
Lei Jun, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged

author:Follow the trend for 2020


Lei Jun, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged

Lei Jun

Luo Yonghao is an arrogant person, there are not many people who can enter Luo Yonghao's eyes, Luo Yonghao, who has always been afraid of the sky and the air, is full of respect when talking about Lei Jun, he said that he hopes that the society can give Lei Jun a fair evaluation.

Lei Jun and Xiaomi were hacked too badly, and it wasn't fair to them.

Lei Jun, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged

Xiaomi's entrepreneurial team

Many offline stores are reluctant to sell Xiaomi's products, and the reason for their reluctance to sell is not because Xiaomi's products are not good enough, but because Xiaomi's products have low profits.

Offline stores generally have rent, water and electricity costs, and city and county stores also have staff labor costs, and offline stores are more willing to sell products with high gross margins.

Some time ago, a friend wanted to buy a Redmi K70 (16+512) version of the mobile phone, the supply price of this mobile phone offline is 2460 yuan, Jingdong's 618 10 billion subsidy activity is priced at 2499 yuan, and the models of other brands with the same configuration are generally priced at about 2999 yuan.

In the current mainstream mobile phone brands, the price of mobile phones with the same configuration Xiaomi is often the lowest, Xiaomi is user-friendly, but Xiaomi is not friendly to sellers.

Lei Jun, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged

Offline Xiaomi Home

Good products can be afforded, Xiaomi single-handedly knocked down the price of mobile phones, and the emergence of Xiaomi activated the market like a catfish.

Without Xiaomi, the price of mobile phones would not be as cheap as they are now, and Xiaomi has pulled down the selling price of the entire mobile phone market.

Xiaomi mobile phones have high configurations and low prices, and other mobile phone brands are forced to follow up with price reductions to compete with Xiaomi for the purpose of market competition and market seizure.

Lei Jun, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged


Everyone knows that Apple's products are easy to use, but the high price of Apple's products makes most people unaffordable, so the goodness of Apple's products has no practical meaning for ordinary people.

When Lei Jun founded Xiaomi, he had already achieved financial freedom, and the reason why he wanted to start Xiaomi again at the age of 40 was because he wanted to make a great company.

Before founding Xiaomi, Lei Jun had achieved financial freedom, but he felt that he was not great enough.

A company like Xiaomi, that is, a person like Lei Jun who is not short of money, can do a good job.

Lei Jun, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged


Those copycat brands in the Chinese market were also killed by Xiaomi, and when the Redmi mobile phone came out, many people predicted that the minimum price of the Redmi mobile phone would also be sold for 999 yuan.

But when Redmi went on the market, Lei Jun directly hit the price to 799 yuan, and the price of Redmi 799 yuan cut off the way of those copycat mobile phones.

Lei Jun and Xiaomi are models of technological equality, no matter how good the product is, if you can't afford it, it doesn't mean anything to ordinary people.

Lei Jun, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged

Lei Jun promised that the net profit margin of Xiaomi hardware would not exceed 5%

The biggest significance of Xiaomi's existence to thousands of ordinary people is to reduce the price of products to the greatest extent, so that thousands of ordinary people can afford it.

Lei Jun once made a special promise when he held a product launch conference that the net profit margin of Xiaomi hardware products would never exceed 5%.

Lei Jun, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged

Xiaomi's new domestic product

Xiaomi is a user-friendly company that allows everyone to enjoy the fun of technology, and Lei Jun said and did so.

Lei Jun, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged

Lei Jun and Dong Mingzhu

On June 28, Dong Mingzhu publicly "bombarded" Xiaomi and Lei Jun at the Gree shareholders' meeting, questioning that the first sales of Xiaomi air conditioners was fake, saying that Xiaomi has no core technology, lacks core competitiveness, and is an OEM product.

For the public, everyone doesn't care about the question of whether Xiaomi is OEM, but a fact that cannot be ignored is that the air conditioner with the same configuration, Xiaomi is priced at 1799 yuan, and Gree is priced at more than 3000 yuan.

In the face of Dong Mingzhu's doubts about Lei Jun and Xiaomi, netizens replied to Dong Mingzhu that the core competitiveness of Xiaomi air conditioners is that the bottom people can afford it.

Lei Jun, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged

Xiaomi Lei Jun

Lei Jun said: excellent companies earn profits, great companies win people's hearts, and companies like Xiaomi are the luck of thousands of ordinary people.

Lei Jun, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged!