally drew up a few slogans and slogans before the troops arrived in the townships and towns, and asked the propagandists to write and post them in order to stabilize the people's hearts.

  On December 10, 1934, the Red 25th Army entered the Shangluo area in southern Shaanxi, and the Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to create a new Soviet area in the Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi border. In order to let the people in the new area know about the Red Army, as soon as the troops entered southern Shaanxi, Zheng Weisan drafted a poster leaflet entitled "What is the Red Army?" In just about 400 words, the purpose, nature, tasks, and relevant policies of the Red Army are very clearly explained. After the Red 25th Army captured Zhen'an County, he drafted the "Letter to the Masses of the 25th Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army for the Occupation of Zhen'an County." He also drafted a proclamation on commercial policy in accordance with the provincial party committee's economic policy on the new Soviet region. In order to strive for the disintegration of the Kuomintang soldiers, he drafted the "Letter to the Kuomintang Soldiers". In order to do a good job in giving preferential treatment to the families of the Red Army in the new Soviet region, he formulated the "Preferential Treatment Certificates for the Families of the Red Army" and personally issued them to some of the soldiers. These documents of historical significance drafted and formulated by Zheng Weisan had a far-reaching impact in the process of the Red 25th Army creating the Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi Soviet Region.

  Persist in guerrilla warfare in southern Shaanxi

  Because Zheng Weisan had rich experience in carrying out local work, establishing Soviet power, and persisting in guerrilla warfare. The Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China successively sent him to the Henan-Shaanxi Special Committee and the Hubei-Shaanxi Special Committee to appoint a secretary to lead the local struggle. In July 1935, in order to cooperate with the northward movement of the Central Red Army, the Red 25th Army decided to march west to Gansu and north to northern Shaanxi. At that time, Zheng Weisan, who served as secretary of the Hubei-Shaanxi Special Committee, was left behind in southern Shaanxi and continued to persist in guerrilla warfare in the Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi base areas. After the main force of the Red Army moved northward, the enemy still concentrated more than 20 regiments of troops to carry out "division and clearance" of the Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi revolutionary base areas, in a vain attempt to eliminate the guerrilla forces remaining in the Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi base areas. At this critical moment, Zheng Weisan convened a joint meeting to merge the two special committees of Hubei and Shaanxi into the Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi Special Committee, and organized the remaining Red Army and guerrilla forces into the Red 74 Division, with him as secretary of the special committee and Chen Xianrui as the division commander. As a result of the unification of leadership and the concentration of troops, guerrilla warfare in Hubei, Henan, and Shaanxi has been reliably guaranteed. Subsequently, Zheng Weisan calmly analyzed the situation, accurately judged the enemy's situation, decided to avoid the enemy's sharp edge, give full play to our strengths, and adopted the guerrilla warfare method of "going around in a big circle" to rush from the enemy's encirclement, flickering east and west, and breaking the enemy's three "sieges" one after another.

  The Red 74th Division rushed out of the enemy's encirclement, flickering from east to west, out of nowhere, boldly and flexibly waging guerrilla warfare. Once at Qingtongguan in Zhen'an County, our army took advantage of the favorable terrain to ambush a battalion of the 230th Regiment of the 230th Army of the enemy. Then, the sound of the east attacked the west, and attacked and occupied the county seat of Foping (Yuanjiazhuang). The enemy followed, our army hit the Qinling Mountains in one fell swoop, and when the enemy of Xi'an and Baoji came to surround them, they entered the mountains again and occupied Foping County for the second time.

  In the autumn of 1936, the enemy once again mobilized heavy troops to carry out "encirclement and suppression". In light of the mountainous terrain conditions and our army's strong point of being good at guerrilla warfare, the special commission decided to "break up the troops into pieces" and go deep behind enemy lines. Zheng Weisan led a regiment at that time, went out of Shangluo, rushed to the Liangcha River, returned to the Dalong Temple, swept away the reactionary militias, and captured Tang Youguang, the Kuomintang inspector who went to Shangzhou from Xi'an to take office. Soon after, in light of changes in the enemy's situation, he proposed to concentrate his forces to strike at the enemy's forces. After the concentration of troops. At Fushui Pass in Shangnan County, he severely attacked a brigade of the Gongbing Domain's special forces, and then waved his division north and turned three large circles at the foot of Huashan Mountain, and then entered the territory of Lantian, which greatly shocked the enemy in Xi'an.

  Because there was no radio contact, the Red 74th Division completely lost contact with the higher party, and did not understand the situation of the struggle at that time. In this case, Zheng Weisan thought of many ways. He walked all the way to ask questions, keep abreast of the enemy's situation, and familiarize himself with the terrain and roads. He also judged the situation of the enemy from various newspapers and intercepted enemy fake letters, and decided on the actions of the troops. After the Red 74th Division captured the city of Ningshan County, he decided to rest on the spot for eight days and carry out mass work according to the distribution of the surrounding enemy situation and the distance of the distance. When the troops withdrew, the enemy entered the county town of Ningshan on the 9th day.

  In leading the guerrilla war in southern Shaanxi, Zheng Weisan also flexibly formulated and implemented some specific policies in light of the needs of the struggle and changes in the situation. For example, he took the initiative to send people to work on Song Dengxian's "Divine Regiment" organization, which was active in the areas of Ningshan and Zhashui, and provided them with weapons and funds, and finally organized this peasant armed force into a supplementary regiment of the Red 74th Division. He Zhenya and Shen Qixian, who led the uprising at that time, personally wrote letters to contact them and had cordial conversations with the people sent by He Ministry, so that this unit joined the ranks of the Red Army. Shi Laoba, a big landlord in Shangnan County, was not arrested or killed, and his property was not confiscated, and he was used to purchase medicines, cloth, and other materials for our army. After several years of education by the third comrade, a puppet district chief of Zhashui County openly did things for the enemy, secretly sending us information, raising money for food, and covering the wounded. Our army has intercepted the postman on many occasions, and each time Comrade No. 3 was only allowed to detain letters and newspapers related to the enemy's counterfeit affairs, and then issue a "receipt" to the postman and affix it with an official seal, so as to publicize our army's policy and protect the mail hostages. The implementation of these specific policies has effectively divided the enemy, won over and united the middle forces, and enabled the guerrilla war to be successfully carried out.

  Zheng Weisan led the Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi Special Committee and the Red 74th Division, and independently persisted in guerrilla warfare for nearly two years, so that the Red 74th Division grew from more than 600 people to more than 2,100 people, and when the Xi'an Incident broke out, this Red Army contingent active in the Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi base area, under the care of Comrade Zhou Enlai, returned to the embrace of the Party Central Committee, and was later reorganized into the Fourth Guard Regiment of the Left-behind Corps, shouldering the glorious task of defending the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo border region and defending the Party Central Committee. He Long once said: "The Red 74th Division was able to persist in guerrilla warfare in southern Shaanxi for nearly two years, and the correct leadership of Comrade Wei played an important role. ”

Active in the anti-Japanese battlefield

  In the summer of 1937, Zheng Weisan was appointed by the Party Central Committee and Mao Zedong to return to the Hubei-Henan-Anhui border region to launch and lead the people to fight the war of resistance. One of his important tasks in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui border region was to reorganize the Red 28th Army into the 4th Detachment of the New Fourth Army. At that time, the Red 28th Army had persisted in three years of arduous guerrilla warfare in the Dabie Mountains, and it did not understand the situation of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in the whole country, and even less understanding of the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Zheng Weisan repeatedly preached the party's policies, explained the reason in simple terms, and talked patiently and meticulously, and finally enabled the Red 28th Army to embark on the front line of resistance against Japan. From October 1937 to June 1938, in order to raise the understanding of the Red Army guerrillas and the masses of the people on the anti-Japanese national united front and to train the backbone force to lead the anti-Japanese guerrilla war, Zheng Weisan, in accordance with the spirit of the instructions of the Party Central Committee, successively held training classes for guerrilla cadres, youth, and party members, training more than 600 trainees. Together with Fang Yi, Zhang Jinfu, Xiao Wangdong, and other comrades, he led the guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines, mobilized and armed the masses, and made great progress in the anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare in the Dabie Mountains. He himself traveled all over the counties of eastern Hubei and successively led the establishment of the 5th and 6th independent guerrilla brigades.

  In December 1938, the Hubei-Henan-Anhui District Party Committee of the Communist Party of China was established, and Zheng Weisan, then a member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Eastern Hubei Special Committee, was transferred to the secretary of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui District Party Committee, but he still sent people to Eastern Hubei to lead the formation of the 7th and 8th independent guerrilla brigades. By the summer of 1939, there were more than 1,800 men and more than 1,400 guns in the four guerrilla brigades. Conditions have been created for extensively waging guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines, cracking down on Japanese attacks, and establishing anti-Japanese democratic base areas.

  In November 1939, the Party Central Committee set up a five-member command group of the Jiangbei Unit of the New Fourth Army headed by Liu Shaoqi, and Zheng Weisan was one of the members of the group and the political commissar of the 4th Detachment of the New Fourth Army.

  On the one hand, he assisted Liu Shaoqi in leading the anti-Japanese struggle of the New Fourth Army, and on the other hand, he commanded the troops with Xu Haidong, the commander of the detachment, to carry out anti-"sweeping" and constantly attack the enemy, and soon established anti-Japanese base areas in the east and west of Jinpu Road.

  At the beginning of 1941, after the Kuomintang created the "Southern Anhui Incident", Zheng Wei served as the political commissar of the 2nd Division of the New Fourth Army and the secretary of the Huainan District Party Committee.

  In November 1943, Zheng Weisan, as a representative of the Central China Bureau, participated in the leadership of the anti-Japanese democratic base in the Hubei-Henan border area and the 5th Division of the New Fourth Army. Together with division commander Li Xiannian and other comrades, he led the army and people in the Hubei-Henan border region to carry out the war of resistance behind enemy lines, reduce rents and interest rates, and develop production, culture, and education. In accordance with the instructions of the Party Central Committee, we should carry out rectification in a realistic manner. It has strengthened the ties between the party and the masses of the people, and further consolidated and expanded the anti-Japanese democratic base areas in the border areas. In June 1945, at the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Zheng Weisan was elected as a member of the Central Committee.

  Leading the Central Plains to break through and leave a shocking sound

  In August 1945, just after the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression ended, the Kuomintang reactionaries, with the support of the United States, mobilized 300,000 troops to surround the Hubei-Henan border region in the Central Plains. In the face of the offensive of the reactionaries, Zheng Weisan and Li Xiannian led the troops and the masses in the border areas to actively prepare for the anti-civil war, and on the other hand, suggested that the Party Central Committee concentrate the troops south of the Yellow River to fight the enemy's offensive. On October 24, in accordance with the instructions of the Party Central Committee, the field column of the 5th Division, the southward detachment of the 359th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army, and the troops of the Songyue Military Region successfully joined forces in the Tongbai Mountains. On October 30, the Central Plains Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Plains Military Region were established, and Zheng Wei served as the acting secretary of the Central Plains Bureau and the political commissar of the Central Plains Military Region.

  Under the leadership of the Central Plains Bureau headed by Zheng Weisan, the troops of the Central Plains Military Region waged a-for-tat struggle against the Kuomintang's counter-revolution of "fake peace and real civil war" and adopted the revolutionary hands of "resolute self-defense" and "legal struggle." Militarily, it carried out resolute self-defense counterattacks and resisted the repeated attacks of the Kuomintang army: politically, its various conspiracies were exposed in a timely manner; Economically, mobilize the military and civilians, carry out production to save themselves, and smash their economic blockade. Until the time of the breakout, the Kuomintang army of 300,000 was held back, the strategic points of the Central Plains were tightly held, and the preparations for our army to carry out the strategy of winning over the northeast and consolidating North and East China were carried out, and all preparations were made to meet the Kuomintang army to launch an all-out attack on our army, thus gaining time.

  In mid-June 1946, the Kuomintang reactionaries prepared to launch a large-scale siege of our army in the Central Plains in disregard of various agreements and the repeated statements of our Party, and the Central Committee agreed to the decision of the Central Plains Bureau to break through the encirclement. Before the breakout, the Party Central Committee took into account Zheng Weisan's poor health and asked him to leave the army and go to Yan'an. But he insisted on moving with the troops, regardless of his personal safety. He and Li Xiannian made careful preparations and arrangements for the breakthrough of the troops, and jointly led the Northern Route Army to reach southern Shaanxi in a secret, sudden and rapid action before the Kuomintang army launched a general offensive, jumped out of its inner encirclement, broke through multiple lines of defense, and triumphantly reached southern Shaanxi. At the same time, the other breakout troops also broke the defense line of the Kuomintang army and broke out of the encirclement. The Central Plains broke through and opened the prelude to the War of Liberation. In this regard, the Central Military Commission, Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, Ren Bishi, Peng Dehuai, and other central leading comrades have expressed their condolences to Comrades Zheng Weisan and Li Xiannian and congratulated them on their major victories in leading the Central Plains to break through the siege. The victory of the Central Plains breakthrough is of great historical significance.

They evoke the awakening of an era with the power of youth; They water the ideal of national rejuvenation with blood; They have built immortal monuments with their lives. A hundred years of history, time changes different faces, what remains unchanged is the love for the country and the footsteps of running to the sea of stars.

In the summer of 1918, Zheng Weisan applied for the Hubei Provincial A Industrial School, and his grades were excellent, ranking third, so his teacher renamed him "Weisan".

