
My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

author:Deeply in love with the famous house of the net

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Lin Xiaoling is an ordinary office worker, and her mother, Liu Guifang, lives in the countryside all the year round and lives in poverty. Every year during the Spring Festival, Lin Xiaoling will take her husband Li Ming and children back to her hometown to visit her mother and give her some money to subsidize the family. Before the Spring Festival this year, Liu Guifang called Lin Xiaoling and asked her how much money she could give this year.

That night, Lin Xiaoling had just come home from work, and Li Ming was cooking dinner in the kitchen. Children playing in the living room. As soon as she changed into her slippers, her mobile phone rang, and it was her mother's number.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Lin Xiaoling picked up the phone and asked softly.

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

"Lingling, are you coming back for the Chinese New Year this year?" Liu Guifang's voice was a little hoarse, with a hint of anticipation.

"Come back, Mom, every year, this time too." Lin Xiaoling replied with a smile.

"That'...... How much can you give your mom this year? Liu Guifang asked, her voice a little hesitant.

Lin Xiaoling was stunned for a moment, she knew that her mother's life was not easy, and she would give her mother some money every year, and she had planned to give more this year, so she blurted out: "Mom, I plan to give you 20,000." ”

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

At this time, Li Ming, who was busy in the kitchen, heard this, immediately turned around, frowned, and glanced at Lin Xiaoling. Lin Xiaoling understood what her husband meant, and changed her words and said, "Mom, it may be less this year, is it okay to have 8,000 yuan?" ”

Liu Guifang on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and then said with a reluctant smile: "Enough is enough, Lingling, you also have to live, it doesn't matter Mom." ”

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiaoling walked into the kitchen, Li Ming was chopping vegetables, and his face was not very good-looking.

"Xiaoling, 20,000 yuan? Have you considered our family's expenses? Li Ming put down the kitchen knife, and his tone was a little reproachful.

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

"I know you're worried about your family's expenses, but my mother is alone in the countryside, and life is really hard." Lin Xiaoling argued.

"I know, but we can't always be subsidized like this. We also have to plan for our future. Li Ming sighed.

"Otherwise, let's talk to my mother during the New Year to see if we can think of a way to get the best of both worlds." Lin Xiaoling proposed.

Li Ming nodded: "That's the only way." ”

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

The day of the Chinese New Year is getting closer and closer, but Lin Xiaoling is becoming more and more uneasy. She knew that her husband had his reasons, but her mother's predicament also made her difficult to let go. On the day she returned to her hometown, the scenery outside the car window flew by, and Lin Xiaoling looked at the fields outside the window with mixed feelings.

Back in her hometown, Liu Guifang stood at the door with a simple smile on her face. She lost a lot of weight, and the clothes on her body looked extraordinarily thin. Lin Xiaoling's heart was sour, and she stepped forward and hugged her mother.

"Mom, we're back." Lin Xiaoling said softly.

"It's good to come back, it's good to come back." Liu Guifang patted her daughter's back, tears shining in her eyes.

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

At the dinner table, Liu Guifang made a table of dishes, although simple, but it was her best hospitality. Li Ming and the child ate very happily, but Lin Xiaoling always felt panicked.

After eating, Lin Xiaoling excused herself to stay and clean up, while Li Ming took the child out for a walk. Lin Xiaoling took the opportunity to pull her mother aside, took out an envelope and handed it to her.

"Mom, there are 20,000 yuan here, you take it first, don't tell Li Ming." Lin Xiaoling said in a low voice.

Liu Guifang was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly excused herself: "No, Lingling, it's not easy for you, this money can't be accepted by your mother." ”

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

"Mom, don't be polite to me, I know you're not having a good time, you must accept this money." Lin Xiaoling insisted.

"But ......"

"No, you have this money, otherwise I won't be able to do it." Lin Xiaoling forced it into her mother's hand, then hurriedly put away the dishes and chopsticks and left the kitchen.

