
The top 10 picks in the '09 NBA Draft are rearranged! Curry deservedly topped the list, and the top pick was the fourth pick

author:Liangkan Sports

The top 10 picks in the '09 NBA Draft are rearranged! Curry deservedly topped the list, and the top pick was the fourth pick

The 2009 NBA Draft is a magical draft year, obviously evaluated by many scouts as a draft year, but the players in it are not weaker than the draft years like 2003 and 2007, especially at the top level, not only Stephen Curry and James Harden at the MVP level, but also All-Star Blake Griffin and others. Today, the author will take you to follow the players' respective honors and statistics, rearrange the 2009 draft picks, and see who is really worthy of the top 10 picks.

10th Pick: Darren Collison (formerly 21st Pick)

The top 10 picks in the '09 NBA Draft are rearranged! Curry deservedly topped the list, and the top pick was the fourth pick

Darren Collison is a rotation player with good scoring ability, who is slightly more powerful than famous, averaging 12.5 points, 5.0 assists and 1.2 steals per game in his career. It is worth mentioning that since being selected by the Hornets in the first round of 2009 as the 21st in the first round, Darren Collison announced his retirement in June 2019, and in his 10-year NBA career, he averaged more than 10 points per game, and even in the year of his retirement, he still averaged 11.2 points, 6.0 assists and 1.4 steals per game, and was the starting point guard of the Pacers. If he can play for a few more years, his career achievements will definitely be more than that.

9th Pick: Ricky Rubio (formerly 5th Pick)

The top 10 picks in the '09 NBA Draft are rearranged! Curry deservedly topped the list, and the top pick was the fourth pick

Ricky Rubio, who was known as the "Golden Boy of Europe" when he was not in the NBA league, not only refers to his good looks, but also praises his amazing ball skills. It's a pity that since 2009, the 5th place in the first round was selected by the Timberwolves to enter the NBA, and he has not met people's expectations at all, except for the first season with an average of 10.6 points, 4.2 rebounds and 8.2 assists per game, which makes people feel that he has a lot of room for improvement, and his performance in the following season is like this, and he only averaged 13.1 points, 4.6 rebounds and 5.3 assists per game in his peak year. Now, he has released a long post on January 5, 2024, announcing his retirement from the NBA.

8th Pick: Tyrek Evans (formerly 4th Pick)

The top 10 picks in the '09 NBA Draft are rearranged! Curry deservedly topped the list, and the top pick was the fourth pick

Tyrek Evans, an exemplary player who drives high and goes low. The momentum at the beginning was full of momentum, and in the first season, he averaged 20.1 points, 5.3 rebounds and 5.8 assists per game of 20+5+5 data, and won the 09-10 Rookie of the Year Award surrounded by a group of pride. He averaged just 10.2 points, 2.9 rebounds and 2.4 assists per game, and his NBA career came to an abrupt end after being banned for two years for drug use, with his NBA career stats averaging 15.7 points, 4.6 rebounds and 4.8 assists per game.

7th Pick: Jeff Teague (formerly 19th Pick)

The top 10 picks in the '09 NBA Draft are rearranged! Curry deservedly topped the list, and the top pick was the fourth pick

Jeff Teague, another player whose strength is greater than fame, was named to the NBA All-Star East bench in 2015. As a player with a low draft pick, since being selected by the Hawks in the first round at No. 19 in 2009, Jeff Teague can only average a measly 5 points per game in the first two seasons, but in the 11-12 season, he seemed to have an epiphany, averaging 12.6 points, 4.9 assists and 1.6 steals per game, and then continued to improve, averaging 12+6 per game for 9 consecutive seasons. After moving to the Bucks in the 20-21 season, he won the NBA championship that season with the team and announced his retirement, and is now a scout for the Hawks.