In 1922, Zheng Weisan graduated and returned to his hometown, participated in the revolution, joined the Communist Party of China in 1925, and participated in the formation of the Huang'an Peasant Self-Defense Army. After the defeat of the Great Revolution in 1927, the revolutionary contingent in Huang'an suffered heavy losses, and only Zheng Weisanyi was left on the Standing Committee of the Huang'an County Committee of the Communist Party of China. Under the crisis, Zheng Weisan stood up firmly, rebuilt the Huang'an County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, acted as the secretary of the county party committee, organized and led the Huang'an Autumn Harvest Riot, and opened the prelude to the Jute Uprising. From 1928 to 1932, he participated in leading the construction of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui base area and the Red Army.

In October 1932, when the main force of the Red Fourth Front Army withdrew from the Hubei-Henan-Anhui base area, Zheng Weisan was ordered to take up the burden of leading the revolutionary struggle in northeastern Hubei and vigorously support the reconstruction of the Red 25th Army.

In November 1934, Zheng Wei, the third director of the Political Department of the Red 25th Army, moved to southern Shaanxi with the army's Long March, participated in the establishment of the Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi base area, and stayed in southern Shaanxi to persist in the armed struggle when the main force of the Red 25th Army continued to transfer, not only successfully preserving the base area, but also developing the troops from hundreds to more than 2,000 people. In the spring of 1937, Zheng Weisan arrived in Yan'an.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Zheng Weisan was ordered to return to Hubei, Henan and Anhui from Yan'an, and served as the secretary of the Northeast Hubei Special Committee, and concurrently served as the political commissar of the fourth detachment of the New Fourth Army in February 1940. After the "Southern Anhui Incident" in 1941, he served as the political commissar of the Second Division of the New Fourth Army and the secretary of the Eastern Anhui Military and Political Committee. In the autumn of 1943, as a representative of the Central Plains Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he was sent to the Henan-Hubei border anti-Japanese base area where the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army was active to participate in the leadership of the party, government and army. In June 1945, he was elected a member of the Central Committee at the Seventh National Congress of the Party.

In June 1946, the Kuomintang brazenly launched a civil war, besieging and attacking the liberated areas of the Central Plains. As the political commissar of the Central Plains Military Region, Zheng Weisan, together with Li Xiannian, commander of the Central Plains Military Region, and others organized and led the "Central Plains Breakout," which is brilliant in the annals of history, preserved the revolutionary forces, and strategically and effectively responded to the operations of troops in other liberated areas.

In September 1949, Zheng Weisan, as one of the 16 official representatives of the Communist Party of China, attended the first plenary session of the Chinese Political Consultative Conference; In October, he attended the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China. After that, Zheng Weisan was re-elected as a member of the Central Committee at the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and served as a member of the second, third and fourth standing committees of the National Committee of the Chinese Political Consultative Conference.

Due to the long years of war, Zheng Weisan's health was poor, and after the founding of New China, he recuperated due to illness and withdrew from his leadership post, but enjoyed the treatment of a national leader.

Hong'an (formerly Huang'an County) is a red land with many heroes, and among the several proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation born from it, Zheng Weisan is a special existence. He was one of the main founders of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Base Area and the Red Fourth Front Army, with outstanding military achievements and high morality; After the founding of the People's Republic of China, although he was not given any military rank or position, he enjoyed the treatment of the third administrative level (deputy national level).

Zheng Fukang, the third daughter of Zheng Wei, recently told reporters about her father's rich and tumultuous revolutionary struggle, as well as his wise and firm revolutionary spirit.

Enriching the ups and downs of the revolutionary process

According to Zheng Fukang, Zheng Weisan was born in Huang'an County, Hubei Province, formerly known as Zheng Zhihuai, and there is an allusion behind the name change - he entered a private school at the age of 7 and met a teacher with democratic ideas, Zheng Xiyun, who also helped him embark on the road of revolution. At the age of 16, he was admitted to Hubei A Industrial School (the predecessor of Wuhan University of Science and Technology) with the third place, and the teacher was very happy and renamed him "Weisan".

After studying in Wuhan, he came into contact with Marxism-Leninism under the influence of Xiao Chunu, the leader of the youth movement. During the May Fourth Movement in 1919, he actively participated in the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal patriotic struggle in Wuhan, and participated in the Liqun Publishing House (Marxist-Leninist Group) founded by Yun Daiying and Chen Tanqiu.

In 1922, Zheng Weisan returned to his hometown to propagate Marxism-Leninism and organize anti-imperialist and anti-feudal activities. Later, the peasant night school was established, which prepared the backbone of the revolution for the rise of the peasant movement and laid a solid mass foundation.

After joining the party in 1925, he and Cao Xuekai, Wu Huanxian and others were sent to the Qiliping area of Huang'an to carry out the peasant movement, and later organized and led the "September Riot" in Jute, which opened the prelude to the Jute Uprising.

In the failure of the Great Revolution in 1927, in the midst of the White Terror, Zheng Weisan was not alarmed, decisively transferred the county party committee organs to Qiliping, and asked Captain Pan Zhongru to bring the county peasant self-defense army to Tiantai Mountain intact. He sent underground traffic officers to various townships to encourage party members and peasant movement cadres to persist in the struggle. At that time, he was the only member of the Standing Committee of the Huang'an County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and he withstood the difficult reorganization of the county party committee and was elected as the acting secretary of the county party committee.

In the spring of 1929, the Hubei-Henan border revolutionary base area centered on Chaishanbao had been formed, and he put forward the strategic concept of creating an armed division of workers and peasants in the Dabie Mountains, and finally in the spring of 1930, this idea was completed, and the Hubei-Henan-Anhui revolutionary base area was formally formed.

From 1928 to 1932, in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Revolutionary Base Area and the initial period of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, Comrade Zheng Weisan successively served as secretary general of the Huang'an County CPC Committee, secretary of the county party committee, minister of internal affairs of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Special Economic Zone Soviet Government, chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee, acting chairman of the People's Committee of the Soviet Government, and member of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Provincial Committee of the CPC.

In October 1932, when the main force of the Red Fourth Front Army left Hubei, Henan, and Anhui, Comrade Zheng Weisan stayed in the base area in an extremely difficult environment, serving as secretary of the Northeast Hubei Provincial Party Committee and commander-in-chief of the guerrilla era, leading the army and people in the Soviet region to carry out an extremely arduous guerrilla war, and making major contributions to the defense of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui revolutionary base area.