The next morning, Liu Guifang got up early, she put the 20,000 yuan back in Lin Xiaoling's room, and left a note: "Lingling, mom really doesn't need so much money, you guys live a good life, mom can get by." ”

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

When Lin Xiaoling saw the note, she was both moved and helpless. She knew that her mother was for her good, but this filial piety was blocked by her mother's strength.

Lin Xiaoling is very conflicted, on the one hand, it is her mother's stubbornness, and on the other hand, her husband's insistence. Li Ming believes that they should plan financially and not always spend a lot of money to help their mother. The couple had an argument because of this, and Li Ming even offered to let his mother move in with them, so that some expenses could be saved.

"Li Ming, I know that you are thinking about our small family, but my mother is living a very hard life in the countryside alone, how can we stand idly by?" Lin Xiaoling argued in a low voice in the living room, afraid of being heard by her mother.

"I'm not saying we won't help your mother, but we'll have to do what we can. Now that the children are still young and the expenses are so big, we can't go on like this forever. Li Ming's tone was a little helpless.

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

"So you mean, we're going to leave her alone?" Lin Xiaoling's voice trembled a little, and she felt aggrieved and helpless.

"I mean, if you don't let your mom move in with us, it won't save you some money, but it will also allow your mom to enjoy the living conditions in the city." Li Ming tried to appease Lin Xiaoling.

Lin Xiaoling was silent, she knew that Li Ming's proposal was not unreasonable, but she was also worried about whether her mother would be able to adapt to life in the city. Eventually, she decided to bring her mother to live in the city for a while to see how it went.

The next day, Lin Xiaoling and Li Ming discussed and prepared to take Liu Guifang into the city. Lin Xiaoling said to her mother, "Mom, we want you to live in the city for a while to see if you can adapt to life there." ”

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

Liu Guifang was stunned for a moment, and waved her hand again and again: "Life in the city is too complicated, I'm afraid I won't be used to it." ”

"Mom, you can try it, the conditions in the city are good, and we can help you in time if you need anything." Li Ming also persuaded.

Under the persuasion of the two, Liu Guifang finally agreed. She simply packed a few clothes and followed Lin Xiaoling and Li Ming into the car. Along the way, Liu Guifang looked out the window from time to time, looking a little nervous.

When she arrived in the city, Liu Guifang was surprised by everything in front of her. High-rise buildings, bustling streets, and bustling crowds made her feel both strange and a little scared.

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

"Mom, this is our home, you can live here in peace." Lin Xiaoling walked into their apartment with her mother and said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, it's good to live here." Liu Guifang nodded, a hint of uneasiness flashing in her eyes.

Lin Xiaoling saw it in her eyes, and her heart was a little sour. She knew that her mother had reluctantly accepted it in order not to worry her.

After a few days, Liu Guifang gradually adapted to life in the city. Lin Xiaoling is also struggling to find part-time work to increase her income so that she can better take care of her mother and family. One night, Lin Xiaoling found a part-time job on the night shift online, and after discussing it with Li Ming, she decided to give it a try.

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

"Li Ming, I found a part-time job on the night shift, which can increase some income." Lin Xiaoling sat on the sofa and said to Li Ming.

"Night shift? Can you still take care of your children and mom during the day? Li Ming was a little worried.

"I can adjust the time a little bit and try not to interfere with things during the day. The most important thing now is to increase your income so that you can take better care of everyone. Lin Xiaoling said firmly.

Li Ming nodded: "Okay, don't be too tired, just tell me if you need anything." ”

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

Lin Xiaoling smiled gratefully: "Don't worry, I'll take care of myself." ”

As the days passed, Lin Xiaoling was busy between work and family. Although it was hard, she felt that everything was worth it when she saw her mother and family doing well. Her mother, Liu Guifang, is getting more and more accustomed to living in the city, and occasionally goes downstairs to chat with her neighbors, and her mood is much better than before.

However, the contradiction and pressure in Lin Xiaoling's heart have not been completely eliminated. She knows that this is only a temporary calm, and there will be more challenges and problems for her to face and solve in the future. But no matter what, she is determined to persevere, for the sake of her mother, for the sake of her family, she must work hard.

