
The lights of thousands of homes are not as good as fireworks in the world, the most beautiful home-cooked food collection!

author:A Cantonese girl who loves life

The fireworks in the world are the most soothing to the hearts of mortals. Let's feel the charm of home-cooked food together and cherish every time we spend with our family for dinner. Because home cooking is not just food, but also an emotional bond, a taste of happiness.

Whether happy or sad, sitting together as a family and savoring home-cooked food is the happiest moment. [Rose] [Rose]

【Chestnut chicken soup with medicinal herbs, cold cucumber, beef cauliflower, stir-fried sea green mushrooms】

The lights of thousands of homes are not as good as fireworks in the world, the most beautiful home-cooked food collection!

【Steamed sea bass, garlic vermicelli shrimp, fried mushroom fungus with egg, oily wheat cabbage】

The lights of thousands of homes are not as good as fireworks in the world, the most beautiful home-cooked food collection!

【Pork ribs pot, brine pork ears, tomato and egg】

The lights of thousands of homes are not as good as fireworks in the world, the most beautiful home-cooked food collection!

【Cordyceps flower pot chicken soup, fried edamame with dried tofu, tomato and egg】

The lights of thousands of homes are not as good as fireworks in the world, the most beautiful home-cooked food collection!

【Pumpkin pork ribs, cold shrimp, cucumber, three-color cake】

The lights of thousands of homes are not as good as fireworks in the world, the most beautiful home-cooked food collection!

【Steamed grouper, tomato egg, leek beef, steamed pumpkin】

The lights of thousands of homes are not as good as fireworks in the world, the most beautiful home-cooked food collection!

【Stir-fried cabbage with vermicelli, pork ribs with mushrooms and corn soup, stir-fried meat with green peppers】

The lights of thousands of homes are not as good as fireworks in the world, the most beautiful home-cooked food collection!

I hope this article has been able to bring you some fond memories and touches about home cooking.

If you have other ideas or suggestions about food, please leave a message in the comment area!