In November 1934, Zheng Weisan went north with the Long March of the Red 25th Army, and later led the establishment of the Southern Shaanxi Revolutionary Base Area; returned to Hubei, Henan and Anhui, presided over the reorganization of the Red 28th Army, and created an anti-Japanese democratic base area; When he was in the Second Division of the New Fourth Army, Comrade Chen Yi spoke highly of the construction of the Ludong Base Area and said: "Of course, these are inseparable from the work of Comrade Zheng Weisan, who served as the political commissar of the Second Division at that time. ”

During the Liberation War, together with division commander Li Xiannian, he led the work of the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army and the anti-Japanese democratic base areas in the Eyu Border Region, led the Central Plains Breakout Campaign, and made immortal contributions to the liberation cause of the Chinese people.

The peasant night school was set up to lay the foundation for the Red Fourth Front Army

In Zheng Fukang's impression, her father rarely talked about herself before his death, and she still heard the story of her father's revolutionary war from Liu Huaqing, Zhang Jinfu, Chen Xianrui and other uncles and uncles who fought side by side, and was deeply shocked.

According to her recollection, after Zheng Weisan joined the party, together with Dong Biwu and other members of the party's working group, he made a lot of fruitful contributions to promoting the development of the Huang'an revolutionary movement, especially the peasant movement. First, he founded more than a dozen night schools and organized more than 1,000 young and middle-aged peasants to learn cultural knowledge, enlighten their class consciousness, and expand the influence of the revolution. Second, he organized peasant associations, punished local tyrants and inferior gentry, and launched a peasant movement. Third, he, together with Wu Huanxian, Cao Xuekai and other comrades, formed an open and covert peasant revolutionary armed force to accumulate revolutionary forces in the countryside.

The establishment of the peasant night school laid a profound mass foundation for the development of the peasant movement in Huang'an. Zheng Fukang said excitedly that as soon as the Red Fourth Front Army was established in Qiliping Town, Huang'an County, it quickly gathered more than 30,000 people, and his father, as the backbone of propaganda and mobilization of the masses, made great contributions. Zheng Weisan's old comrade-in-arms Guo Shushen once said to her: Without your father, where did the Red Fourth Front Army come from tens of thousands of people!

Zheng Weisan's great contribution in the early days of the Huang'an Revolution and the Great Revolution is evidenced by a lyric: "Dong Biwu, Zheng Weisan, lead the people to turn their bodies into ......" This catchy historical ballad is still circulating in his hometown.

Resourceful and decisive, known as "Little Zhuge "

According to Zheng Fukang's description, his father Zheng Weisan was tall, square-faced, and bright-eyed, and because he grew a beard before he was 30 years old, he was affectionately called "the elder" in the army. She originally thought that her father was mostly a secretary and political commissar, and he was a civil official, but it was not until after her father's death that she learned that he was also a Red Army general who used soldiers like a god.

She proudly introduced that when her father was fighting guerrillas, his strategy and tactics were particularly strong, and he estimated that the enemy's actions were particularly accurate. She said that according to the recollection of Uncle Chen Xianrui, the founding lieutenant general of the People's Republic of China, Zheng Weisan formed the Red 74th Division in southern Shaanxi during the Long March, and was known for being good at analyzing the situation and accurately judging the enemy's situation. To what extent is God? Once, after the Red 74th Division captured Ningshan County, the elder decided to rest on the spot for eight days based on the surrounding terrain and the distribution of the enemy. Sure enough, on the 9th day, the front foot of the large army withdrew, and the enemy touched the county seat, just in the air.

She said that her father's former subordinate, Uncle Ding Guoyu, told her that the old man's methods of fighting guerrilla warfare were flexible and diverse, and he could always make decisions based on specific situations. Once, they were on the hill, and below was a large river, and there was a town on the other side of the river, and now they lured the enemy out with a small force opposite the town, and the enemy chased them into the mountains, and then another unit blocked the river, wiped out a local battalion, captured a lot of machine gun ammunition, and greatly improved their equipment.

Ding Guoyu said that there is an old man who is in command of the overall situation, and everyone's heart is very down-to-earth, and the troops not only often win battles, but the equipment is getting better and better, and the soldiers have food to eat, and sometimes they can eat meat, so the old man has won the trust and respect of his subordinates.

However, the old man is like a god, in fact, it is inseparable from his love of research. Zheng Fukang later learned that wherever his father went, he often obtained useful information by opening letters and reading newspapers, and often chatted with local villagers and vendors.

After many central leaders learned about Zheng Weisan's ability to command the march, they all highly recognized him. Chairman Mao once praised the struggle work of the 74th Division of the Red Army: "When the Central Red Army marched westward, you made trouble in Huashan in the south, and you cooperated well!" ”

Comrade He Long once commented: "The 74th Red Division persisted in guerrilla warfare in southern Shaanxi for nearly two years, and the correct leadership of Comrade Wei San played an important role. ”

Teach your children to "do everything on your own"

In August 1954, when the wage system was implemented for the first time for the staff of state organs, in view of Zheng Weisan's great contributions to the party and the people, with the approval of Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou, he was set as an administrative level 3 salary and enjoyed the treatment of the vice premier of the government. In the face of the new living environment, Zheng Weisan still maintains a peaceful and simple living habits. When the supply system was implemented, a monthly allowance of 300 yuan was given to the old man, all of which was used to solve the difficult problems of the people in the old area and the descendants of revolutionary martyrs.

The old man does not pretend to be high, and he is not moved by fame and fortune. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he never cared about newspapers, periodicals, books, memorial halls, and museums that his name was not mentioned, or where his name was placed. When others asked him to talk about military history and revolutionary history, when he talked about himself, he always praised others and did not mention himself.

Three chapters of the covenant with the newlywed wife

In the summer of 1942, after the introduction of the organization, Zheng Weisan married Pu Yun of the medical team of the New Fourth Army Headquarters. After the guests and friends dispersed on the wedding night, the groom, who was respectfully called "the old man" by the comrades, took Pu Yun's hand and made three demands: first, if the public sent me a share, if you have a share, you want it, and without you, you can't ask the organization; Second, if someone asks me to talk about work, you should not be present, let alone interfere with my work. Third, you can't ask for anything from the public in my name. In the decades that followed, the couple adhered to these three principles and never crossed them. Sometimes the organization opened a small stove for Zheng Weisan, and Pu Yun would take the children to eat in the big canteen with the cadres of the organs.

Don't give away public things

In 1955, the organization decided to let Zheng Weisan settle in Beijing, and when he moved, a relative of his wanted to move a large wardrobe that the public had allocated him to use. Zheng Weisan did not agree. He said: "The things of the government are for me to use, and I don't need to move now, so I should return them to the government, and I can't give away the things of the government." "

For this reason, he also often instructed cadres: "We should also pay attention to our private lives, because the so-called mastery of Marxism-Leninism means that we do not make mistakes in the major policies and policies of leading the revolution, and as for the details of our lives, they are also Marxist-Leninist. Therefore, it is impossible not to pay attention to this. "

Due to his outstanding contribution to the revolution, Zheng Weisan was elected as a member of the Central Committee at the "Seventh National Congress" of the party. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, due to his long-term work in a difficult environment, he was physically injured and recuperated due to illness, and did not hold any specific position, but he continued to be elected as a member of the Central Committee at the "Eighth National Congress" of the party.

