
Dong Yuhui went to the two countries in July to show that he was busy, and the real reason was admirable, and netizens left messages that sparked heated discussions

author:Obediently say new entertainment

Dong Yuhui is an Internet celebrity that everyone likes very much, and he frequently utters golden sentences in the live broadcast room, forming a unique style of knowledge and goods, reflecting his extraordinary talent. After the small composition incident, he has an exclusive account, in addition to daily delivery, he also invites many celebrities as guests, and there is also cultural tourism promotion, the live broadcast content is quite rich, and he has also achieved good results.

Dong Yuhui went to the two countries in July to show that he was busy, and the real reason was admirable, and netizens left messages that sparked heated discussions

He now has to work part-time as an anchor and manage the company, which is quite hard. In July, his schedule was also very full, in addition to cultural tourism promotion, he also had to go to two countries, which attracted heated discussions among netizens.

Dong Yuhui went to the two countries in July to show that he was busy, and the real reason was admirable, and netizens left messages that sparked heated discussions

Recently, the news that he was going to Greece spread on the Internet, which attracted heated discussions among netizens. As for the specific reason, it is likely to be related to Chairman Chou.

Dong Yuhui went to the two countries in July to show that he was busy, and the real reason was admirable, and netizens left messages that sparked heated discussions

Recently, he traveled with Liu Genghong's family, he told each other about culture and history, and the other party took him to ride a bicycle and share their respective areas of expertise, and soon became friends. And this trip is also considered by many netizens to be a foreshadowing for meeting Dong Chou, on the one hand, Liu is the other party's best friend, and on the other hand, Dong's idol is the other party.

Dong Yuhui went to the two countries in July to show that he was busy, and the real reason was admirable, and netizens left messages that sparked heated discussions

And Jay Chou is recording a travel show recently, which also makes this speculation more convincing. In this way, he really realized his dream with his talent and hard work.

Dong Yuhui went to the two countries in July to show that he was busy, and the real reason was admirable, and netizens left messages that sparked heated discussions

At the end of the month, he will go to Paris to record the program, which shows that he has won the recognition of the public, and at the same time increased the diversity of the program.

Dong Yuhui went to the two countries in July to show that he was busy, and the real reason was admirable, and netizens left messages that sparked heated discussions

Many netizens expressed their expectation that he was in the same frame as Dong Chou, and perhaps he would not have thought that his dream would come true so soon. And he has a lot of work this month, and he has to move in the middle, hoping that he can take care of his body.

Dong Yuhui went to the two countries in July to show that he was busy, and the real reason was admirable, and netizens left messages that sparked heated discussions
Dong Yuhui went to the two countries in July to show that he was busy, and the real reason was admirable, and netizens left messages that sparked heated discussions

Dong Yuhui is very good, he is welcomed by many fields, and he is a proper cultural communicator, which is really admirable. What are your thoughts on this?

Dong Yuhui went to the two countries in July to show that he was busy, and the real reason was admirable, and netizens left messages that sparked heated discussions