
My father and my aunt have not been in contact with each other for many years, and when my brother got married and my aunt came, my father gave my aunt 200,000 yuan on the spot

author:Deeply in love with the famous house of the net

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

The relationship between Liu Jianguo and Liu Huijuan has been rigid for many years. In order to marry a poor boy, Liu Huijuan went against the wishes of her family, which was unacceptable in those days. The family fell out with her because of this, especially Liu Jianguo, who has been full of resentment towards this sister since then. Every time I talk about it, I grit my teeth, and my words are full of incomprehension and anger.

On this day, Liu Jianguo's eldest son Liu Ming is getting married. Wedding preparations are in full swing, and friends and family are busy. Suddenly, Liu Jianguo received an unexpected phone call.

"Dad, my aunt said she was coming to the wedding." Liu Ming said cautiously.

My father and my aunt have not been in contact with each other for many years, and when my brother got married and my aunt came, my father gave my aunt 200,000 yuan on the spot

Liu Jianguo's face instantly turned pale, "What is she doing here?" I haven't seen anyone for so many years, and I suddenly came out to attend the wedding, is it going to make trouble again? ”

Liu Ming explained: "My aunt said that she just wanted to see me get married, after all, after so many years, she also regretted it a little and wanted to reconcile. ”

Liu Jianguo sneered: "Reconciliation? Why did you go early! Now remembered? Hum! ”

Although he was extremely reluctant, in order not to ruin his son's wedding, Liu Jianguo finally reluctantly agreed. On the wedding day, Liu Huijuan arrived as promised. Her arrival immediately attracted the attention of her family, who whispered and talked a lot.

My father and my aunt have not been in contact with each other for many years, and when my brother got married and my aunt came, my father gave my aunt 200,000 yuan on the spot

"She is Liu Huijuan? I haven't seen you in years. ”

"Yes, I was so stubborn back then, I had to marry that poor boy, and what happened?"

"I heard that they are not doing well, alas, women, it is really hard."

Liu Huijuan didn't seem to hear these words, and with a faint smile on her face, she greeted her relatives one by one. She walked up to Liu Jianguo and whispered, "Brother, long time no see." ”

My father and my aunt have not been in contact with each other for many years, and when my brother got married and my aunt came, my father gave my aunt 200,000 yuan on the spot

Liu Jianguo glanced at her coldly, snorted, turned around and walked away. Liu Huijuan stood in place, a hint of gloom flashed in her eyes.

The wedding scene was lively, but there was a hint of tension in the laughter. Liu Huijuan and Liu Jianguo sat facing each other, and the estrangement between the brother and sister made both of them feel cramped and uneasy. Liu Huijuan tried to break the silence, she picked up her wine glass and said softly: "Brother, I toast you, I hope we can let go of the past." ”

Liu Jianguo glanced at her coldly, pursed his lips, and didn't say a word. His attitude made Liu Huijuan a little embarrassed, but she still insisted and continued: "I haven't seen you for so many years, I know that my decision back then made you very angry, but today is Xiao Ming's wedding, I hope we can reconcile." ”

Liu Jianguo finally spoke, but his tone was unusually cold: "Reconciliation? Do you think it's possible? I always remember the things you did back then. ”

My father and my aunt have not been in contact with each other for many years, and when my brother got married and my aunt came, my father gave my aunt 200,000 yuan on the spot

When the surrounding relatives heard this conversation, they all looked sideways, and the atmosphere became even more tense. Liu Huijuan's face changed slightly, but she held back her emotions and said in a low voice: "Brother, I know I was wrong, but we are brother and sister after all, and I really hope we can start again." ”

Liu Jianguo snorted disdainfully, picked up the wine glass and drank it all. He lowered his glass and raised his voice a few points: "Start over?" Back then, you ran out for so many years for the poor boy, regardless of the opposition of your family, and now you want to come back if you are not doing well? ”

Under the influence of alcohol, Liu Jianguo's words became more and more urgent, and the surrounding guests all looked over. Liu Huijuan was silent, her eyes were slightly red, and she looked very aggrieved. She took a deep breath and continued: "Brother, I don't want to come back and rely on you, I just hope that we can still be the same as before, after all, we are family. ”

Liu Jianguo was enraged, he slapped the table suddenly, and said angrily: "Family? Did you treat us as family back then? Now know that it's wrong? It's late! ”

My father and my aunt have not been in contact with each other for many years, and when my brother got married and my aunt came, my father gave my aunt 200,000 yuan on the spot

At this moment, Liu Ming stood up, he walked between his father and aunt, and persuaded: "Dad, my aunt was indeed wrong back then, but after so many years, can't we let go of the past and start again?" Today is my wedding, and I hope to see you reconcile. ”