Zheng Fukang said that after the liberation, his father's treatment was set at the third administrative level, with a monthly salary of 400 yuan, but all of them were donated by his father to the Hong'an old area, but there were five children in the family, plus more than a dozen relatives and comrades-in-arms and the children of martyrs, and they lived a frugal life only on the salary of their mother. Later, under the persuasion of Dong Biwu and his wife, his father used part of the money for family expenses, but he still continued to help the families of the martyrs in Hong'an, and supported the construction of his hometown through various channels.

Zheng Fukang said that except for the hobby of smoking, his father did not have any other material requirements in his life, and he never picked up meals. I don't care if I wear my clothes for many years and have a lot of patches. However, while dressing simply, my father paid great attention to keeping himself and his family neat and clean. She remembers that once her father wanted to go to Wangfujing to buy books, and her brother wanted to go with him, so he hurriedly ran into the car wearing slippers. When his father saw this, he angrily reprimanded him and threw him out of the car.

Referring to her father's long-term reading habit, she smiled and said that if her father had a little money on hand, he would definitely spend it on buying books. She said that when her father lived in Wuhan, he bought almost all the bookstores in the city, and he could put all kinds of books in two or three rooms, but he couldn't move them all when he moved to Beijing.

In her eyes, her father knew everything and knew everything, and there was nothing that he couldn't answer. He is familiar with the stories of Chinese and foreign celebrities, and is well versed in politics, history and economics, and often has unique insights. In addition, the elder has been studying Marxist-Leninist books diligently for a long time, and he has to be nicknamed - little Lenin. She remembers that once she heard a quote from Stalin and wanted to know the source of the article, and her father put it in front of her eyes in less than a minute.

Zheng Fukang said that his father had taught several of their children to practice calligraphy, appreciate Chairman Mao's poems, and teach them some ways to exercise their memory. Influenced by their father, when they were young, their brothers and sisters memorized poems. However, most of the time, the elders believe that teaching by example is greater than teaching, and their education is subtle and silent. "The greatest legacy that my father left us was 'to do everything on our own.'" She summed it up this way.

Zheng Fukang has worked in the postal publishing industry for decades, she is very hard working in her work, and her father's learning spirit and role model have been invisibly inspiring and influencing her.

After the liberation of the country, Zheng Weisan has not been in charge of specific work due to physical reasons, so he has no position.

During his recuperation in Wuhan, Chairman Mao, Liu Shaoqi and other central leaders were very concerned about his physical condition, greeted him many times, and hoped that he could come out to work as soon as possible.

In 1951, Chairman Mao also sent people to Wuhan to visit Zheng Weisan, hoping that he would recover as soon as possible and come out as soon as possible to take up the new leadership work.

Someone advised him to go to the Soviet Union for treatment, but Zheng Weisan refused: "I don't know Russian, and it will be a lot of inconvenience to go, so it's better to stay in China and treat it slowly." Thank you Chairman Mao and the Party Central Committee for your care for me! ”

Two years later, Zheng Weisan suffered an attack of cholecystitis, and he was admitted to Hubei Hospital under unbearable pain.

After Li Xiannian and Liu Shaoqi heard about it, they personally visited Zheng Weisan in the hospital to inquire about his condition and treatment plan.

During this period, Liu Shaoqi once again proposed: "I hope that the old man can recover as soon as possible and come out to work for the party and the people as soon as possible!" ”

In 1954, Liu Shaoqi personally sent a letter to Zheng Weisan, transferring him to Beijing to continue treatment and recuperation.

When the country implemented the wage system, the Party Central Committee took into account the major contributions that Zheng Weisan had made to the party and the people, and with the special approval of Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou Enlai, Zheng Weisan was set as an administrative third-level salary and enjoyed the treatment of vice premier, which was higher than that of a general.

So, what contribution did Zheng Weisan make to the party and the people that made Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi and others remember him and urge him to come out to work many times?

Zheng reigned for more than 30 years and was called "an old man"

Zheng Weisan has been smart and clever since he was a child, loves to use his brain, and likes to think.

When he entered a private school at the age of 7, he listened carefully in class, clearly remembered the knowledge points taught by the teacher, and often asked questions that even the teacher could not answer. The teacher liked this student who loved to use his brain and ask questions.

Sometimes, on rainy days or late after school, the teacher let Zheng Weisan live in his home.

When he was 16 years old, Zheng Weisan was admitted to Hubei Provincial Class A Industrial School, because he ranked third, his teacher Zheng Xiyun renamed him Zheng Weisan.

During his studies at school, because his teacher Zheng Xiyun wrote a letter to Xiao Chunu, asking him to take care of Zheng Weisan, Zheng Weisan had more contact with Xiao Chunu.

During this period, under the influence of Xiao Chunu, Zheng Weisan came into contact with Marxism.

Later, under the leadership of Yun Daiying and other advanced intellectuals, he actively participated in the ranks of the May Fourth Patriotic Movement.

After seeing the reactionary decay of Chinese society at that time, Zheng Weisan was determined to take the revolutionary road. Therefore, after graduation, he gave up the opportunity to study at the Wuchang Higher Normal School, and instead returned to his hometown, where he used the opportunity to teach to propagate Marxism-Leninism and organize and launch an anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle.

At the age of 23, Zheng Weisan officially joined the Communist Party of China.

During the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation, Zheng Weisan, as a member of the Standing Committee of the Huang'an County Party Committee of the Kuomintang, was elected as an executive member of the Kuomintang County Party Department, concurrently the Minister of the Workers' Department, and a member of the Huang'an County Committee of the Communist Party of China.

At the age of less than 25, he had become one of the main leaders of the revolutionary movement in Huang'an County.

Under the leadership of Zheng Weisan and others, the broad masses of peasants began to actively participate in the struggle, and peasant associations were quickly established.

However, after Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Ching-wei betrayed the revolution, the Communists in the Huang'an area were soon slaughtered by the Kuomintang reactionaries.

Under the White Terror, Zheng Weisan, who had been listed as one of the wanted persons by the Kuomintang, did not waver in his belief in his heart.

When some wavering elements in the Huang'an County CPC Committee left the revolutionary ranks one after another, and Zheng Weisan was left as the only member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, Zheng Weisan resolutely stood up and organized the scattered Communist Party members to establish a new Huang'an County Party Committee and serve as acting secretary of the county party committee.

After that, Zheng Weisan walked to Wuhan and contacted Luo Yinong, secretary of the provincial party committee.

Under the leadership of Zheng Weisan, the Huang'an County Party Committee was quickly rebuilt, and the local struggle soon developed.