6th Pick: Patrick Beverley (formerly 42nd Pick)

The top 10 picks in the '09 NBA Draft are rearranged! Curry deservedly topped the list, and the top pick was the fourth pick

Patrick Beverley, a second-round pick, has averaged 8.3 points, 4.2 rebounds and 3.4 assists per game in his career so far. But don't look at the low average data of his career, in fact, his attributes are all on defense, otherwise he would not have been able to mix in the NBA league for 15 years with this score alone, especially his winding marking was dubbed "Mad Dog". In terms of individual honors, he has been named to the NBA All-Defensive Team for a total of three times.

5th Pick: DeMar DeRozan (formerly 9th Pick)

The top 10 picks in the '09 NBA Draft are rearranged! Curry deservedly topped the list, and the top pick was the fourth pick

DeMar DeRozan, another player whose strength is greater than his fame, has averaged 21.0 points, 4.4 rebounds and 4.0 assists per game in his NBA career so far. As for why DeRozan is also more powerful than famous, it is because although DeMar DeRozan is already a 6-time NBA All-Star, his name is not known by many people, especially when everyone mentions All-Star players in the 2009s, basically only Curry and others will come to mind, and his name is often subconsciously ignored. But DeRozan is indeed a very powerful star, not only led the team to the Eastern Conference finals, but also averaged 27.9 points, 5.1 rebounds and 4.9 assists per game at his peak.

4th Pick: Blake Griffin (formerly 1st Pick)

The top 10 picks in the '09 NBA Draft are rearranged! Curry deservedly topped the list, and the top pick was the fourth pick

Blake Griffin, the top pick of this year's season, is also the NBA Rookie of the Year in the 10-11 season, averaging 19.0 points, 8.0 rebounds and 4.0 assists per game in his NBA career. As for why Griffin was the No. 1 pick in 2009 but the NBA Rookie of the Year in 2010, the reason is that he missed the entire season due to injury in his rookie season and did not officially enter the NBA until the 10-11 season. And this injury history has accompanied his career, and he has struggled with injuries all his life, otherwise his career achievements are definitely more than 5 NBA All-NBA First Team.

3rd Pick: Jrue Holiday (formerly 17th Pick)

The top 10 picks in the '09 NBA Draft are rearranged! Curry deservedly topped the list, and the top pick was the fourth pick

Jrue Holiday is a powerful player and part-time "Fu General", who has brought NBA championships to both teams in the past four years since 2020 and has been elected as the NBA Best Teammate three times. The reason why he is a strength player is that since he was selected by the 76ers in the first round of the 17th place in 2009, except for the first season, Jrue Holiday averaged more than 12 points per game, and averaged 21.2 points, 5.0 rebounds and 7.7 assists per game in his peak season, and was selected to the All-Star team for 2 times, the first team for 3 years and the second team for the NBA All-Defensive Team for 3 times.

2nd Pick: James Harden (formerly 3rd Pick)

The top 10 picks in the '09 NBA Draft are rearranged! Curry deservedly topped the list, and the top pick was the fourth pick

James Harden, the all-time scoring champion, once averaged 36 points per game in a single season, and has averaged 24.7 points, 5.6 rebounds and 7.0 assists per game in his NBA career so far. As the prestigious "09 Heroes", James Harden is not strong, since 2009 in the first round of the third place was selected by the Thunder, not only 10 NBA All-Star team, 7 NBA All-Star selection, but also 17-18 NBA regular season MVP, 2-time NBA assist champion and 3-time NBA scoring champion. Except for the championship ring, there are basically no flaws.

1st Pick: Stephen Curry (formerly 7th Pick)

The top 10 picks in the '09 NBA Draft are rearranged! Curry deservedly topped the list, and the top pick was the fourth pick

Stephen Curry, the all-time three-point leader of the NBA, the leader of all kinds of three-point records, and the well-deserved leader of the 2009 NBA Draft. In terms of team leadership, since he was selected by the Warriors in the first round in 2009, he has been with the Warriors for a long time, bringing the team 4 NBA championships. In terms of personal honors, there is nothing to say, 10 NBA regular season best teams, 2 NBA regular season MVPs, 1 NBA most critical player, etc., are basically the ultimate representatives of offense.