After Liu Guifang arrived in the city, although she did not adapt to the rhythm of life in the city, she saw that her daughter's family was happy, and she slowly accepted the new way of life. At first, she felt that the hustle and bustle of the city was a headache, and the crowding of the morning and evening rush hours made her unaccustomed, but Lin Xiaoling and Li Ming's care and thoughtfulness made her feel warm.

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

Every morning, Liu Guifang would wake up early, do some simple chores, and prepare breakfast. After Lin Xiaoling got up, she would always see her busy mother in the kitchen, and she was both moved and distressed.

"Mom, you don't have to get up so early to cook, let's just buy some breakfast to eat." Lin Xiaoling said distressedly.

"It's okay, my mother is idle when she is idle, and she is down-to-earth when she does some housework." Liu Guifang replied with a smile, with a satisfied look on her face.

Li Ming is also constantly trying to change himself. He began to be more involved in family life, chatting with his mother-in-law and helping with household chores. Once, Liu Guifang was sick, Li Ming took the initiative to ask for leave to take her to the hospital for examination, and took care of her carefully, Liu Guifang was so moved that she didn't know what to say.

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

"Xiao Ming, thank you, you are so good to me, I don't even know how to thank you." Liu Guifang said gratefully.

"Mom, don't say that, you are our family, and it is right to take care of you." Li Ming replied with a smile.

When Lin Xiaoling saw this scene, her heart was also full of warmth. She knew that Li Ming was genuinely caring and considerate of her mother, which made her feel very gratified.

During the time that Liu Guifang lived in the city, Lin Xiaoling was also working hard. She has to work part-time every day after finishing her own job. Although it was hard, she never complained. When she came home in the evening, she would always chat with her mother and listen to her heart.

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

"Mom, what do you think of life in the city?" Lin Xiaoling asked.

"Not bad, much better than I thought. It's just that sometimes I feel bored, you're all busy, and I'm a little lonely at home alone. Liu Guifang said frankly.

"Mom, you can go downstairs to the park for a walk, there are a lot of old people chatting and playing chess together." Lin Xiaoling suggested.

"Okay, I'll try." Liu Guifang nodded and decided to get out of the house and integrate into the life of the city.

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

As the days passed, Liu Guifang gradually adapted to life in the city. She made some new friends and her life became full. Every morning, she would go to the park with her neighbors to exercise and chat, and life went by quickly.

The Spring Festival is approaching, Lin Xiaoling and Li Ming discussed and decided to celebrate the New Year in the city this year, and invited Liu Guifang to stay in the city to celebrate together. Liu Guifang was a little hesitant at first, but seeing the sincerity of her daughter and son-in-law, she finally decided to stay.

On the day of the Spring Festival, the house is full of festive atmosphere. Li Ming personally cooked and made a table of Chinese New Year's Eve dinner. Liu Guifang also helped make dumplings and taught her grandson how to make some traditional snacks. The whole family was filled with laughter, warm and happy.

"Mom, we're here for the New Year this year, what do you think?" Lin Xiaoling asked.

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

"It's good, it's also very lively here, and my mother is very happy to have you with me." Liu Guifang replied with a smile, tears shining in her eyes.

"That's good, we'll celebrate the New Year together next year." Li Ming also joined the conversation, a smile on his face.

"Okay, okay, as long as you don't dislike me as an old man." Liu Guifang said jokingly.

"How come, Mom, you are our family, and you will never dislike you." Lin Xiaoling held her mother's hand and said seriously.

My mother asked me how much money I could give her this year, and I wanted to say 20,000, but my husband made a look, so I changed it to 8,000

This Spring Festival, the home is filled with a happy and warm atmosphere. Lin Xiaoling looked at the happy appearance of the family, and felt extremely satisfied. She knows that although there are many difficulties and challenges in life, as long as the family is together, nothing cannot be overcome.

Liu Guifang also felt her daughter's filial piety and her son-in-law's thoughtfulness, and she was very pleased. She decided to stay in the city and live with her daughter's family. She knows that there are her relatives here, there is her home, and she has found her own happiness.