Not long after, Zheng Weisan organized and led the "September Rebellion" in Huang'an, which dealt a heavy blow to the counterrevolutionary restoration activities of the local tyrants and shoddy gentry, greatly boosted the revolutionary fighting spirit of the peasants, and created conditions for a large-scale peasant uprising.

Unfortunately, Zheng Weisan, who had done a lot of preparatory work for the Jute Uprising in the early stage, was unable to participate in the uprising movement later due to health reasons.

In 1930, Zheng Weisan was transferred to work in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet District, and in the following years, he made significant contributions to the construction of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet District, but at the same time, he also lost a lot because of the revolutionary cause.

Zheng Weisan's father suffered from poisonous sores in the mountains and forests for a long time during this period, and finally died of illness in the mountains and forests, while his mother died of eating poisonous wild vegetables by mistake because of lack of food, and his ex-wife was frozen to death in Shandong, leaving only a daughter less than 10 years old.

Any of these things are unbearable pain for ordinary people to take out alone, but Zheng Weisan has to bear these pains at the same time.

What's even more uncomfortable is that at that time, under the frenzied slaughter of the enemy, many places in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Region became a no-man's land.

Due to the hard work of changing generals, Zheng Weisan suffered from scabies all over his body, often infected with suppuration, painful and itchy, and very tormented.

However, as the secretary of the CPC Northeast Hubei Provincial Committee and concurrently the commander-in-chief of the guerrillas, he still wore tattered single clothes, used as clothes during the day and quilts at night, ate leaves and wild vegetables, peeled tree bark, dug kudzu vine roots to satisfy hunger, and lived a life of eating and sleeping in the open.

When the soldiers were depressed, Zheng Weisan always told everyone the stories of the peasant uprisings during the Great Revolution and the struggle at the beginning of the establishment of the Soviet area, and encouraged everyone to persevere.

Under the influence of Zheng Weisan, the fighting mood of the fighters and the masses remained high.

Because of his high prestige among the troops and the masses, Zheng Weisan, who had just turned 30 years old, was respectfully called "Old Man" by the cadres and masses in Hubei, Henan, and Anhui regions, and everyone never called him by his job name. It can be seen how much everyone respects Zheng Weisan.

Regarding Zheng Weisan's contribution to the struggle in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet region, Liu Huaqing commented:

"The important role played by Comrade Zheng Weisan and the immortal achievements he established will never be forgotten by the people of Hubei, Henan and Anhui!"

In 1934, Zheng Weisan began the Long March with the army.

Along the way, although he was an important leader, he rarely rode horses, and the soldiers could often see Zheng Weisan carrying a wooden stick and marching with Li Anxiang.

After arriving at the camp, he huddled with the soldiers again, making intimate conversations and telling stories to the soldiers, which was very humorous.

Zheng Weisan is approachable, not only the soldiers like to be with him, but the masses also like to be close to him.

In the eyes of the masses, Zheng Weisan, who often wears torn clothes, is like an ordinary farmer and a husband.

Everywhere he went, Zheng Weisan not only ran around, collecting newspapers and publications, but also liked to chat with the local people, whether it was a squire, a teacher, a small trader or a farmer, Zheng Weisan could talk to everyone cordially.

He took advantage of the opportunity of the conversation to understand the local situation, and he often took advantage of the opportunity to see a doctor to get close to the masses.

Because of this, Zheng Weisan not only learned about the local place names, mountain names, and customs, but also learned about the enemy's movements and the situation of the reactionary local armed forces.

On this basis, Zheng Weisan analyzed the problem very thoroughly and judged the situation accurately, so the soldiers said that he was "clever" and gave him the title of "Zhuge Liang".

Once, when the enemy was in hot pursuit, Zheng Weisan suddenly vomited blood, and the soldiers wanted to carry Zheng Weisan on a stretcher, but Zheng Weisan insisted that the soldiers put down the stretcher.

Walking down from the stretcher, Zheng Weisan carefully observed the surrounding terrain, and then commanded the troops to skillfully get rid of the enemy. As a result, the fighters admired Zheng Weisan, and their trust reached a higher level.

Another time, Zheng Weisan contracted malaria and was recuperating at a fellow villager's house, but unfortunately, the enemy happened to chase him to the village to arrest Zheng Weisan.

Some villagers who got the news hurriedly came to report to Zheng Weisan: "The enemy is coming to arrest you, let's hide you quickly!" ”

After thinking about it for a while, Zheng Weisan rejected the kindness of the villagers: "No need, you can just carry me and the bed to the big tree by the pond at the entrance of the village." ”

When the villagers heard this, how could this work, isn't this just sending sheep into the tiger's mouth? They couldn't bear to let Zheng Weisan be captured by the enemy. So, everyone waved their hands anxiously:

"This can't be done, we can't be so ruthless!"

At this time, it was too late for the villagers to transfer Zheng Weisan, and Zheng Weisan was resolutely unwilling to continue to hide in the villagers' house in order not to affect everyone.

So, he insisted on his opinion:

"Let's do as I say! When the enemy comes, you say that I am an infectious person. ”

In desperation, the villagers had no choice but to carry Zheng Weisan under the big tree by the pond at the entrance of the village.

When the enemy came, they found that everyone was dressed very coolly in the hot summer, and only the person on the bed at the entrance of the village was covered with two quilts.

The villagers followed Zheng Weisan's instructions and told the enemy that the person in the bed was suffering from an infectious disease. So, as if he had seen a plague god, the enemy just picked the quilt with a spear and left with his nose covered.

After the enemy left, the villagers' hanging hearts were finally relaxed, and they all said: "What a danger! ”

Zheng Weisan shook his head and said: "Only this is the safest, how could the enemy never think that I, Zheng Weisan, would lie under the big tree at the entrance of the village during the day!" ”

Similar things have happened many times, and people have begun to say that Zheng Weisan is like a reincarnation Kong Ming, with a pair of keen eyes that can penetrate the hearts of enemies and see through the conspiracy in their hearts, so he can always save the day!

Some people also saw that Zheng Weisan was three tall and had many beards, so they said that Zheng Weisan was an adviser from Russia, and that the Red Army was so powerful because of the help of foreign advisers.

In 1935, after the Red 25th Army's Long March learned about southern Shaanxi, it decided to march west to Gansu and go north to northern Shaanxi, and Zheng Weisan was ordered to lead a company and some wounded soldiers, a total of more than 100 people, to stay in southern Shaanxi and persist in the guerrilla struggle.

Eventually, thanks to their efforts, the team grew to more than 2,000 people and formed the Red 74th Division.

After the departure of the main forces of the Red Army, the enemy tried to destroy the guerrilla forces in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui base area.

At the critical moment, Zheng Weisan adopted the guerrilla warfare method of exploiting his strengths and avoiding his weaknesses and going around in a big circle with the enemy, and started a maneuver with the enemy.