Liu Jianguo looked at his son, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes. Liu Ming continued: "Dad, my aunt is also your sister, and she came to my wedding today, which is already the first step towards reconciliation. Why can't we give her a chance? ”

Liu Jianguo's emotions gradually calmed down, and he looked at Liu Huijuan, with a hint of complexity in his eyes. He took out an envelope from his pocket, which contained a bank card, and handed it to Liu Huijuan: "This is 200,000, you take it." You've had a bad time all these years, I know. But this money is not a handout, it is the sincerity of my hope that we can reconcile. ”

Liu Huijuan looked at the envelope, and finally couldn't help but shed tears. She choked up and said, "Brother, I don't want your money, I just hope we can still be the same as before, and you can forgive me." ”

My father and my aunt have not been in contact with each other for many years, and when my brother got married and my aunt came, my father gave my aunt 200,000 yuan on the spot

Liu Jianguo's hand trembled slightly, but he still insisted on handing the envelope to Liu Huijuan: "Take it, this is my heart." We did have a lot of misunderstandings in the past, but today, I hope we can put aside those grievances and start anew. ”

Liu Huijuan was deeply moved by Liu Jianguo's actions, and tears instantly blurred her vision. She took the envelope tremblingly, choked up and said, "Brother, thank you, I really regret the decision back then, I'm sorry." ”

Liu Jianguo sighed deeply and patted her shoulder: "Let the past pass, since you are back, we are still a family." ”

Under Liu Ming's persuasion, the whole family finally released their suspicions. Everyone toasted to celebrate Liu Ming's wedding, and the atmosphere gradually became warm. Liu Huijuan looked at the relatives in front of her and felt a lot of emotion in her heart. She knows that today's step is not only for reconciliation, but also for the knot in her heart for many years.

After the wedding, Liu Jianguo and Liu Huijuan's contact gradually increased. From time to time, the brother and sister would talk on the phone and talk about family life. Liu Huijuan felt the warmth of her long-lost family, and Liu Jianguo also found that her sister's strength and courage made him re-examine the misunderstandings in the past.

My father and my aunt have not been in contact with each other for many years, and when my brother got married and my aunt came, my father gave my aunt 200,000 yuan on the spot

One night, Liu Jianguo entertained Liu Huijuan at home, and the two sat on a stone bench in the courtyard, looking up at the starry sky. Liu Jianguo suddenly spoke: "Huijuan, do you know? Why was I so opposed to you being with that poor boy back then? ”

Liu Huijuan was stunned for a moment and shook her head: "Brother, I haven't understood all along, you know that I love him very much, why are you still so resolute against it?" ”

Liu Jianguo smiled bitterly, with a hint of complexity in his eyes: "At that time, you didn't know that my parents owed a lot of debts outside. I'm against you being with that poor boy because I know that if you were together, your life would be hard. And I'm worried that you won't be able to pay those debts. ”

Liu Huijuan looked at her brother in surprise: "I never knew these things. ”

My father and my aunt have not been in contact with each other for many years, and when my brother got married and my aunt came, my father gave my aunt 200,000 yuan on the spot

Liu Jianguo nodded: "I discussed it with my parents, and we decided to hide it." Mom and Dad hope that you can find a family with good conditions, so that our family's debt can be reduced. But I didn't expect you to be so persistent, and finally fell out. ”

A trace of guilt flashed in Liu Huijuan's eyes: "Brother, I'm sorry, I was too selfish at the time, I only thought about my love, and I didn't take into account the difficulties at home." ”

Liu Jianguo waved his hand: "At that time, we were all young and ignorant. Later, when you left and your parents died, I supported the family and paid off my debts. For so many years, I have always blamed you, but more often than not, I feel sorry for you. ”

Liu Huijuan's tears welled up again, and she held Liu Jianguo's hand tightly: "Brother, thank you." If it weren't for you, I don't know what would have become of my home. ”

My father and my aunt have not been in contact with each other for many years, and when my brother got married and my aunt came, my father gave my aunt 200,000 yuan on the spot

Liu Jianguo sighed: "Let the past pass." We all have our own lives now, and we just hope that we can have a good life in the future. ”

Liu Huijuan nodded, full of gratitude and respect for her brother. This in-depth conversation gave her a better understanding of her brother and also made her understand some misunderstandings back then. The brother and sister chatted for a long time under the starry sky, untying the estrangement and knots of their hearts for many years.

Since then, the relationship between Liu Jianguo and Liu Huijuan has become better and better, and the family atmosphere has become more and more harmonious. Every time there is a family gathering, everyone will see Liu Jianguo and Liu Huijuan sitting side by side, talking and laughing, as if returning to their childhood.