
Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

author:Jiangyu is wide
All content in this article is based on official and reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed at the end of the article.
Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt


Today, China has made all-round progress through development and has become a big country in the eyes of the outside world.

The development of new energy is one of the industries with great prospects, in which power batteries play a key role.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

However, the person who first studied lithium batteries may not be familiar to the outside world, and he made a fortune with batteries and is the "battery king" in the eyes of everyone.

took advantage of the country's east wind to become a veritable rich man, but he didn't expect him to be ungrateful later.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

Not only did he donate 70 million yuan to a university in the United States, but he even openly said that no matter how poor China was, it had nothing to do with him, so he was willing to send money to the United States.

So, who is he? What happened to him?

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

Born in a family of traditional Chinese medicine, he became the "battery king"

Zhong Xinjia used to be a well-known wealthy man in China, and he was known as the "battery king" by the outside world for his research on batteries.

However, it was a fortuitous that he embarked on the path of researching batteries, and he could be said to have known nothing about batteries at first.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

Zhong Xinjia was born in a medical family in Guangdong, and her ancestors' medical skills for three generations are well-known in the local area.

After Zhong Xinjia was born, living in an environment full of medicinal herbs for a long time did not make him interested in medicine.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

However, the knowledge of Chinese medicine is not completely blank, although I am not proficient in the daily exposure to it, but I also know a little about it.

At this time, Xinjia's parents were bent on training their son to inherit their mantle and become an excellent doctor.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

At first, I could often see Zhong Xinjia at home, busy practicing acupuncture and other techniques.

However, the good times did not last long, and I don't know when he became interested in art, and he was bent on learning about art, and he completely lost patience in medicine.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

Parents often persuaded their son to lose patience with studying medicine, but Zhong Xinjia's personality has been very stubborn since he was a child, and he basically only follows his inner choice.

So his parents could only send him to learn art knowledge, and he started practicing every day without anyone urging him, and he was full of motivation.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

Later, he directly went against his parents' wishes and chose to apply for an art school.

However, the reality is far from Zhong Xinjia's imagination, and it is not only a passion that can do the best.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

When it comes to art, sometimes effort is nothing to mention in the face of talent, and there is no comparison at all.

Zhong Xinjia felt a lot of pressure after staying at school for a while, which hit his heart hard.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

With the help of his family, he was able to restart his studies at a medical school.

As time passed, Zhong Xinjia chose to work in a lead-acid battery factory with his friends, and it was precisely because of this move that he laid a solid foundation for the title of "battery king".

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

This time Zhong Xinjia has changed in terms of personality, and when she encounters a problem that she can't do, she will take the initiative to ask her seniors for advice.

After a period of study, he went from having zero experience with batteries to becoming an experienced technician.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

As his exposure gradually became wider, he developed a great interest in battery research.

At the same time, Zhong Xinjia also found that the battery life on the current market is very poor and the cost performance is very low.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

So he decided to innovate in terms of batteries, and strive to make a battery with high battery life and high cost performance.

Throughout the process, he often had to deal with the eyes of others that he didn't understand, and he also had to face a series of failures.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

However, these did not stop Zhong Xinjia from researching batteries, and finally after six years of trial and error, he finally developed a maintenance-free lead-acid battery.

After his team successfully promoted the battery to the market, Zhong Xinjia tasted short-term success, and he also won the first pot of gold in his life.

Guangming Network September 12, 2003, an extraordinary trajectory of innovative achievements
Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

In order to be able to adapt to the times, he decided to create a company specializing in batteries.

Under the leadership of Zhong Xinjia, his team realized the transformation of lithium batteries on the market at that time from no more than 2 Ah to 90 Ah cylindrical single lithium batteries.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

This move instantly attracted the attention of all walks of life, and Zhong Xinjia's reputation continued to expand.

The maturity of battery technology led him to the idea of installing lithium batteries in the car, but the experimental car exploded after 160 kilometers, and the project was abandoned.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

However, these did not affect Zhong Xinjia's continued research in batteries.

With the support of the state, Zhong Xinjia's second energy company was born and became one of the projects of the national "Tenth Five-Year Plan" 863 Program.

On March 19, 2012, reported that those who suffer from boredom do not say that Zhong Xinjia walked back and forth in a chic manner
Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

Later, the performance in the 08 Olympic Games made Zhong Xinjia's reputation continue to expand, and he was called the "battery king" by the outside world.

For the sake of the company's development, it is reasonable to enter the international market, but he should not do anything that is forgetful.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

Ungrateful and donated 70 million to American universities

Under the leadership of Zhong Xinjia, China's battery industry has also reached a new height and is sought after by more and more people.

However, just when everyone in China only recognized Zhong Xinjia's company's products, there was news that Zhong Xinjia had forgotten his roots.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

The president of the University of California said that Chung's donation was the largest donation ever.

After domestic netizens learned the truth of the matter, they found that Zhong Xinjia directly donated 10 million US dollars, equivalent to 70 million yuan, to American schools in order to expand her international popularity.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

In order to show the importance of this matter, Zhong Xinjia chose to fly to the United States to participate in the commendation ceremony in person.

His move caused an uproar when it was transmitted back to China, and the Chinese became the largest donor in the history of American schools, which was simply incomprehensible in everyone's minds.

On January 28, 2011, Red Net reported that Zhong Xinjia's donation was "wrong" or that Chinese universities should blush
Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

However, Zhong Xinjia had no idea about the matter, and he was very happy to learn that a building on the American campus was named after him.

He even directly threatened that he was very willing to share the technology in his hand with relevant industries in the United States, and everyone made progress together.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

With the help of the state, Xinjia's company has mastered many core technologies and can also rank among the top names in the world.

But I didn't expect him to be able to directly hand over the results of the hard work of many researchers.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

Later, his remarks in the interview on China caused dissatisfaction among the majority of netizens.

In the face of all kinds of accusations against him from the outside world, he claimed that the money donated was his own money, and he would give it to whomever he wanted.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

He has forgotten in his remarks that he relied on the help of the motherland to achieve great success.

Netizens heard Zhong Xinjia's remarks and began to boycott the products under his company's name.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

Later, it was discovered that the money he donated was from the company's account, so the board of directors asked Zhong Xinjia to repay it.

He had no choice but to sell his property to fill the gap in the company's accounts.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

Seeing that he couldn't make a comeback at home, he thought about going to the United States to start over.

I never thought that the United States would watch people serve the dishes, and it would not be taken seriously at all.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt


Zhong Xinjia originally had a good hand, but he played it badly by himself.

Not only is it not taken seriously in the United States, but the Chinese market no longer welcomes the ungrateful.

In the end, Zhong Xinjia's bankruptcy was to blame in the eyes of netizens, and no one was to blame.

Thirteen years ago, the Chinese billionaire who donated 70,000 yuan to the United States and said "I am willing" is now bankrupt

At the same time, his experience also gave everyone a wake-up call, and while doing anything, they must not forget their original intentions, otherwise they can only bear the bitter consequences themselves.

Anyone who does not take the motherland in his eyes in any way will be duly punished and will be ostracized by people from the outside world.

Being a man should not forget his roots, only in this way will he have a more long-term development in the future.

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