During this period, Zheng Weisan led his soldiers not only to ambush a battalion of the 23rd Regiment of the enemy's 40th Army and to occupy the county town of Foping twice, but also swept away the reactionary militias, captured alive Tang Youguang, the newly appointed inspector of the Kuomintang from Xi'an to Shangzhou, and severely attacked a brigade of the Gongbingfan Special Forces, which caused a great shock to the enemy.

Later, after Chairman Mao learned about the situation of the Red 74th Division, he praised them for making trouble in Huashan over there and cooperating well!

Comrade He Long also highly praised Zheng Weisan:

"The 74th Division of the Red Army persisted in the guerrilla struggle in southern Shaanxi for nearly two years, and the correct leadership of Comrade Zheng Weisan played an important role!"

In the early days of the Liberation War, Zheng Weisan, who served as the acting secretary of the Central Plains Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the political commissar of the Central Plains Military Region, together with Li Xiannian, led his troops to bravely break through the siege and successfully completed the task of strategic transfer of the Central Plains People's Liberation Army, which was praised by the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao.

In fact, before breaking through, the Party Central Committee considered that Zheng Weisan was not in good health at that time and that it was not safe to break through with the army, so he was advised to transfer first. But Zheng Weisan insisted on disagreeing, and he insisted on acting with the troops regardless of his personal safety.

The following year, Zhou Enlai originally wanted someone to take Zheng Weisan to Chongqing, but Zheng Weisan insisted on not going, and refused on the grounds that "he was too busy with work and it was difficult to get out for a while".

On the eve of the breakout, the Central Plains Bureau called Zheng Weisan and wanted him to go to Yan'an, but Zheng Weisan felt that he was the main leader of the army, and if he left at such a critical moment, it would definitely affect the mood of the cadres and soldiers, so he insisted on breaking through with the army.

When the troops came to the Longshan area in southern Shaanxi, Zheng Weisan's physical condition was getting worse and worse, and it was very difficult to continue to move with the army.

After organizational research, it was decided that the guerrillas would escort Zheng Weisan and others and their children to rest in concealment for the time being, looking for an opportunity to disguise themselves and go to Yan'an.

For the sake of concealment, the enemy suddenly chased after him, and Zheng Wei's three-star three-star two-year-old child crying would expose everyone's traces, so he asked the man to hide in a cave.

Another time, Zheng Weisan and they were surrounded by the enemy and did not eat anything for two days in a row. In order to quickly cross the blockade with everyone, Zheng Weisan decided to leave his children in a farmhouse.

After that, under the cover of the guerrillas, they crossed the mountains and reached Yan'an.

Over the years, although Zheng has three high powers, he has never cared about fame and fortune, and everything is based on the interests of the party.

From 1943 to 1944, the Central Committee sent two telegrams to Zheng Weisan, appointing him as secretary of the party committee of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui border region and concurrently serving as political commissar of the Fifth Division.

However, Zheng Weisan quietly suppressed the appointment and never announced it.

The reason why Zheng Weisan did this was for the sake of the stability and unity of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui border region and the former leading bodies of the Fifth Division and to carry out their work smoothly.

Because Comrade Li Xiannian, Zheng Weisan's former former subordinate, was the secretary of the district party committee and concurrently the commander and political commissar of the Fifth Division, Zheng Weisan felt that if he announced the appointment of the Central Committee as soon as he arrived, it would inevitably damage Comrade Li Xiannian's prestige and affect his work.

Therefore, Zheng Weisan only announced the news that the Central China Bureau had appointed him as the representative of the Central China Bureau.

For decades, Zheng Weisan has always maintained his high achievements and not being moved by fame and fortune. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zheng Weisan never cared about whether newspapers, periodicals, secretaries, etc. mentioned his name and where to put his name.

Although his physical condition has been poor, Zheng Weisan has always been concerned about the construction of the party and the country, and has always actively worked for the party and the people, focusing on talents, education, and theoretical research and practice.

For such a figure who has made important contributions to the party and the revolutionary cause, although he has not been in charge of specific work since the founding of New China, the party Central Committee and Chairman Mao still attach great importance to Zheng Weisan and give him extremely high treatment.

Zheng Weisan: He was the political commissar of the New Fourth Army, and he died in Beijing on July 27, 1975. He said that "Zheng Weisan is a revolutionary veteran who has dedicated his life to the cause of liberation and communism."

In July 1935, Wu Huanxian left a letter to Zheng Weisan and others, instructing them that under the current situation of struggle, it is necessary to uphold and develop the Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi base areas on the spot, and the two special commissions should be merged and organized into a single special committee, so as to enhance combat effectiveness through small victories, contain the enemy to the greatest extent, and cooperate with the revolution in the entire northwest.

However, Zheng Weisan did not receive this important letter of instruction.

The comrade in charge of the transmission was Li Zhiying, the political commissar of the 3rd Route Guerrilla Division, but Li Zhiying was shot dead by the captain of the renegade special service team in the process of leading the guerrilla division to find the traces of Zheng Weisan and others, and the letter was gone.

Without the instructions of the provincial party committee, the battle was still going on, and in order to cooperate with the central Red Army to move north, Zheng Weisan stayed in the southern Shaanxi region and insisted on guerrilla warfare.

This is not a matter that can be underestimated, and the strength of the enemy's 20 or so regiments is still "encircling and suppressing" the revolutionary base areas, and once they are taken lightly, the price will be casualties.

Zheng Weisan decided to adopt the tactic of "going around in a big circle", one in the east and the other in the west, in addition to being elusive, he would also take advantage of the favorable terrain to ambush.

In the autumn of 1936, the enemy again transferred troops to "encircle and suppress", and after analyzing the terrain, Zheng Weisan decided to "break the whole into pieces", moved the area of activity behind the enemy, and changed the venue, while capturing alive the newly appointed Kuomintang inspector Tang Youguang.

The letter of instruction was nowhere to be found, there was no radio station, Zheng Weisan's Red 74th Division had lost contact with the higher-level party organization, and Zheng Weisan still did not give up in the situation of being completely disadvantaged by the fact that he was deep in the mountains and forests and lacked understanding of the situation of the struggle.

"Fellow, have you seen any troops from here recently?"

Asked all the way, learned about the enemy's situation, and also figured out the road, and was able to make a fortune in the thick of accumulation, because Zheng Weisan was originally a hard-working person.

He was born in Huang'an, Hubei Province in 1902, his family was a Chinese medicine shop, medicine can cure diseases but not Zheng Weisan's ambition, so in the summer of 1918, he walked 300 miles, camped and slept for 5 days to apply for the Hubei Provincial A Industrial School.

Zheng Weisan won the third place, and instantly gave up his real name "Zheng Zhihuai" and replaced it with the third place.

Thanks to the influence of Xiao Chunu and the blessing of progressive books and periodicals, Zheng Weisan has a closer understanding of Marxism, and has developed from just being dissatisfied with reality to transforming Chinese society.

"China's social backwardness is caused by the reactionary government's collusion with foreigners to exploit the Chinese people, and if we want to change it, we must establish a political power for the working people."

The heartfelt words set the tone for the future development of life, and the remarkable success in guerrilla warfare also allowed Zheng Weisan to get the approval of Chairman Mao's "good cooperation".

But the road to revolution is not an easy one.

Once the enemy chased tightly, Zheng Weisan coughed and vomited blood, and the soldiers carried him on a stretcher and wanted to leave, not to mention that the hard seat was not good for the body, and the marching speed of the troops would only be a drag, and in the end, Zheng Weisan skillfully used the terrain to get rid of the enemy.

Compared with the smooth revolutionary road, the red light hanging on Zheng Weisan's body seems to have never been extinguished.

Self-preservation under the nose of the enemy

In 1930, when the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Region was founded, Zheng Weisan contracted malaria, and the whole person was lying weak in a villager's house.

The enemy got the news from nowhere, and a group of people rushed to the village to arrest people, which made the villagers anxious.

"Comrade Three, the enemy is about to search here, let's hide you."

It is also possible to say that it is hidden, but in case it is exposed, the innocent villagers will be buried for themselves, although the three Zheng Wei are weak, their brains are still turning quickly, and they asked the villagers to help carry themselves under the largest willow tree in the village.

"No, we can't be so cruel to you."

"When the enemy comes, you say that I am an infectious person, believe me, they will not come near me"

Sure enough, the enemy who entered the village soon found that there was a bed under the willow tree, and when they inquired, the person lying inside turned out to be an infectious person, so they symbolically picked the quilt with a spear, but did not open it directly to see.

The thrill of escaping from the tiger's mouth is nothing more than that, the drag is the disease, when recuperation, learning has become a great pleasure, in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui region, Zheng Weisan has the title of "Little Lenin".

His diligent study and painstaking thinking about Marxism-Leninism is well known, and once his son heard a sentence from Stalin, and in less than a minute, Zheng Weisan found out the full text of this sentence and put it in front of his son.

After the outbreak of the National War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Zheng Weisan was entrusted by Chairman Mao and the Party Central Committee to return to the Hubei-Henan-Anhui base area, and in February 1940, he served as the political commissar of the fourth detachment of the New Fourth Army.

The strong combination of Xu Haidong and Zheng Weisan effectively blocked the enemy, and once he came back, he hit back once.

But this Chiang Kai-shek tricks are really many, and in 1941, he premeditated the Southern Anhui Incident, Zheng Weisan attacked again, as the political commissar of the Second Division of the New Fourth Army and the secretary of the Huainan District Party Committee, and cooperated with Zhang Yunyi in the anti-Japanese struggle in the Huainan area.

The breakthrough of the Central Committee with Li Xiannian and others in June 1946 also successfully smashed the Kuomintang army's attempt to destroy the Central Plains Army, and while cooperating with other battlefields, it also opened the prelude to the Liberation War.

Chairman Mao, Mr. Zhu, and Premier Zhou all know Zheng Weisan, but in addition to his military achievements, his prediction of the future is also very avant-garde.

"When we are victorious, the peasants will all ride bicycles to the fields to farm, and the future county magistrates and secretaries of the county party committees will take cars to the grassroots level to inspect the work."

When he said something like this when he couldn't eat enough, many people thought that Zheng Weisan was telling jokes, and others laughed at him for being humorous, but Zheng Weisan knew that everything he depicted was not a fantasy, but an inevitable result of social development.

Sure enough, after the reform and opening up, the blueprint drawn during the war years really became a reality, but the difference is that he, who was originally shining, suddenly died down and did not have a "specific job".

Zheng Weisan, who has been approved by many leaders, what did he experience after the founding of New China?

Don't forget the revolution

During the war years, talented people could not stop, and after the country was stable, the frail Zheng Weisan proposed to the organization to stay in Hubei to recuperate.

The organization agreed, and soon realized that the medical conditions in Beijing might be better, so in April 1955, Zheng Weisan was brought to Beijing to settle down.

This year, New China had its first title and a wage system for the first time.

Because of physical reasons, Zheng Weisan withdrew from his main job in 1948 and did not meet the conditions for awarding the title, but in terms of salary, Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou unanimously felt that Zheng Weisan, who had made significant contributions to the party and the people, could be listed as the third level of administration and enjoy the treatment of the vice premier level of the government.

The monthly allowance of 300 yuan was not touched by Zheng Weisan, and all of it was used to solve the living problems of the people in the old area and the descendants of revolutionary martyrs.

The organization assigned him a cook, and he never asked for anything, he ate whatever he wanted, and as early as 1942, when he married his wife, he made a rule: you can't be special in life.

Fame and fortune have been run over by his side, but Zheng Weisan has never known what profit is.

Newspapers, memorials, books, without mentioning his name, it's okay; His name is not on the list of commissars, and he doesn't care; Yesterday he was the director of the Political Department, and today he will take more than 100 old, weak, sick and disabled fighters to fight guerrillas, and Zheng Weisan does not feel anything.

His judgment of right and wrong is only the difference between tasks, and the greatest legacy he left to his children is the sentence "everything depends on yourself".

I don't ask for anything, but I always think about what else I can do, people are recuperating, but my heart can't be idle, and my body is a little better, so I have to go to the people to understand the people's feelings.

Of course, Zheng Weisan is not the only one.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, there were more than 4,000 former government employees in Hubei alone, and the appointment or dismissal of these people has always been a difficult task.

Li Xiannian was very happy to receive the report sent by Zheng Weisan, and a thorny problem was solved, but thinking about this old friend's body, he still said, "Old, take a good rest."

"Thinking first, holding the organization's money, but not making any suggestions at all, this is not appropriate."

Even if no money is spent on himself, Zheng Weisan always feels that he has been exposed to the light of the organization and wants to give back in the field he can.

Helplessly, on July 27, 1975, Zheng Weisan passed away, and the respect given to him by the organization was "When is the memorial service of Comrade Weisan arranged, the auditorium will be let out."

The memorial service was held in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery on August 3, and it was Li Xiannian who delivered the eulogy.

"Over the past several decades, Comrade Zheng Weisan has worked actively and worked hard to contribute his life to the cause of liberation of the Chinese people and the cause of communism."

Two days later, in the People's Daily, a quarter of the section was related to Zheng Weisan.

Framed is the report, and what I can't read is the good of Zheng Weisan, this revolutionary veteran, vividly interprets the self-sacrifice for others, as a sentence when I was young, the political power of the working people has been established, belongs to China, and belongs to all the new forces that have been lifted up by the predecessors, and the future will only be bright and brilliant!